(GLUE-1812) Trigger Management

Trigger Management serves for managing of triggers created as part of Glue Extractor with delta type Trigger. This functionality can be accessed from the menu at Tools tab in the Glue Cockpit screen or by using transaction /DVD/GL_DBT.

After accessing Trigger Management functionality screen with the list of all extractors will be displayed.

List of triggers is composed of several columns:

  • Status - icon with the actual status of the trigger
    • Active (green square) - the trigger is active and it is collecting data
    • Inactive (stop sign) - the trigger is dropped
    • Disabled (yellow triangle) - the trigger is created but it is not collecting data
    • Inconsistent (yellow diamond with exclamation mark) - the trigger is inconsistent state and needs to be checked
  • Trigger - a name of Database Trigger
  • Type - a type of Database system (ORA, MSS, DB4, ADA, SYB,...)
  • Table Name - a name of the table on which trigger is created
  • Description - description of the table
  • DB Conn. - type of database connection
  • Sch. Name - a name of the database schema
  • Created by - name of the user which created the trigger
  • Created on - date of creation
  • Created at - a time of creation
  • Changed by - name of a user which last change the trigger
  • Changed on - date of last change
  • Changed at - a time of last change

On the screen, there are also two buttons. Button Activate will activate selected trigger/s and Deactivate will inactive selected triggers/s. 

After double click on any trigger screen with a detailed view of the trigger will be shown.

For active/disabled/inconsistent trigger the Deactivate button is provided with enabled Count Rows button which after using it show number of entries in shadow table. Triggers with inactive status have provided Activate button and Count Rows button is disabled. Next to the name of shadow table is a button with the arrow which redirects a user to table maintenance of the table.

On the bottom of the screen, specific Database triggers are shown for each DML operation (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE), with its current status.