Settings in OutBoard allow the user to change the appearance of the Cockpit and the performance of the kernel. Settings are changed by means of adjusting the settings a corresponding parameter. Parameters are usually different for each system and therefore are not to be transported, as these are changed on each system separately.
Settings on Outboard Cockpit view
To see the parameters click on settings from the Outboard Cockpit. The Outboard Settings Screen should appear (appearance may vary depending on which OutBoard modules or possible service packs are installed).
Selecting an InfoProvider and viewing settings
DEFAULT values are pre-delivered in the OutBoard installation package.
On the first Tab of OutBoard settings the user can define global parameters, as well as change units and currency used for OutBoard Cockpit
The Authorization checkbox determines if OutBoard™ authorization is activated, that determines the following accesses "display", "edit" or "execute" to users
Job start-up parameter determines if background jobs in OutBoard™ are started with time conversion. When unchecked the jobs are scheduled and started normally by the system scheduler, when there are available background processes. In the other case the job is started immediately. Archive size unit, Percent per GB and Currency are the customizable parameters for the Cockpit statistics. Near-line Objects tab:
Nearline Object tab in view settings
Summary of Object names and Object types with possibility to define InfoProvider-specific settings.
Object specific settings
DEFAULT values are pre-delivered in the OutBoard installation package. To change an InfoProvider parameter value, uncheck the "From Defaults" checkbox.
NLS Object – NLS Object name
- Max. package number (DTP) - determines the maximum number of packages which can be processed at once in the loading via a Data Transfer Process (DTP).
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 5 - Finished packages for processing - maximum number of finished processes during parallel DTP load.
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 2 - Parallel jobs for loading – determines how many parallel jobs will be used for reading from the archive when loading from the archive via DTP. (link to further reading).
Possible values: integer >= 0 e.g. 0, 4, 15
Default value: 0 (no parallelization) - Parallel WP for reporting – this value determines how many work processes are used for reading when data from OutBoard is requested for reporting. For more information see Reporting on archived data.
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 0 (no parallelization) - Filtering type – determines the filtering logic when accessing the NLS data.
Possible values: SETS, RANGE
Expert settings
There is also possibility for users to enter Expert settings. These settings have the form of the database table and have also parameters not visible in Main settings.
Each parameter can be either InfoProvider-specific (these can vary between different InfoProvider) or is set only globally. A special InfoProvider is used which is called "DEFAULT". If no parameters are set on InfoProvider level, the DEFAULT value is used. Global parameters may only be set in the DEFAULT.
If DEFAULT parameter value is changed, values for all InfoProviders, for which a value was not explicitly set, will change as well
Output from Settings
- AUTHORIZATION – this parameter determines if OutBoard Authorization is switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ' ')
Default value: OFF - BG_JOB_DIRECT_START – this parameter determines if Background jobs in OutBoard are started "With converting to Time – Based Jobs" (value 'X')/ "Without converting to Time – Based Jobs" (no value). When job is started "Without converting to time based jobs", this job is scheduled and started normally, when any background job is free. When selecting "With converting to Time – Based Jobs", the job will be started immediately if any background job is free, if there are no free background jobs it will try to execute the job every ten seconds for 30 minutes.
Default value: OFF. CHECK_PACKAGE_SIZE - this parameter checks the maximum size of each data package during archiving to avoid possible problems with future reload of archived data, load of archived data to other InfoProviders or performance problems during reporting on archived data in SP19. This parameter can negatively impact archiving performance in copy phase, when there are many characteristics used as semantic groups in the Data archiving process. To disable this check, change the value of this parameter to an empty value.
- CURRENCY – the currency in which money saved is calculated.
Possible values: Any currency available in SAP.
Default value: EUR - DATA_CLASS – determines the Data Class for storage table and its indexes. It can be changed only when no data is archived. For Oracle database the tablespace for particular storage table can be selected. It is determined by DATA_CLASS. The link between a tablespace and Data Class can be found in table TAORA.Possible values: Any Data Class available in SAP system.
Default value: APPL1 - DISPLAY_COMP_RATIO_TYPE – this parameter determines the way of computing the saved storage by archiving. Two possible settings are possible:LOCAL_ONLY: when the saved storage is calculated, ratio for calculating saved storage in external storages is set to 100%, for data archived in the online database the compression ratio was determined during archiving. When the saved storage is calculated, the compression ratio used for calculation is taken and was determined during archiving. In case the parameter is changed, the statistics need to be recalculated with report /dvd/nls_upd_clu_ratio_size.
