(DV-2202) Release notes

Release Date: 9.02.2022 (next on 2.05.2022)
Version: 2202.09 - Winter release (build 127)

News & Improvements

VAL-768 Rebrand Datavard to SNP

VAL-763 Change proc. test. Variant ID data type from INT4 to CHAR13

VAL-749 Set settings "Table own aggregation" default value to OFF by default

VAL-744 Add support of importing parameter IV_DESTINATION for RFC agent

VAL-743 New screen handler for Table test variant

VAL-732 Functions for Storage ID in table variant generator

VAL-701 RFC Utilities

VAL-688 Merge List Cube Generators

VAL-437 Synchronize variant counter

VAL-788 Integrate process of creation deletion transport to SDM

VAL-773 Add explanation label to variant screen for what happens if the characteristic field is empty

VAL-772 Fix issue with aggregation of big integer numbers

VAL-761 Implement Check function for ListCube test variant

VAL-760 Implement RFC functionality for ListCube values variant screen

VAL-759 Implement Outboard ListCube variant generator

VAL-753 Implement Search Help for Info Objects

VAL-741 Change incorrect field names in /DVD/EQS_LC_S_GEN_PAIR

VAL-740 Implement new UI functionality for ListCube generator

VAL-803 Remove ™ from Validate

VAL-802 Setting for setup of the local language in BI/AI of query execution

VAL-787 Deletion transport for Validate 2202.09

VAL-769 Bug fixing of Storage ID usage in Table variant and Table variant generator

VAL-766 Search help wrapper with predefined interface handler for RFC

VAL-742 Check report existence via TRDIR instead of TADIR


VAL-797 BG job is executed without any processing

VAL-649 List cube (also SLO Listcube) test case should support Info Objects