(DTERP-1908) Set Up and Install

(DTERP-1908) Set Up and Install

Configuration of the Outboard DataTiering ERP is logically divided into configuration steps required on Outboard service side and Archiving Client side.

  1. Outboard Service
    1. Set up and activate Outboard HTTP service in ICF
    2. Set up Storage connection in Storage Management
    3. Define Source ID as archiving client identifier
    4. Assign Storage to Source ID
  2. Archiving Client
    1. Define Content Repository
    2. Send system security certificate to the Outboard Service
    3. Verify and allow the security certificate by the Outboard Service

Outboard Service

ICF HTTP Service

Transaction code: SICF

→ MANUAL STEP – Requires separate setup on each system (no transports)

The Outboard is deployed as an ICF (Internet Communication Framework) HTTP service running locally on the system. The service definition is delivered out of the box. Parameters which require attention are listed and described in the table below. Once it is configured, activate the service.

Server Path


Host URL of the ICF service. This path is part of the host script identification in Content Repository definition.
Logon Group<optional>

The logon group delimits applications servers that are used to execute incoming HTTP requests from archiving client.

Service User<mandatory>Service user which executes incoming HTTP requests from archiving client.
Handler/DVD/CRP_HAL_CL_REQ_HANDLERRequest handler class of the OutboardTM DataTiering solution.
SSLNot required – running within internal networkRequirement to use secured communication


Standard SAP UserOnly SAP users may request service

Storage ID Definition

Follow setup of a Storage ID in Storage Management

If you want use data validation functionality, please turn on hash calculation for created storage ID.

Source Definition

Transaction code: /DVD/CRP_SRC

→ Changes written to workbench transport request

Archiving client represented by a system and a content repository is recognized by the Outboard as a Source. Source definition in Outboard customizing referring to the content repository D1 is shown in the table below:

PropertyDescriptionValue Example
Source ID

Unique source identifier.

Recommended naming convention:

<system line or ID>_<content repository defined in source>


… System line E1 with systems E1D, E1Q, E1P
Source Description

Short description of the source.

System Line E1, Content Rep. D1
Source SID


SID of the source system. <initial> = empty
Source Client


Client of the source system. <initial> = 0 (zero)

Content Repository ID

Content repository defined in the source that is being identified by the source ID. (1:1 mapping)D1

Folder Full Path

[internal use only]

Virtual folder path used for categorization of documents.

Follows name of the Source ID.

No Signature


The property indicates whether the operations must be secured with signature or not.

<not checked> = signature must be present
<not checked>

Example Values of the properties Source SID and Source Client in the table above are <initial>. Reason for this is to have an unified customizing utilizable by all system levels which simplifies transportability as well as future maintenance.

Initial values of the properties do not influence functionality of the solution - these properties have informative character.

When the “No Signature“ option is On and then switched Off all documents that has been stored in meantime can not be accessed without the signature.

Storage Mapping

Transaction code: /DVD/CRP_SRC_SM

→ Changes written to workbench transport request

Each individual Source must be mapped to a target Storage ID which identifies the storage connector and its corresponding customizing. This enables distribution of different data categories into dedicated storage locations – different storages or just different containers (folders). Mapping of the Source D1 to a Storage ID is shown in the table below:

PropertyDescriptionValue Example
Source IDUnique source identifier. Defined in the Outboard DataTiering’s Source customizing.E1_D1

Storage ID

Unique storage identifier. It is defined in the Storage Management customizing.ARCH_STOR

Storage Type

Type of storage connector.<storage type>

Binary Container ID

Prefix for a container name. The container is an equivalent to a folder in a file-system-like storage.E1-d1-

The Binary Container ID (container name prefix) must conform to naming rules of the Binary Storage platform.

Archiving Client

Content repository Definition

Transaction code: OAC0

→ Can be assigned to a transport request

The archiving client connects with the archiving service using Content Repository definition. Once setup perform connection test.

  • Content Repository connecting to the Outboard service: D1
PropertyDescriptionValue Example

Content Rep.

Content Repository name.



Datavard Outboard – <storage type> Content Repository

Document Area

Communication interface.

<depends on data to be stored>

Storage Type

Repository type.

HTTP content server


Protocol is required in case there is a need for a specific application to be used to display ArchiveLink document attachments.


Version no.

ArchiveLink protocol version.


HTTP Server

Host name of target storage service. The Outboard service runs locally on the same SAP system, therefore it must be system host name.

<system host name>

Port Number

HTTP port number of the system.


HTTP Script

Content Server path on the Web server with Outboard’s Source ID.



Requirement to use secured communication

Not required – running within internal network

Basic Path

File path for asynchronous storing of archived data.

<ideally same as the phys. path in the logical file path used as staging folder for archiving>

Archive Path

File path for archive file retrieval.

<ideally same as the phys. path in the logical file path used as staging folder for archiving>

No signature

Forging communication without signature verification. Accepted if the Outboard Service is in the “No signature” mode too.


Security Certificate for Outboard Service

Transaction code: OAC0

System’s public security certificate MUST be sent to the Outboard Service to ensure it can validate security signatures of incoming data.

Verification and Approval of Client Security Certificate

Transaction code: /DVD/CRP_HAL_CERT

Each archiving client trying to communicate and manage data in Outboard Service must be verified and approved by an administrator. Without an approved certificate signature verification fails and consequently the requested operation is aborted.


Verification whether the communication from an Archiving client to an External Storage has been correctly set up is performed

  1. Running the connection test for the Content Repository definition
  2. Running Storage Check in Storage Management configuration cockpit

Additional check can be performed using the SAP program RSCMST, see more details provided in the SAP Note 1482012 - Check the connection to content server.

Retention management

Retention management enables content repository to delete stored document when its retention period is over. Functionality itself is provided by integration with product Datavard DataFridge. There are few steps that you need to accomplish before you can start using retention management. 

Please note retention management can be currently used only for archiving files created and stored using transaction SARA.


Datavard DataFridge transports imported on system. 

Initial configuration

  1. Request and install license for Datavard Glue and Datavard DataFridge
  2. Create storage using /DVD/SM_SETUP
    1. for primary database
  3. Setup archiving object customizing in /DVD/CRP_RM_SETUP for all relevant archiving objects
  4. Switch on retention management in /DVD/RL_SETT_EXPERT
    1. use tool CRP_RM and switch parameter REG_RET_ENABLED to 'X'
  5. Do quick setup of DataFridge using /DVD/RMX_SARA_SETUP
  6. Set retention for legal entities in /DVD/RMX_SARA_RET