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DAP Creation

For group of Objects a user creates the Data Archiving Process in the first step.
OutBoard Mass archiving allows a user to:

  • Create DAP (F8) for Objects without DAP
  • Reactivate DAP (CTRL+F11) for selected Objects

DAP Creation

Group archiving - settings


to save. The Mass Archiving Group must be saved  before being able to create/ reactivate DAP


to edit the settings of DAP use button Settings (F9) in the Application toolbar or go to Menu bar→ Group

For ChangeLogs and PSAs the DAP Settings are always the same – the data will be archived based on requests.
Information about individual tabs:
Data Archiving Process – the possibility to edit DAP parameters is only offered for a group of standard InfoProviders.
For ChangeLogs and PSAs the DAP Settings are always the same – the data will be archived based on requests. For a group of InfoProviders you can set here:

  • Characteristic for the Time Slices (only common Time Slices characteristics of all InfoProviders are optional)
  • Maximum Size in MB and Maximum Number of Data Objects
  • Package for DAP has to be specified here ($TMP or by user created package). When DAP is created it is automatically assigned to this package. In case of DAP reactivation the package in the Settings will be not assigned (if changed) - user has to change the Package in case of reactivation manually. Default value for Package is $TMP. Object from $TMP cannot be transported!
  • In SAP BW Release higher than 7.30 you are allowed also to archive non-compressed data via mass archiving
  • If using OutBoard storage management, the Aging profile for data should be defined here. Make sure to reactivate existing DAPs each time, when the storage profile is changed in Massarchiving Settings

In case you are archiving PSAs or Changelogs, the archiving is based on the request datum (when the data were loaded into Object) by default. Additional partitioning is now possible with the exception of Primary characteristic for time slices. In Mass archiving addition portioning is also possible.

Additional Partitioning

When specific additional partitioning characteristics are chosen, both the Initial and Scheduled run, will provide further options for the setup archiving request – option "Set characteristic values" becomes visible in both tabs.

Additional partitioning characteristics

This condition is than automatically used when new archiving variants are created.
Semantic group – semantic group for the Mass archiving can be specified – only common InfoObjects of InfoProviders appear in the selection. This tab is only provided for standard ODSes and InfoCubes. Automatic creation of semantic group – since OutBoard summer release 2014 it is possible to create a Semantic group automatically for DSO's. With the new option in Mass archiving settings "Automatic creation of Semantic Group" all key fields of the DSO will be used in Semantic group of the DAP. When this checkbox is enabled (can be found in "Data Archiving Process" Tab), "Semantic Group" tab is no longer required.
Initial run – overview of parameters needed for Initial Run Archiving Requests. Detailed description of Initial run settings can be found below.
Scheduled run – overview of parameters needed for Scheduled Run Archiving Requests. Detailed description of Scheduled run settings can be found below.
DAP can be created immediate or based on your selection in the standard Start Time screen.

If an object has a DAP in place prior to the Mass Archiving Group DAP Settings. This will be indicated by in the DAP column.

It is recommended that if an object is going to be grouped in a mass archive, then to avoid the potential conflicts with, i.e. time slices etc, then the DAP is best to be created in the mass archive level rather than on the individual object level. 

DAP column with indicator (ZVH_KO has created DAP)

When creating the DAP (button Create DAP (F8) in Group Menu), the user can start the process based on his choice in standard SAP scheduling screen.

Setting the start time for creating DAP

Based on the given Package (not $TMP) in the Settings the user will be asked, in which transport request the DAP should be added. If there already exist DAPs assigned to more requests, the one transport request corresponding to the DAP with the highest priority will be offered. The DAPs, which are created here, will be then automatically added in this provided transport request.

Group archiving - Transport request

The DAP creation process can be monitored by refreshing the screen (Refresh button in the Application toolbar or F5). After DAP of particular InfoProvider has been created, it can also be viewed by clicking on the DAP icon in the table of InfoProviders (jump into TA RSDAP). Although it is possible to edit DAP here, it is only recommended to change DAP on group level – functionality reactivate DAP.

