Data Management
Data managment contains ERP analyses which are described below. Analyses System size and Housekeeping potential are described in the Basis add-on chapter.
Data managment analyses tiles
Data distribution - By data type
The analysis provides overview of size for different data types such as Customizing, Master data, etc. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
Data distribution - By data type analysis chart
Data distribution - By application component
The analysis provides overview of size of different components. Within each component, there are sections based on type of data (i.e. Master data, Temporary data, etc) which can be also filtered by The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
.Data distribution - By application component analysis chart
Data distribution - Top tables
The analysis provides overview of size of database tables. With the filter The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
, the user can select tables based on type, component or name.Data distribution - Top tables analysis chart
Data growth - By application component
The analysis provides infromation about growth of application components thru time. The filter The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
provide option to choose only selected application components.Data growth - By application component analysis chart
Data distribution by year - Overview
The analysis provides overview of distribution of different application components by year. The filter The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
provide option to show different components.Data distribution by year - Overview analysis chart
By clicking on any column, user can navigate to detail analysis from Detail Info & navigations window (see chapter Data distribution by year - Detailed).
Detail Info & navigations of component data.
Data distribution by year - Detailed
The analysis provides detailed data distribution by year and for each component by some indicator (mostly company code). The filter
provide option to show different components.Data distribution by year - Detailed analysis chart
Archiving potential
The analysis provides overview of archived and online ERP objects. The slider in top right corner indicates the treshold of online data. Moving the slider left to right changes the treshold and whole analysis data are recalculated, based on given threshold.
In listbox "View", the user can switch between "Overview", "Detail" and "Already archived." The user can also select specific module. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
Archiving potential analysis chart
User Behaviour
User behaviour contains ERP analyses which are described below.
User behaviour analyses tiles
User Engagement - By App. Component
The analysis provides overview of user count with activities per application components per some analyzed time period. With filter , the user can select data based on country of user.
User engagement - By application component analysis chart
By clicking on any column, user is navigated to analysis "User engagement - By application component - List of users". The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
User engagement - By application component - List of users atable
Note: Some of the analyses that focuses on user activity has option to drill-down to list of users. The analysis User Engagement - By App. Component is one of them. To see full user names, authorization '/DVD/CHUSR' with field 'ACTVT' set to '03' is needed to be set.
User Engagement - By Frequency
The analysis shows table map with users divided into 16 groups per some analyzed time period. On Y-axis is user type: Consumers versus Creators and System versus Dialog user. On X-axis is user engagement frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Never. With filter the user can select data based on country of user or Application module. User can see the list of users by clicking on any table map tile. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
User engagement - By frequency analysis chart
User list table:
User engagement - By application component - List of users table
User Eng. Growth - For Consumers
The analysis shows growth of consumers engagement per some analyzed time period. It shows total steps made by all consumers for one week per application module. With filter user can select country and application modules which will be show individually in graph. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
User eng. growth - For consumers analysis chart
User Eng. Growth - For Creators
The analysis shows growth of consumers engagement per some analyzed time period. It shows total items created by all consumers for one week per application module. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
User eng. growth - For creators analysis chart
Transaction usage - By country
The analysis shows transaction usage per country per some analyzed time period. The user can filter application components. The user can navigate to the analysis "Transaction usage - By application component" with prefilled filter by clicking on country region or to the analysis "Transaction usage - By transaction". The user can switch to the chart view or table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
Transaction usage - By country analysis chart
Detail Info & navigations
Transaction usage - By application component
The analysis shows transaction usage per application component per some analyzed time period. The user can filter application components. The user can switch to the chart view or table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing. The user can navigate to analysis "Transaction usage - By transactions" with prefilled filter by clicking on graph bar.
Transaction usage - By application component analysis chart
Detail Info & navigations
Transaction usage - By transactions
The analysis shows transaction usage per some analyzed time period. The user can filter application components and countries. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing. User can navigate to the analysis "Transaction usage - By transaction - List of users" by clicking on the column in the chart.
Transaction usage - By transaction analysis chart
Detail Info & navigations
List of users:
Transaction usage - By transaction - List of users table
System Health
System health contains analyses which are described below.
System health analyses tiles
Transaction Performance - By Country
The analysis provide overview of transaction perfromance for certain countries per some analyzed time period. The user can filter application components. The user can switch to the chart view or table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing. The user can click on the country to get more detail Info.
System performance - By country analysis chart
Detail Info of selected country
Errors for IDocs
The analysis shows sum of Errors for IDocs per some analyzed time period. The user can switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
Error for IDocs - analysis chart