BW add-on
Recalculation of object size statistics forced by change of additional time characteristics in data distribution analysis
It often happens that data distribution analysis is executed without additional characteristics at start. Customer realized that for multiple objects wasn't identified split time characteristic. Data distribution analysis is therefore unsuccessful for particular objects. Therefore they add additional time characteristics and expect that data will be recalculated. Default parameter for recalculation of statistics is set to 14 days. Recalculation of sizes is not done sooner than 14 days after last recalculation. New functionality check whether additional characteristics was change and temporary set recalculation parameter to one day. Sizes are then recalculated on next day.
NLS potential filter improvement
Into NLS potential analysis was added possibility to show potential by age of data (older than number of years) together with number of accesses per year. Now you are able to get potential for InfoCubes e.g. which data are older than 3 year and access to the data wasn't higher than 20 times per year.

New information in data distribution analysis
Data distribution analysis was enhanced with following information:
- Selected time characteristic - time characteristic that was used as split characteristic for data distribution
- Unpacked Arch. Size [MB] - size of archived data after potential reload into online data
- Last InfoProvider Usage - last date when InfoProvider was used by query
- Last DTP execution - last date when InfoProvider was used as source of DTP load

Data distribution pre-execution report
During initial phase of data distribution analysis, customer needs to indentify wich spit characteristic will be used for particulart InfoProvider. Especially check InfoProviders which used custom time characteristics and add them as additonal time characteristics so data distributon analysis is colmplete intial execution. You can use it through transaction /DVD/HS_SCHSHOW.
ERP add-on
Unification of multiple analyses and tiles (improved look and feel and useability)
Multiple analyses and tiles have been improved in terms of overall look and feel and useability. List of specific changes are described below.
- Eleven existing analyses/tiles have been unified and improved.

- World maps have been unified in terms of look-n-feel and functionality.

- Navigation between analyses has unified way of displaying.

- Automatic "Top filter" for analyses with a lots of data. Data are fitered in this way automatically, with option to select only top 10, 100, etc.

- Not assigned data (N/A) has specific descriptions to improve readibility of the analyses.