AUTHORIZATION | SPACE | This parameter determines if OutBoard Authorization is switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ' '). | |
BG_JOB_DIRECT_START | SPACE | This parameter determines if Background jobs in OutBoard are started "With converting to Time – Based Jobs" (value 'X')/ "Without converting to Time – Based Jobs" (no value). When job is started "Without converting to time based jobs", this job is scheduled and started normally, when any background job is free. When selecting "With converting to Time – Based Jobs", the job will be started immediately if any background job is free. If there are no free background jobs it will try to execute the job every ten seconds for 30 minutes. | |
CHECK_PACKAGE_SIZE | 1000000000 | This parameter checks the maximum size of each data package during archiving to avoid possible problems with the future reload of archived data, load of archived data to other InfoProviders or performance problems during reporting on archived data in SP19. This parameter can negatively impact the archiving performance in copy phase, when there are many characteristics used as semantic groups in the Data archiving process. To disable this check, change the value of this parameter to an empty value. | |
CREATE_PARTITIONING | SPACE | This parameter applies only for transparent storages. We currently support Oracle and SybaseIQ. When enabled ('X'), the systems creates a table of DAP, which is partitioned based on a request. Please note this setting doesn't influence already existing DAPs and it doesn't initialize partitioning on already existing DAPs | |
DISPLAY_COMP_RATIO_TYPE | SPACE | This parameter determines the way of computing the saved storage by archiving. Two possible settings are possible:LOCAL_ONLY: when the saved storage is calculated, ratio for calculating the saved storage in external storages is set to 100%. For data archived in the online database the compression ratio was determined during archiving. When the saved storage is calculated, the compression ratio used for calculation is taken and is determined during archiving. In case the parameter is changed, the statistics need to be recalculated with the report /dvd/nls_upd_clu_ratio_size. | |
DUMMY_VARIANT_DATE | 19900101 | Bottom range date limit used for generated data archiving process variants. Possible values: date >= 19010101 (YYYYMMDD) Note: If a fiscal variant is year dependent, the value of this setting has to be inside the defined range of years for that variant, otherwise the date will not be translated. | |
FILTERING_TYPE | SETS | Determines the way, how is the archived data filtered when accessed. Can be based on RANGE or SETS. Possible values: RANGE, SETS. | |
HNA_UNLOAD_PRIO | 9 | Determines the Unload Priority of Outboard tables for SAP BW running on SAP HANA. It can be 0 ~ 9, where 0 means not-unloadable and 9 means earliest unload. | |
LOAD_MAX_GRAN | 0 | Determines the maximum number of packages that can be processed at once in the loading via a Data Transfer Process (DTP). Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50. | |
LOAD_USE_ADD_SORTING | SPACE | When enabled, data loaded from archived WODS is sorted in the same order in which it was loaded. This applies when the setting has value ‘X’, L mode is used, source WODS is archived. Setting may be switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ‘ ’). | |
LOAD_PAR_RET | 2 | Maximum number of finished processes during parallel DTP load. Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50. | |
LOAD_PAR_WP | 20 | Determines how many parallel jobs will be used for reading from the archive when loading from the archive via DTP. Possible values: integer >= 0 e.g. 0, 4, 15. | |
NAV_ATTR_BUFFER | 3000000 | Size of the buffering table when the Navigation attribute support is switched on. Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50. | |
NAV_ATTR_FILTER_POS | 0 | Defines the filtering order/ priority when the Navigation attribute support is switched on. Value 0 means that filtering on the Navigation attribute is done at first then the filtering on other attributes is done. Value 1 represents the opposite scenario. | |
NAV_ATTR_SELECTION | 1 | This parameter is for turning the navigation attribute support functionality: on (1) or off (" "). This setting can be edited on InfoProvider level. It is recommended to turn this parameter off for SybaseIQ archiving storage. This is due to the fact that needed filtering is done on the database level and there is no need to use the standard Outboard navigational functionality in this case. | |
NLS_STATISTICS | X | This parameter determines if OutBoard Statistics is switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ' '). | |
