(DV-2002) ABAP Report Execution & Backend
For ABAP Report Test Case execution, a Test Case has to be added to the Test Plan. In the Test Plan Scope editing you are able to add several TestCases into your TestPlan by double-clicking on TC in the left part of the window. For every TestCase included into the TestPlan (right part of the window), there are all variants displayed. By checking the checkbox of appropriate variant, you select variants that will be executed in Execution phase.
Test Plan Scope
Report assigned to the TestCase is executed with all selected variants sequentially or only one selected variant. If the report has selection screens, for successful execution it's mandatory for the report to contain at least one variant. Execution starts by clicking on following button
.ABAP Report Test Case in Test Plan
For executed reports, all logged job records can be shown by clicking on the 'Show Job Logs' button in the context menu. If application logs attributes were defined in details of the test case, they can be shown by clicking on the 'Show Application Logs' button in the context menu.
Job Logs