(BWFT-1811) Set Up and Install

(BWFT-1811) Set Up and Install

This guide walks you through the complete process of setting up, running and displaying the results of Datavard's BW FitnessTest. 

As from the version 1808, Datavard's BW FitnessTest has been transformed to an add-on to Datavard Insights.



Steps to install the transport requests:

  1. Copy the installation files into a transport directory. Normally, the 'cofiles' should be copied into /usr/sap/trans/cofiles and the 'data' should be copied into /usr/sap/trans/data.
  2. Add the transports to the Import Queue using the menu in STMS (Extras > Other Request > Add).
  3. Import the transports in the order, which is described in the transports.txt file. You received this file in the zipped folder from your Datavard consultant.
  4. User executing BW Fitness test should have this role assigned - /DVD/BWFT. It is part of the given transport.

Supported BW versions: 7.00 – 7.51 with up-to-date SPs
Supported database systems:

  • MaxDB
  • DB2
  • DB4
  • DB6
  • HANA
  • Oracle
  • Sybase ASE
  • Informix

Prerequisites to run BWFT successfully

DB statistics should be up to date

  • Details: In order to get accurate results for most of the BWFT collectors, database table statistics of all tables that are analysed must be up to date. DataVard BWFT analyses sizes and row counts of the database tables used for SAP system from its database statistics. Current and most accurate row count and size of a table cannot be retrieved during the BWFT execution due to performance reasons.
  • Impact: If DB table statistics are not up to date, results don't have to be accurate. Outdated statistics on RS* tables can also cause performance issues during the BWFT execution.
  • Action: Please check with your basis team if DB statistics can be updated short before the BWFT execution. Database statistics can be checked in DB20 transaction.

Query statistics should be turned ON prior to the BWFT execution

  • Details: DataVard BWFT analyses a query and load performance in a BW system. In order to see runtime of queries executed in the past it is necessary that Query statistics (RSDDSTAT) are turned ON before the BWFT is executed. Our recommended period for the analysis of queries is 6 months, however capturing a month is sufficient. It is required that for analysed objects Query statistics must be turned ON with the setting - OLAP Statistics Detail Level = 2 - All (a system records all data from an area for the front end and calculation layer as well as data from an area for an aggregation layer and aggregation information).
  • Impact: If Query statistics are turned OFF or turned ON only for selected queries this can cause some KPIs cannot be calculated properly. This applies also if query statistics are not turned on with Detail level "2 - All". This impacts only a single KPI of the BWFT - Query Performance. Query Performance KPI is not a showstopper for executing the rest of the BWFT.
  • Action: Please check with your basis administrator or check the setting in a transaction RSDDSTAT.

InfoProvider statistics should be turned ON prior to the BWFT execution

  • Details: DataVard BWFT analyses load performance in a BW system. In order to see details of executed InfoPackages in the past it is necessary that InfoProvider statistics (RSDDSTAT) are turned ON for all InfoProviders before the BWFT is executed (OLAP Detail level is not important here). Our recommended period for the analysis of InfoPackages is 6 months, however capturing a month is sufficient.
  • Impact: If InfoProvider statistics are turned OFF or turned ON only for selected InfoProviders this can cause some KPIs cannot be calculated properly. This impacts only a single KPI of the BWFT - InfoPackage Performance analysis. This KPI is not a showstopper for executing the rest of the BWFT.
  • Action: Please check with your basis administrator or check the setting in a transaction RSDDSTAT.


The execution of Datavard's BW FitnesTest consists of the following steps:

Initial settings

Add a system to a Monitoring area

In the first step add the current system to the BW FitnessTests monitoring area. Without completing this step, it's not possible to start the Collector job in Datavard Insights.

  1. In the Datavard Insights program (transaction code DVD/MON) navigate to the menu bar Settings > System settings.
  2. In System settings, highlight the system where BW FitnessTest will be running and click on the Monitoring areas in the left panel.
  3. Click on New entries on the application toolbar and enter the area name "FT".
  4. Press the enter key or the Save icon. In the list of Monitoring areas you should now see the "FT" monitoring profile.

