(DI-2305) Overview of authorizations contained in default authorization roles

(DI-2305) Overview of authorizations contained in default authorization roles

This page provides a detailed overview of authorizations included in each default authorization role for CrystalBridge Monitoring.

Table of Contents:

Administration user role

The technical name for the administration user role is /DVD/MON_ADMIN.

Auth. Object

Detailed description

S_DX_MAIN (DX Workbench: Transaction Code and)

ACTVT (Activity) = 36 (Extended maintenance);

TCD (Transaction Code) = ' ', /DVD/MON, SE38

S_ICF_ADM (Administration for Internet Communication Framework)

S_RFC (Authorization Check for RFC Access)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute);

RFC_NAME (Name of RFC to be protected) = /DVD/*, SRFC, SUNI, SYST;

RFC_TYPE (Type of RFC object to be protected) = FUGR (Function group)

S_RFC_ADM (Administration for RFC Destination)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

ICF_VALUE (Internet Communication Framework Values) = *;

RFCDEST (Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call)) = *;

RFCTYPE (Type of Entry in RFCDES) = All values

S_SERVICE (Check at Start of External Services)

S_TCODE (Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start)

/DVD/RLANM (RL Analysis library - Analysis maintenance)

ACTVT (Activity) = 02 (Change), 03 (Display), 16 (Execute);

/IWFND/SRV (SAP Gateway: Authorization for SData Service)

/IWFND/SRG (Technical Service Document Name) = *;

/IWFND/SRV (Version of Meta Model Entity) = *

S_ADMI_FCD (System Authorizations)

S_ADMI_FCD (System administration function) = AUDD (Basis audit display auth.)

S_BTCH_ADM (Background Processing: Background Administrator)

BTCADMIN (Background administrator ID) = Y

S_BTCH_JOB (Background Processing: Operations)

JOBACTION (Job operations) = Allvalues;

JOBGROUP (Summary of jobs for a group) = *

S_BTCH_NAM (Background Processing: Background User Name)

BTCUNAME (Background User Name for Authorization Check) = *

S_CTS_ADMI (Administration Functions in Change and Transport System)

CTS_ADMFCT (Administration Tasks for Change and Transport System) = TABL

S_CTS_SADM (System-Specific Administration (Transport))

CTS_ADMFCT (Administration Tasks for Change and Transport System) = TABL;

DESTSYS (Logical system) = *;

DOMAIN (TMS: Transport Domain) = *

S_C_FUNCT (C calls in ABAP programs)

S_DATASET (Authorization for file access)

S_GUI (Authorization for GUI activities)

ACTVT (Activity) = 02 (Change), 60 (Import), 61(Export), D1 (Copy)

S_LOG_COM (Authorization to Execute Logical Operating System Commands)


HOST (Name of Current Application Server) = *;

OPSYSTEM (Operating System of Application Server) = *

S_RZL_ADM (CCMS: System Administration)

S_TABU_CLI (Cross-Client Table Maintenance)

CLIIDMAINT (Indicator for cross-client maintence) = X (Allowed: Maintenance of cross-client tables)

S_TABU_DIS (Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30)

S_TABU_NAM (Table Access via Generic Standard)

S_TOOLS_EX (Tools Performance Monitor)

AUTH (Authorization name in user master maintenance) = *

S_USER_AGR (Authorizations: Role Check)

ACTVT (Activity) =01 (Create or generate), 02 (Change), 64 (Generate);

ACT_GROUP (Role Name) = /DVD/*

S_USER_AUT (User Master Maintenance: Authorizations)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display), 08 (Display change documents);

AUTH (Authorization name in user master maintenance) = *;

OBJECT (Authorization Object) = *

S_USER_GRP (User Master Maintenance: User Groups)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display), 08 (Display change documents);

CLASS (User group in user master maintenance) = *

S_USER_PRO (User Master Maintenance: Authorization Profile)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display), 08 (Display change documents);

PROFILE (Auth. profile in user master maintenance) = *

S_PROGRAM (ABAP: Program Flow Checks)