REBUILD_AGGREGATE | X | This parameter defines if OutBoard aggregates are rebuilt automatically (value X) during the archiving process or deactivated instead (value ' '). If the automatic rebuild is switched off, the OutBoard aggregates can be activated and filled again using the report /DVD/NLS_FILL_AGGREGATE_IN_BG. | |
REP_PAR_WP | 5 | This value determines how many work processes are used for reading when data from OutBoard is requested for reporting. Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50 | |
SIZE_DIFF_THRESHOLD | 20 | If using a size dependent OutBoard license, after reaching this value of free space, the user will get a warning message by each archiving process or creation of DAP. | |
SIZE_TO_MONEY_COEFF | 10 | Determines how much money 1 GB costs. Money saved is computed by multiplying SIZE_TO_MONEY_COEFF by storage saved. Possible values: integer > 0 e.g. 10, 20, 50 | |
SIZE_UNIT | MB | The value used as a base unit of measurement for all volumes shown in GUI. If changed, data is recalculated accordingly. Possible values: KB, MB, GB | |
STORAGE_UPDATE_PACK_LOG_SECS | 600 | Storage update can take quite a long time even for one request, therefore we also provide the information about processed packages. Value of this parameter will affect the time frequency how often (in seconds) a message about processed packages should be written into the application logs. However, the messages are written only after complete package is processed, therefore it can happen that the message is not written right after specified value. Possible values: integer > 0 | |
UPDATE_SIZE_STATISTICS | SPACE | This parameter determines if the object size statistics are updated while archiving or reloading data. In case of substantial archiving requests, recalculation has a noticeable performance impact. This setting may be switched ON (value X) / OFF (value ‘ ’) . | |
USE_DATA_CLASS_BADI | SPACE | Determines if BAdI will be used to define DATA_CLASS. If the value is 'X', the parameter DATA_CLASS cannot be edited in Settings for a given InfoProvider. (The default value can still be changed.) If the BAdI is used, the implementation for BAdI /DVD/NLS_DETERMINE_DATACLASS has to be created. Parameters of BAdI: iv_dapname – Technical Name of InfoProvider ev_data_class – Data class in technical settings. The output format of the BAdI implementing class method GET_DATA_CLASS should be of type TABART. | |
USE_PART_KEY_BADI | SPACE | If the value is 'X', the user has the possibility to define own partitioning keys for the OutBoard table for DB6 database. If the BAdI is used, the implementation for BAdI /DVD/NLS_STORAGE_PARTITION_KEY is to be implemented. The output format of the BADI implementing the class method /DVD/NLS_DB6_STORAGE_PART should be the table type /DVD/NLS_TT_FIELD. The input parameter iv_tabname is the name of the table to be partitioned. | |
USE_DV1_NAMESPACE | X | If turned on ('X'), the needed local cluster table in DAP creation is created in the namespace /DV1/. If there are any issues with this namespace, the namespace /BIC/ is used instead – by setting the parameter to ' '. | |
VP_SUPP_NAV_ATTR_IN_LOC_FILT | N | In case the local filters are defined on navigational attributes, some tuning can be done done by setting the parameter to a specific value: | |
WRITER_ADSO_INDEX_AUTOBUILD | SPACE | This setting initializes secondary indexes on all key fields of an ADSO during a DAP creation. This setting is supported only for Writer, for ADSO delta calculation type ("DSO like"). | |
WRITER_AUTO_RELOAD_EMPTY_REQ | SPACE | Enables the automatic reload functionality. At the beginning of a DTP load to cube / DSO activation, empty archiving requests are reloaded. Data therefore stays in the active table, in the post processing, new archiving requests are created with the same archiving condition. Possible values: ON (value X) / OFF (value ' ') . | |
WRITER_AUTO_RELOAD_THRESHOLD | 0 | Sets the maximum number of rows for creating new archiving request in the post processing. In case of archiving request having more rows than the set value, new archiving request has to be created manually. | |
FILTERING_EXCLUDE_NAV_ATTR | SPACE | At query runtime split filter ranges into those with navigation attributes and without nav. atts. And filters on database only with filters without nav. attrs. (additional filtering on navigation attributes on app. server) . | |
FILTERING_HUGE_SEL | 100 | Max value of number of conditions. When exceeded filtering on application server is used (internal table instead where condition on storage). | |
HUGE_SEL_FAE_FOR_SEL_OPT | 1000 | Max value of for all entries lines. When exceeded filtering on application server is used (unfiltered data are selected into internal table, additional filtering on application server instead of the complex one where the condition sent into database needs to be processed). | |