Reactivate DAP

To reactivate DAPs for InfoProviders of the group, select them and go to the Menu Bar → Actions → DAP → Reactivate DAP (Ctrl+F11). To watch the process of reactivation; go to the Application Toolbar → Display Logs (Shift + F6). By the DAP reactivation the user is again asked, in which transport this request should go – in the screen is the one proposed, which was given by the DAP creation.

View Logs


To see logs for the group click on  Display Logs (Shift + F6) in Application toolbar and execute

Mass archiving - logs


OutBoard Mass archiving allows a user to prioritize creation of DAP, Initial Run and Scheduled Run and archiving for selected Objects of group. To update the priority user has to select Object(s) and use the function Set priority (Ctrl + F12).

Setting priority for InfoProvider

Priorities are integer numbers and the lower is the priority number the higher priority is set for Object(s). (E.g. Object with Priority set to 1 will be proceeded before Object with Priority set to 2…). This functionality is also accessible from Menu Bar → Actions → Set Priority. When a priority is set, this will be visible in priority column

Mass archiving - Priority column

As mentioned before, the group settings are dependent on the type of group. Based on the type of group you are able to change the Group Settings and define the way, how the objects will be archived.

Settings for Archiving

The user has two options:

  • Create and execute Initial Run - Used to execute an initial archiving of data. In the settings of the Initial Run a user specifies the start of archiving, end of archiving and by defining the archiving step in how many request should be the mentioned time period divided.
  • Create and execute Scheduled Run – Used to execute a scheduled archiving of data. This archiving can be scheduled in a process chain and could be used for example to archive once a year data older than a year.

Initial Run and Initial Run Settings
In order to create user specific archiving requests there is the need to edit Settings → Initial Run tab.

Settings - Initial Run tab

With user specific Settings one or more archiving variants are created for each InfoProvider/Object. Later, when the Initial Run is started, these variants are used to create archiving requests and the archiving can be executed. As mentioned before, the group settings in mass archiving are dependent on the type of objects (i.e. PSA or Cube).
Based on the type of group you are offered different options archiving data and also transporting of group objects. In the technical settings for Initial Run following parameters can be specified:
Run settings:

  • Duration of Initial Run: After this time the creation and execution of archiving request will be stopped and the Initial Run has to be restarted in order to continue with the archiving. Default value 0 means no time limitation for archiving. Values given in minutes i.e. 2 hours duration would be given as 120.
  • Max degree of archiving object parallelism: Number of background jobs for Initial Run. When changed during runtime, the new number will be updated.
  • Max degree of archiving variant parallelism: Number of archiving variants running in parallel for an object for when end-deletion is used.

Run Settings in Initial Run tab

Archiving conditions:
In this tab you define the how the data will be archived. This can be done either relative or absolute. In the following we will describe each of these two options:

Select Conditions in Initial Run Tab

Relative mass archiving

Relative Select conditions in Initial Run Tab

Here you can define (relatively to the archiving start), which data will be archived. In the example above, in the first archiving request, the data older than  12.2010 will be archived, in the second archiving request all older than 12.2011, and so on until in the last archiving request the data older than 12.2012 will be archived.
Parameters used to specify the data to be archived:
Time Shift when Initial Run Starts: Start of archiving - in the first request the data older that this value will be archived (information in the red rectangle).

  • Step Of Initial Run: The time period to be archived will be divided into smaller time periods using this step.
  • Time Shift when Initial Run Ends: End of archiving - in the last archiving request will be archived data older than this value (information in green rectangle).
  • Unit for Rounding the Time Shift: Only complete Time periods will be archived.

If the information about the time shift change to make these changes take affect; press Enter or "Confirm date settings" button.