The system  which is going to be analyzed by Datavard's BW FitnessTest is now added to the required monitoring area.

Set up the collection of data in input tables (optional)

This step is optional, as by default BW FitnessTest uses standard values for collecting data (two background jobs and reset period of six months).

However, you have the possibility to customize the collection of data by setting up the input tables, which are in the default case empty. To customize the collection of data through a Collector job in input tables follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the top panels Settings > Collector settings.
  2. In Collector settings, choose (highlight) from the list the FitnessTest collector - /DVD/MON_FT_CL_COLL_MAIN, then go to Inputs & rules on the left side of the screen.
  3. Displayed are all input tables for the FitnessTest collector. To modify the collector settings click by the following tables.


  • System ID - enter the current system ID (F4)
  • FT Run ID - enter "BWFC_INS"
  • JOB_NUMBER - number of background jobs used for collecting data, maximum value is 1/4 of total background jobs
  • Recommended period value - number of time units specified in the Type field. After the collecting process finishes, Fitnesstest waits after the Recommended period value passes and starts all over again. This period is calculated starting from the Collector job execution.
  • Type - time unit (F4)
  • (warning) Do not change the field Server.


In this table you can specify the time difference between the execution of  two scheduler FitnessTest collectors "InfoProviders in three runs (IPR3R)" and "Number range buffer (NR buffer)".

  • KPI name - name of the Fitnesstest collector.
  • Field Name - Each KPI name has two records with the time period parameters - PRDTYPE or PRDVALUE
    • PRDTYPE: period type (in the version 1811 only days (DA) - are supported)
    • PRDVALUE: period value, enter a number of time units

Creating a Collector job

  1. In the Insights transaction /DVD/MON click Create collector job.
  2. Fill the displayed dialog according to the following figure:
    • Definition
      • System ID - ID of the current system (SID). This field is filled automatically. If you want to enter a SID of a remote satellite system, you should make sure that BW FitnessTest was transported to this system.

      • Monitoring profile - enter "BWFT"
    • Execution
      • Change only if the collecting process shouldn't start immediately
    • Period - how often the Collector job runs. Recommended value is set after clicking Predefined values
      • Type - time units
      • Value - number of time units
    • Retention time - time period after which collected data is deleted. Recommended value is set after clicking Predefined values .
  3. Select (Re)Start collector job.

Executing the Collector job

If you didn't customize the collection of data in input tables, then by the execution of the Collector job the below displayed pop-up informs you that the FitnessTest uses the default values.

After clicking Yes the Collector job continues to the prerequisites check.

The prerequisites check indicates how accurate the results of FitnessTest are going to be. The prerequisites check is displayed only, if the query and InfoProvider statistics settings contain some warnings.

  • In the case the prerequisites check is successful

The FitnessTest Collector job is added into the Collector job list and automatically executed.

You can pause, modify or delete the Collector job by clicking the right mouse button on the Collector job and choosing one option. 

Deletion of the Collector job

If you delete or modify the Collector job, its execution will start again and your collected data will be lost.

  • If the prerequisites check ends with a warning

The following dialog appears. You may choose to continue with the execution by clicking Yes (the results might not be accurate) or display Query or InfoProvider statistics settings that may have caused the warnings.

Details about query and InfoProvider statistics can be seen after clicking on any from these two buttons.

Query statistics settings

You can view which queries have the statistics setting turned off (0,1,9) and should be turned on. For more information check the Info button.

InfoProvider statistics settings

You can view which InfoProviders have the statistics setting turned off (0,1,9) and should be turned on. For more information check the Info button.

At this point, if you want to adjust the queries and InfoProviders statistics settings, you must cancel the execution in the prerequisites warning pop-up.

