Create a new rule for a default KPI
Step 1: Check if the default KPI is assigned to Collectors with a custom rule or Collectors with a custom KPI
- Go to Settings > Monitoring settings.
- Click on KPI definitions.
- Find your default KPI and its assigned collector in the field KPI collector. (You you may search for the name of KPI through SHIFT+F7).
- Check, if you can find the KPI's collector among the collectors which enable enables you to change the rules of KPI collection – (DI-2005) List of Collectors with Custom Rules or (DI-2005) List of Collectors with a Custom KPI.
- If the collector belongs to this group, you may change the rules for collection of a default KPI, as described in the next step.
Step 2: Create new rules in the Input table of the collector
- Go the the Settings > Collector settings (or transaction /DVD/MON_COL).
Select the collector of the default KPIs. Make sure that the collector enables you to change the KPI's rules, as described in step 1.
- Double-click Inputs & rules.
- Click Edit next to the Input table name.
- Click Switch mode (Ctrl + F1) and then Create new records (F6).
The Input Tables Editor is displayed.
Create a new rule for the default KPI.
Every collector contains a different Input table, therefore you may find by every collector the specific information about the setup of the Input table.
Display the Input table settings of the collector assigned to the default KPI either in the chapter (DI-2005) List of Collectors with a Custom KPI or (DI-2005) List of Collectors with Custom Rules.Info In Input Tables Editor every row represents one rule (marked yellow in the figure below) which defines the collection of a KPI. This rule consists of the independent fields and the AND operator is applied between these fields (For example, KPI name, Rule nbr., Unit, etc.).
If one KPI has defined several rules (rows) then the OR logic is applied between these rows. In the case your define several addition rules for a default KPI, fill in the rule order into Rule nbr.
An Input table may also contain several KPIs.Save (CTRL + S)
Rules of a KPI