P_ACTION (User action ABAP/4 program) = BTCSUBMIT (Schedule programs for background processing), SUBMIT (Execute ABAP program),VARIANT (Maintain variants and execute ABAP program);

P_GROUP (Authorization group ABAP/4 program) = *

S_ADDRESS1 (Business Address Services: Address)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

ADGRP (Address Group (Key) (Business Address Services)) = BC01

S_ALV_LAYO (ALV Standard Layout)

ACTVT (Activity) = 23 (Maintain)

S_APPL_LOG (Applications log)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

ALG_OBJECT (Application log: Object name (Application code)) = /DVD/*;

ALG_SUBOBJ (Application Log: Subobject) = /DVD/*

S_BDS_DS (BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Document Set)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

CLASSNAME (Business Document Service: Class name) = SAP_ICONS;

CLASSTYPE (Business Document Service: Class t) = OT (Other objects)

S_OC_DOC (SAPoffice: Authorization for an Activity with Documents)

ACTVT (Activity) = 24 (Archive)

S_OC_ROLE (SAPoffice: Office User Attribute)

OFFADMI (Text field length 15: authorization check) = ADMINISTRATOR

S_OC_SEND (Authorization Object for Sending)

COM_MODE (Valid communication methods) = All values;

NUMBER (Range of number of recipients allowed per send operation) = 100

S_OC_TCD (SAPoffice: Transaction Code Authorizations)

OFFTCD (Transaction Code) = SO15

/DVD/CCAGT (CB Monitoring: Manage coll.jobs (create, start ,stop, run))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *;

/DVD/CCPRO (Monitoring profile) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCCUS (CB Monitoring: Manage customizing/setup(display, change))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *

/DVD/CCINC (CB Monitoring: Manage incident (view/create/change))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCKPI (CB Monitoring: Manage KPI)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *;

/DVD/CCKGR (KPI group) = *;

/DVD/CCKPI (KPI name) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCMON (CB Monitoring: Run central monitor / collector)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *

/DVD/CCSAT (CB Monitoring: Satellite System)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 10, 19

/DVD/CCSOL (CB Monitoring: Manage solution (view/create/change))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCSYS (CB Monitoring: Mng. system(add/delete/import/export/view))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/HC_AO (Authorization object for HM core functions)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/HS_AO (Authorization object for HM)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/JMXAO (Authorization to execute JMX)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/QSAO (General authorization for Query statistics package)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

S_RS_COMP (Business Explorer - Components)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display), 16 (Execute);

RSINFOAREA (InfoArea) = *;

RSINFOCUBE (InfoCube) = *;

RSZCOMPID (Name (ID) of a reporting component) = *;

RSZCOMPTP (Type of a reporting component) = All values

S_RS_COMP1 (Business Explorer - Components: Enhancements to the Owner)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display), 16 (Execute);

RSZCOMPID (Name (ID) of a reporting component) = *;

RSZCOMPTP (Type of a reporting component) = All values;

RSZOWNER (Owner (Person Responsible) for a Reporting Component) = *

/DVD/RL (Reuse Library authorization)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)


Viewer role

The technical name for the administration user role is /DVD/MON_VIEWER.

Auth. Object

Detailed description

Auth. Object

Detailed description

S_RFC_ADM (Administration for RFC Destination)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

ICF_VALUE (Internet Communication Framework Values) = *;

RFCDEST (Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call)) = *;

RFCTYPE (Type of Entry in RFCDES) = All values

S_SERVICE (Check at Start of External Services)

S_TCODE (Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start)


TCD (Transaction Code) = SICF

/IWFND/SRV (SAP Gateway: Authorization for SData Service)

/IWFND/SRG (Technical Service Document Name) = *;

/IWFND/SRV (Version of Meta Model Entity) = *

S_ADMI_FCD (System Authorizations)

S_ADMI_FCD (System administration function) = PADM (Process administration using trans. SM04, SM50)

S_C_FUNCT (C calls in ABAP programs)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute);

CFUNCNAME (Name of a CALLable C routine) = SYSTEM;