- FILTERING_TYPE – determines the way, how is the archived data filtered when accessed. Can be based on RANGE or SETS.
Possible values: RANGE, SETS
Default Value: RANGE - HNA_UNLOAD_PRIO – determines the Unload Priority of Outboard tables for SAP BW running on SAP HANA. It can be 0 ~ 9, where 0 means not-unloadable and 9 means earliest unload.
Default value: 9 - LOAD_MAX_GRAN – determines the maximum number of packages that can be processed at once in the loading via a Data Transfer Process (DTP).
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 5 LOAD_USE_ADD_SORTING – when enabled, data loaded from archived WODS is sorted in same order in which it was loaded. This applies when setting has value ‘X’, L mode is used, source WODS is archived. Setting may be switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ‘ ’)
Default value: ‘ ‘- LOAD_PAR_RET – maximum number of finished processes during parallel DTP load.
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 2 - LOAD_PAR_WP – determines how many parallel jobs will be used for reading from the archive when loading from the archive via DTP.
Possible values: integer >= 0 e.g. 0, 4, 15
Default value: 2 (parallelization using 2 jobs) - NAV_ATTR_BUFFER – size of buffering table when Navigation attribute support is switched on.
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 3000000 - NAV_ATTR_FILTER_POS – defines the filtering order/ priority when Navigation attribute support is switched on. Value 0 means that filtering on Navigation attribute is done at first then the filtering on other attributes is done. Value 1 represents the opposite scenario.
Default value: 0 - NAV_ATTR_SELECTION – parameter to turn the navigation attribute support functionality: on (1) or off (" "). This setting can be edited on InfoProvider level. It is recommended to turn off this parameter for SybaseIQ archiving storage, because needed filtering is done on the database level and there is no need to use the standard Outboard navigational functionality in this case.
Default value: 1 - NLS_STATISTICS – this parameter determines if OutBoard Statistics is switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ' ')
Default value: ON - REBUILD_AGGREGATE – this parameter defines if OutBoard aggregates are rebuilt automatically (value X) during the archiving process, or deactivated instead (value ' '). If the automatic rebuild is switched off, the OutBoard aggregates can be activated and filled again using the report /DVD/NLS_FILL_AGGREGATE_IN_BG.
Default value: ON (X) - REP_PAR_WP – this value determines how many work processes are used for reading when data from OutBoard is requested for reporting. For more information see [#Reporting Reporting on archived data].
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 2 (parallelization using 2 jobs)
Note: For an IQ transparent storage, the parameter for REP_PAR_WP cannot be set to higher than 1. - SIZE_DIFF_TRESHOLD – if using a size dependent OutBoard license, after reaching this value of free space, the user will get a warning message by each archiving process or creation of DAP.
Default value: 60 GB - SIZE_TO_MONEY_COEFF – determines how much money costs one GB. Money saved is computed by multiplying SIZE_TO_MONEY_COEFF by storage saved.
Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50
Default value: 10 - SIZE_UNIT – the value used as a base unit of measurement for all volumes shown in GUI. If changed, data is recalculated accordingly.
Possible values: KB, MB, GB
Default value: GB UPDATE_SIZE_STATISTICS – this parameter determines if object size statistics are updated when archiving or reloading data. In case of substantial archiving requests, recalculation has a noticeable performance impact. Setting may be switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ‘ ’)
Default value: ON- USE_DATA_CLASS_BADI - determines if BAdI will be used to define DATA_CLASS. If the value is 'X' the parameter DATA_CLASS cannot be edited in Settings for a given InfoProvider. (The default value can still be changed.) If the BAdI is used, the implementation for BAdI /DVD/NLS_DETERMINE_DATACLASS has to be created. Parameters of BAdI: iv_dapname – Technical Name of InfoProvider ev_data_class – Data class in technical settings. The output format of the BAdI implementing class method GET_DATA_CLASS should be of type TABART.
