The new concept of MS Document Templates allows to define own document layout. The template is simple .docx file which contains some Test Plan specific placeholders. Placeholders are replaced with real values in the process of generation of Test Plan Documentation.
Templates are stored in Validate Document Repository accessible in Test Management settings
Default templates delivered in Validate transport are:
Test Plan Default Template [ID: DVD_VAL_DOCX_TP_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE] - contains all Test Plan specific information like in old template (with fixed layout).
Test Plan w/o details Template [ID: DVD_VAL_DOCX_TP_WO_DETAILS_TEMPLATE] - contains all Test Plan specific information without variant details.
The default template can be downloaded to local PC, modified and uploaded back under new ID to the Validate Document Repository.
To create or change template you have to toggle developer toolbar in Microsoft Word (File -> Options -> Customize ribbon)
Go to developer tab and turn on Design Mode.
Create your own text layout of Test Plan documentation. Select text which should be replace by real value from Test Plan documentation generator.
Make a tag and set properties.
Enter tag name. The tag name started with f_* refer to real field in data structure of test plan.
Repeat it for all variables.
For repeated rows or text fragment(s) – select row or text fragment(s), make repeated control.
To enter properties of repeated control place cursor in the begin or end control.
Tag repeated part. The tag name of repeated part started with t_* refer to real internal table name in data structure of test plan.
Tag all placeholders in the document.
Upload saved template to Validate Template Repository.
Tag names have to refer to real hierarchy of fields and tables in data structure of test plan.
Following data structure is available:
<f_name type>