New Features
- Package merging for storage Update in setting STORAGE_UPD_MERGE_PACKAGES can define a number of packages whose will be merged into one during Storage Update.
- The Point-In-Time Recovery (PIT) recovery allows you to make the state of an archive consistent with a primary database. In the case an archive (e.g. Hadoop) has been restored to a certain moment and is now in an inconsistent state, this functionality analyzes the situation and performs the synchronization of the archive.
- RedShift support
- Writer support Fieldbase ADSO
Bug fixes
- Several fixes for Sybase IQ storage now parameter Connection mode "N" - Native SQL should be used
- Improved logging during Storage Update
- Error when Secondary indexes are created for FieldBase ADSO
- After deleting generated VP is not possible to create new ones
- Change quotation marks in where condition based on Hive or Impala syntax
Restrictions for ADSO
Deletion data for ADSO for HIVE storage is not supported (Hive drop partition is not working on TSN request, because of error in Hive)