Checking the status of collecting data

While the Collector job is running, the status and progress of collecting data can be observed and checked through the Datavard Insights or the BWFT Monitor (/DVD/BWFT).

a) Checking the status in Datavard Insights

To check the status of FintessTest KPIs, choose in the KPI groups tree a  BW FitnessTest KPI group and choose the particular KPI.

All BW FitnessTest KPIs are divided into the following KPI groups:

  • BW FitnessTest collectors
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of collectors, which were executed through the Task handler for non-HANA DB systems
  • BW FitnessTest collectors for HANA
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of collectors, which were executed through the Task handler for HANA DB systems
  • BW FitnessTest analyses
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of non-HANA post-processing programs
  • BW FitnessTest analyses for HANA
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of HANA post-processing programs

Hovering the mouse over the chart line displays a status in the form of a single number, which has the range from 0 to 4:

  • 0 - not running
  • 1 - running
  • 2 - completed
  • 3 - completed but with a non-critical error or a warning
  • 4 - didn't complete due to a critical error (a short dump, etc.) 

b) Checking the status of BW FitnessTest collectors in BWFT Monitor

To check the status of BW FitnessTest collectors

  1. Open the transaction /DVD/BWFT.

  2. In the Run ID enter "BWFC_INS" (this is common for HANA and non-HANA FitnessTest) and click Display.
  3. The transaction BWFC_INS serves only for observation purposes.

    Don't access the individual jobs through a double click on the folder name. Random manual execution of tasks can damage the whole FitnessTest run.

    To display a status of a BW FitnessTest collector select next to the particular collector group (Main collectors, Dependent collectors or Additional collectors).
    The status may be as follows:
    :  status is successful
       : status ended up with a warning
       : FitnessTest collector is scheduled for a future time
        : FitnessTest collector execution is in progress
    : FitnessTest collector execution was completed with an error (negative result). You don't need to perform further steps, as error status doesn't influence the results of FintessTest.
         : FitnessTest collector execution wasn't completed due to an error. Please contact our consultants for further support.

The time difference between the execution of scheduler collectors is set by default. It can be changed in an input table (See above the section on how to set the Time difference between scheduler collectors)

After all of the FitnessTest collector executions are successfully completed (all status except , , ), you can progress with the transport of the results.

  • The run "BWFC_INS" exists only when the Collector job is running.
  •  If you are running BW FitnessTest on an other than the central system (satellite system) the last task  sends final data to the central system.

Transporting results

If you want to transfer collected data to another system (for example from the central system to Datavard production system) you may follow the below described instructions.

The data transfer is possible only when the Collector job run isn't initiated remotely.

In the case you are executing the Collector job remotely (The Collector job was created on another system), data from the Collector job will be stored in the system on which the Collector job was initially executed.

An example

You are on the NSQ system and you also create the FitnessTest Collector job for the NSQ system, then after the BW FitnessTest is completed, the results are saved on this NSQ system. You may generate data on this system.

If you are on NSQ and create a Collector job for the HD1 system (remote execution), after the BW FitnessTest is completed, the results are sent to the NSQ system (the data is not available on the HD1 system). The generation is possible only on the NSQ system.

To export collected data:

  1. Use the transaction /DVD/MON_FT_EXP.
  2. Fill the System ID with the system from which you want to export data (key F4).

    As you can see in the below figure, several dummy systems are displayed. These systems are virtual systems, which were created during previous import processes. For example exported results from HD1 were imported to NSQ and saved under a dummy system H01, SIQ system saved under S01, etc. 

  3. Choose a time frame, in which we export FitnessTest data.
  4. Data is exported from all the marked collectors. You may mark or clear checkboxes to export data from specific collectors (main FitnessTest collector, additional Insights collectors, etc.).
    If you want to see chosen Insight KPIs in BW FitnessTest results, you have to mark also Insights collectors, not only the main BW FitnessTest collector (marked red in the figure).
  5. Click Export. After the export is complete a zipped file is created.
    Please contact the responsible Datavard consultant and send them the results for further analysis.

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