The implementation of BAdI for Data class (Transaction(TA): SE80)
- USE_PART_KEY_BADI - if the value is 'X', the user has the possibility to define own partitioning keys for the OutBoard table for DB6 database. If the BAdI is used, the implementation for BAdI /DVD/NLS_STORAGE_PARTITION_KEY is to be implemeted. The output format of the BADI implementing vlass method /DVD/NLS_DB6_STORAGE_PART should be table type /DVD/NLS_TT_FIELD. The input parameter iv_tabname is the name of the table to be partitioned.
- USE_DV1_NAMESPACE – if turned on ('X'), the needed local cluster table in DAP creation is created in namespace /DV1/. If there are issues with this namespace, the namespace /BIC/ is used instead – by setting the parameter to ' '.
Possible values: ON (value X) / OFF (value ' ')
Default value: ON (X)
The OutBoard Settings can be transported between systems.
- VP_SUPP_NAV_ATTR_IN_LOC_FILT – in case local filters are defined on navigational attributes, there can be some tuning done by setting the parameter to a specific value:
S(recommended): support filtering on navigational attributes in local filters
N: local filters will be removed/cleared from the filtering completely
R: only local filters parts connected to navigational attributes will be removed
OutBoard settings
- WRITER_AUTO_RELOAD_EMPTY_REQ - enables automatic reload functionality. At the beginning of a DTP load to cube / DSO activation, empty archiving requests are reloaded. Data therefore stays in active table, in the post processing, new archiving requests are created with the same archiving condition.
Possible values: ON (value X) / OFF (value ' ')
Default value: ON (X) - WRITER_AUTO_RELOAD_THRESHOLD - sets the maximum number of rows for creating new archiving request in post processing. In case of archiving request having more rows than set value, new archiving request has to be created manually.
Default value: '0'.
Outboard for Analytics with storage management specific settings
Settings are divided into the general section with Global settings and InfoProvider specific settings (already described in previous part) and to Storage management part.
Aging profile assignments
Go to Storage management settings> Aging profile assignments
In this tab you can assign or change an aging profile for a specific InfoProvider.
Archive storages
Go to Storage management settings> Archive storages
Only with OutBoard™ with the NLS solution, you can decide about the preferred storage location of the NLS database.
Storage Definition
OutBoard DataTiering is ready to handle (doesn't mandatory require) additional, external database or a non-SAP®-based software for data management, thus keeps the system landscape simple and easy to maintain.
By clicking on the field Storage Type, you may choose the preferred storage location from the following predefined possibilities:
Cluster storage
The storage saves data within the database tables of the BW system. This solution is not supported, if the primary system is running on SAP HANA database.
RFC storage
The storage saves data in separate database tables of a remotely available system. RFC connections defined earlier can be set through the transaction SM59.
File storage
The storage saves data in separate files on a file system. The file name is determined by the request and package.
Supported operating systems: Windows© Server, Unix, Linux, AIX©, HP-UX©, WebDAV. Destination must be available for the system and the user.
External database
The storage saves data in separate database tables in a remotely available database. You must also define the secondary connection to this database (Please see the SAP Note 808505) – the name of the connection must not contain any special characters (e.g. space).
External Database MaxDB
Starting with OutBoard SP20 it is possible to use MaxDB database as an external binary storage.
DB2 transparent storage
Starting with OutBoard SP17 it is possible to create a transparent storage for a DB2 database using a column-oriented approach. Data is not compressed, the compression ratio is not comparable to the non-transparent archiving (when using cluster tables).
Transparent Storage Sybase IQ
It is possible to create a transparent storage for SybaseIQ database.
Transparent Sybase IQ - storage definition
It is recommended to used the connection mode O (OpenSQL versions of OutBoard function modules is used). However, since data is not compressed, the compression ratio is not comparable to the non-transparent archiving (when using cluster tables).
Oracle Transparent Storage
It is a transparent storage for an Oracle database.
Archive storage types - Oracle
It is recommended to perform DB shrink operation after data reload, to display free space on the database.
Hadoop storage
Apache Hadoop is implemented as a binary storage (compressed). OutBoard for Analytics is compatible with Cloudera implementation of Hadoop, Hive and Impala interface components starting with the version CDH 5.x.
Archive storage types - Hadoop
Setup information
Please note: For more details on how to connect Hadoop please contact our consultants or ask directly for separate Hadoop and OutBoard documentation.