PROGRAM (Program Name with Search Help) = RSHOST14

S_GUI (Authorization for GUI activities)

ACTVT (Activity) = 61 (Export), D1 (Copy)

S_RZL_ADM (CCMS: System Administration)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display)

S_TABU_DIS (Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30))

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

DICBERCLS (Table Authorization Group) = DVDC, DVDR

S_TOOLS_EX (Tools Performance Monitor)

AUTH (Authorization name in user master maintenance) = *

/DVD/CCAGT (CB Monitoring: Manage coll.jobs (create, start, stop, run))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 07, 11;

/DVD/CCPRO (Monitoring profile) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCCUS (CB Monitoring: Manage customizing/setup(display, change))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 11

/DVD/CCINC (CB Monitoring: Manage incident (view/create/change))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 13;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCKPI (CB Monitoring: Manage KPI)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 21;

/DVD/CCKGR (KPI group) = *;

/DVD/CCKPI (KPI name) = *;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCMON (CB Monitoring: Run central monitor / collector)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 09

/DVD/CCSOL (CB Monitoring: Manage solution (view/create/change))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 16;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/CCSYS (CB Monitoring: Mng. system(add/delete/import/export/view))

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 07, 20;

/DVD/CCSID (System ID) = *

/DVD/HC_AO (Authorization object for HM core functions)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/HS_AO (Authorization object for HM)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/JMXAO (Authorization to execute JMX)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/QSAO (General authorization for Query statistics package)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/RL (Reuse Library authorization)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

Remote user role

The technical name for the administration user role is /DVD/MON_SATELLITE

Auth. Object

Detailed description

Auth. Object

Detailed description

S_RFC (Authorization Check for RFC access)

ACTVT = 16 (Execute);

RFC_NAME (Name of RFC to be protected) = /DVD/*, SDTX, SRFC, SUNI, SYST, THFB;

RFC_TYPE (Type of RFC object to be protected) = FUGR (Function group)

S_TCODE (Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start)

TCD (Transaction codes) = SM51

/DVD/RLANM (RL Analysis library - Analysis maintenance)

ACTVT (Activity) = 02 (Change), 03 (Display), 16 (Execute);

S_ADMI_FCD (System Authorizations)

S_ADMI_FCD (System administration function) = AUDD (Basis audit display auth.), LC01 (Live Cache Administration (Display Functions)), PADM (Process administration using trans. SM04, SM50),

SM02 (System Messages). SM21 (Analyze system log), SQMD (Read SQL Monitor Statistical Data), ST0R (Analyze traces0, UNIX (UNIX commands)

S_BTCH_ADM (Background Processing: Background Administrator)

BTCADMIN (Background administrator ID) = Y

S_BTCH_JOB (Background Processing: Operations)

JOBACTION (Job operations) = RELE (Release Jobs (Released Automatically When Scheduled));

JOBGROUP (Summary of jobs for a group) = *

S_C_FUNCT (C calls in ABAP programs)

S_DATASET (Authorization for file access)

ACTVT (Activity) = 33 (Read), A6 (Read with filter);

FILENAME (Physical file name) = *;

PROGRAM (Program Name with Search Help) = *

S_LOG_COM (Authorization to Execute Logical Operating System Commands)

S_RZL_ADM (CCMS: System Administration)

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display)

S_TABU_DIS (Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30))

ACTVT (Activity) = 03 (Display);

DICBERCLS (Table Authorization Group) = *

S_TOOLS_EX (Tools Performance Monitor)

AUTH (Authorization name in user master maintenance) = *

/DVD/CCMON (CB Monitoring: Run central monitor / collector)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 09

/DVD/CCSAT (CB Monitoring: Satellite System)

/DVD/CCACT (Activity) = 10, 19

/DVD/HC_AO (Authorization object for HM core functions)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/HS_AO (Authorization object for HM)

/DVD/JMXAO (Authorization to execute JMX)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/QSAO (General authorization for Query statistics package)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)

/DVD/RL (Reuse Library authorization)

ACTVT (Activity) = 16 (Execute)


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