Absolute mass archiving

Here, the user can define absolute values for archiving – format of these values should be same as of the ones that are chosen for time-slice characteristic. Choose Display/Create Variants and define values for the absolute archiving:

Absolute select conditions in Initial Run Tab

Multiple row addition

To add multiple rows at one time, press the button marked on following picture and type in the number of empty rows to be added into variant definition.

 Mass archiving - variant definition - add multiple rows

Variants Definition also offer opportunity to Export the Absolute Archiving condition to the file and Import the Absolute Archiving condition form the file. Expected is an excel file in the .csv format.

The table operate with hidden rows and columns. Therefore it is necessary to use table in format as on figure bellow. In GRPID column is name of your Mass archiving group.

Format of Excel (*.csv) table

Use BADI to define variants - When the field is checked, BAdI defined by the user can be implemented to create variants for archiving.

Absolute Select Conditions (BAdl) in Initial Run Tab

The user can define variants for archiving based on absolute values, instead of relative archiving. Developers have only to create BAdI implementation for BAdI /DVD/NLS_INTIAL_RUN_VARIANTS. The ouput format of the BAdI implementing class method /DVD/NLS_CREATE_INIT_VAR should be  table type /DVD/NLS_TT_VAR_LIMITATION. The values of the output should have the same format as values for absolute archiving. What means in BAdI it shoud have the same format as Primary Partitioning Characteristic for DAP  - i_partnm. When this BAdI returns no values the initial run will be created the standard way.
The input parameters used for BAdI are the following:


Name of the InfoProvider


Time Shift when Initial Run starts

_i_step, i_shift_

Step of Initial Run

_i_end _

Time Shift when Initial Run ends


Unit of Rounding the Time Shift

_i_shunit _

Unit of Time Shift


BW Archiving: Characteristic for Time Slices


Fiscal Year Variant


BW Archiving: Leading Characteristic for Partitioning

Create custom variants - In case the restriction of data for archiving is complicated and requires using not only time-characteristic to determine data to be archived but also one or multiple additional characteristics, then you can use the functionality for uploading from file. To use this, OutBoard custom variants should be created/added into massarchiving:

Custom variants

After choosing Display/Create Variants the user will jump into screen, where the custom variants can be created.

Custom variants in massarchiving

An archiving variant is created based on the rows specified in the Variants-Definition -> the first four columns with the same value are used to define one archiving variant. In the example above this means the first archiving variant is created to archive data that satisfies condition:
          0CALDAY between 05.01.2010 and 31.01.2010 AND
          ZCARRID equals 'LH' AND
          ZCONNID does not equal '0001542538'.
The variants can be also uploaded from .csv file separated by semicolons :

Import File

In the uploaded file only the following values need to be filled with relevant data:
InfoProvider;Variant number;Characteristic;Sign;Option;Lower limit;Upper limit

Supported Signs:
I: Include
E: exclude

Supported Options:
EQ (equal)
BT (between)
LE(less equal)
GE (greater equal)
LT(less then)
GT (greater then)

Process Flow Control

Process Flow Control in Initial Run Tab

  • Deletion-phase in last step only: For performance optimization reasons is suitable to delete the data at once for all Initial Run archiving variants. When this field is checked, Initial Run Archiving is done to the phase "50 - Verification Phase Ended Successfully" for each archiving variant except the last. After these Variants from Initial Run are executed to Verification  phase, the deletion phase will be started. If in Initial Run settings you choose Start of Initial Run a higher number than End of Initial Run, only the deletion archiving variant will be created here.
  • Without starting deletion – When this field is checked, the deletion variant will not be created for Initial Run. Therefore all archiving requests will be executed only to the phase "50 - Verification Phase Ended Successfully" and no deletion will occure. The deletion can still be scheduled, i.e. in Process chains.
  • Autom. Req. Invalidation After Error – An archiving request with error will be automatically invalidated.
  • Rebuild BWA index: when this field is checked, BWA index is rebuild when data is archived
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