Title: | (SP-16) Execution NLS traning | |
Owner: | Jan Sliacky (Deactivated) | |
Creator: | Jan Sliacky (Deactivated) | Jan 31, 2018 |
Last Changed by: | Jan Sliacky (Deactivated) | Feb 02, 2018 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://datavard.atlassian.net/wiki/x/mQb_FQ | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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Children (7)
Lesson 1 - Create NLS Massarchiving groups
Lesson 2 - Generate NLS variants
Lesson 3 - Execute NLS archiving
Lesson 4 - Adjustments of queries, DTPs and multiproviders to access NLS
Lesson 5 - Adjustments of lookups to access NLS
Lesson 6 - Advanced topics (NLS writer, process chains, NLS statistics) and troubleshooting
Lesson 7 - FAQ
Lesson 1 - Create NLS Massarchiving groups
Lesson 2 - Generate NLS variants
Lesson 3 - Execute NLS archiving
Lesson 4 - Adjustments of queries, DTPs and multiproviders to access NLS
Lesson 5 - Adjustments of lookups to access NLS
Lesson 6 - Advanced topics (NLS writer, process chains, NLS statistics) and troubleshooting
Lesson 7 - FAQ
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