Release Date: 20.05.2024 (next on 5.8.2024)
Version: 2405 (build 172)
News & Improvements
VAL-2022 Temporary data storage in report testing optimization
VAL-2023 Table result download as XLS
VAL-2025 Add automatic spool request deletion when exporting PDF
VAL-2026 Add option to split big files when downloading PDFs
VAL-2034 Authorization groups for Validate programs
VAL-1766 DTS Test Plan Documentation update from 12/2023
VAL-1846 (TM) Select / deselect all and find in mass execute / test plan documentation
VAL-2032 Improve error propagation in listcube execution (only RUNTIME error is shown)
VAL-1804 Parameters can not be filled/imported for the setting Ids C203_SC,CC03_SC,CF03_SC,QC03_SC,VT03N_SC
VAL-1989 Listcube filter fields not correctly assigned in generator - short dump
VAL-1991 Report testing variant description not available in results ALV
VAL-1992 BG job log not shown correctly for report test execution
VAL-1993 Listcube exception not handled - task ends up in state running after issue
VAL-1996 Listcube result is yellow when before and after image creation finishes with error
VAL-2000 Documenation for report testing misses input data (descr. etc)
VAL-2011 Results overview performance optimization
VAL-2021 Mass generation of listcube variants cannot handle ranges correctly
VAL-2024 Statistics overview incorrectly shows tests in status OTHER
VAL-2031 Comparison with ARA on table level does not work - remove it
VAL-2035 Query execution not working for specific query settings
VAL-2040 If we don't select any key fields, no error results are shown
VAL-2045 File name can get cut off when saving PDF to aplication server
VAL-2046 Directory traversal issue
VAL-2047 Subroutine (FORM) Defined in Function Module Include
VAL-2049 RFC CHECK class is syntactically incorrect on lower NON-UNICODE release