MSSQL BLOB storage
Enables to store data in a compressed BLOB structure into a remote MSSQL database. This reduces the amount of data physically stored, but may also lead to longer processing time in comparison to a transparent solution. Due to the limitations on MSSQL side, maximum size for one BLOB line is 8000 bytes.
MSSQL transparent storage
Archiving into the transparent MSSQL is supported in OutBoard storage management. Using this option, data in archive can be accessed more quickly through transparent tables. However, the compression ratio is lower compared with archiving into cluster tables.
Storage management settings – Aging profiles
Aging profiles provide customization for:
- Retention policies: time period until specified storage type is relevant.
- Storage type link: location where data is automatically migrated to when the data fulfills criteria of the retention policy.
- Deletion indicator: if the data can be deleted during the last phase of the chain.
Aging profile in Outboard Settings
Each "Aging profile" has a default storage type used, in the case of no storage destination determined. Definition of aging profile therefore must be linked to a target storage destination. All InfoProviders linked to the specific profile must have a DAP created or DAP must be able to be determined, (s-tcode: RSA1) determination is done using standard time characteristics.
Available profile categories:
- with only time characteristic à maintenance of storage destination is available
with more characteristics à requires BAI implemented to determine the storage destination for each request
Example: Each storage destination has defined boundaries based on the given selection characteristics of the profile. All boundaries are closed from right and open from left side so they combine the complete timeline.
- (0, 3> years – cluster
- (3, 6> years – remote system
- (6,10> years – file
- (10, infinity) – delete
OutBoard on SAP HANA
Datavard's NLS solution is certified for SAP HANA, when using OutBoard with Storage Management on SAP HANA, all archived tables are stored in memory.
The default setting for Unload priority for OutBoard tables is defined to 9. Unload priority sets the priority of table to be unloaded from memory. It can be 0 ~ 9, where 0 means not-unloadable and 9 means earliest unload. Standard unload priority of tables stored in memory is 5, that means in case of need to free some memory space, the archived data would be unloaded to disks preferably.
For allowing OutBoard users to define Unload priority other than default value, a setting is available. In the Near-line objects tab of OutBoard with Storage Management when running on SAP HANA settings the user should have the "Unload Priority of Archive Table" option. Here the user may define the new Unload Priority value.
Near-line objects tab with SAP HANA settings
By clicking on the "Set Unload Priority" button the user may specify for which InfoProviders will this setting be updated. When using OutBoard without storage management, this value is one of the parameters that can be found in settings.
For activating this value, the user should run report /DVD/NLS_HNA_SET_UNLOAD_PRIO. By running this report the user may define specific InfoProviders for which the new Unload Priority value should be changed.
Set Unload Priority for Table on HANA
All archived data are divided into SAP HANA partitions based on NLS Request ID using range partitioning. Range partitioning creates dedicated partitions for certain values or certain value ranges. Range partitioning is used to actively manage the partitioning of a table; partitions may be created or dropped individually.
Language support
English and German are currently supported.
Size Dependent License
If using OutBoard with size dependent license: As of spring release in May 2013, the license can be also size dependent. A size dependent license is based on agreement, prior to Outboard installation.
If there is no agreement in place to have a size dependent license then this section is not relevant.
The Outboard consultant will provide the information about the Outboard license size and validity of the system. For most cases the license is based on the size that is occupied in the system.
There are various places with in Outboard to find information and monitor license size:
1. By checking the Outboard connection (e.g. in TA rsa1 in DAP Display mode or Archiving Tab of an InfoProvider
License size - Outboard Connection
2. By creation of a new DAP or in Logs of an archiving process.
License Size / Status - Log
Setting a Size Threshold warning for OutBoard
In OutBoard Settings there is a new parameter corresponding to the new licensing of OutBoard. This parameter is called SIZE_DIFF_TRESHOLD. Here the threshold size for warnings can be defined. When the free size with in the system passes the threshold, a warning will be triggered during each archiving process or creation of DAP.
Reaching Outboard storage size limit.
In the case reaching the storage limit of the Outboard, it will no longer be allowed to archive any additional data. However all data that was archived previously within the limit size will still be accessible. If the size limit is reached it is recommended to contact your OutBoard consultant in order to discuss how best to proceed.