INDEX_PAR_BUILD | 2 | When building the indexes, this is the number of parallel package processed for each request. | |
INDEX_SEC_BUILD | SPACE | Determines, if OutBoard secondary indexes will be build during archiving of new data values: 'X' - Build , ' ' - Do not build , 'P' - Build partial. | |
INDEX_SEC_DEFAULT_STORAGE | SPACE | Identifies, which SM storage should be used as default for OutBoard SI creation. (SPACE = primary database). | |
INDEX_SEC_FILTERING_ON_POS | SPACE | Determines, if OutBoard Secondary Indexes will be used for filtering based on the position of entries in NLS archive on row level. Values 'X' - use , ' ' - do not. | |
INDEX_SEC_HINT_BLOCK_FACTOR | SPACE | Determines, which value is used for "ORACLE" hint factors (for parameters visible in TA rz11 rsdb/max_in_blocking_factor and rsdb/max_blocking_factor) (values: empty/integer). | |
INDEX_SEC_READ_PACKAGE_SIZE | 500000 | Determines, how often the /SEC/ table will be accessed during Secondary Indexes creation, the higher package size, the less often the /sec/table is accessed. | |
INDEX_SEC_SEARCH_MAPPING_TAB | SPACE | Determines, if the extended logic for OutBoard Secondary Indexes usage will be used in archiving verify phase. | |
INDEX_SEC_SEARCH_REGEX | SPACE | Identifiers the string to be used for the extended OutBoard Secondary Indexes usage logic (values: custom string/empty). | |
INDEX_SEC_USE_FOR_FILTERING | SPACE | Determines, if Secondary Indexes will be used for filtering based on the position of entries in NLS archive on the package level. X = on / ' ' = OFF | |
LOOKUP_FAE_FILTER | X | If a set containing For All Entries data will be used for filtering the read data. Recommendation is to have it turned on. Possible values - X/' '. | |
LOOKUP_FAE_FILTER_REC | 10 | Maximum number of records with EQ sign in For All Entries table, if there are more, interval (Between) is used. Possible values - integer number | |
LOOKUP_FAE_OPTIMIZATION | X | Use hashed For all entries table to filter the data - faster performance, recommendation is to have it turned on. Possible values - X/' '. | |
MASS_ARCH_VAR_PREV_STAT_CHECK | SPACE | Mass archiving special functionality should be executed for not partitioned objects Possible values - X/' '. | |
MASS_ARCH_VAR_SPECIAL_EXEC | X | Mass archiving parallelism functionality starting the variants sequentially. Next variant is started if previous one has NL request created (partition is added), then it's running in parallel. And also it's setting up priority to variant which is creating NL request (adding partition). It means all other running variants which are inserting into table will wait while the variant creates NL request. Possible values - X/' '. | |
MASS_ARCH_WAIT_TIME_PAR | 0 | Mass archiving for the first set of variants in parallel. The value is time in seconds, which variant of the first set will wait to run another one. It works only for parallel mass archiving. DO NOT set it up when parameter MASS_ARCH_VAR_SPECIAL_EXEC is set because it will uselessly decrease the performance of mass archiving. This is caused due to the fact the variant will wait twice. It is used for deadlock situation when starting the initial run. | |
MAX_INSERT_PACKAGE_SIZE | 0 | When inserting data into Hadoop storage, this is the value of maximum package size. If there is more data, the package is split into multiple smaller packages. | |
NAV_ATTR_CHAR_VALUES_COUNT | 100 | Maximum number of records in Navigation attributes selection, for which navigation attributes selection is translated to basic IOBJ selection. Possible values - integer | |
NLS_LOOKUP_TRANSLATION | X | If Lookup translation code execution is turned on/off. Possible values - X/' '. | |
NLS_LOOKUP_TRANSLATION_KATE | SPACE | If Lookup translation KATE testing is turned on. Only valid, if KATE is installed on the system. Possible values - X/' '. | |
SET_DEFAULT_SM_STORID_FOR_AGG | AGGSTORAGE | Identifies in which storage of storage management is the aggregate created. | |
WRITER_BACKUP_PACKAGE | X | This parameter is relevant for transparent storage processing. This functionality is present to secure transactional processing, where NLS WRITER executes the update as standalone delete/insert statement. Would processing be terminated exactly between these two actions, a possibility of uncommitted data could lead to a data loss. Therefore all packages are backed-up prior to processing and dropped right afterwards, if the execution went without error or interruption. | |
WRITER_CHECK_FULL_LOAD | X | Parameter WRITER_CHECK_FULL_LOAD is used for InfoCube load and DSO Request activation. If this parameter has 'X', then all full loads are processed, i.e. Writer functionality is off. However, there is an exception table '/DVD/NLS_W2_LOAD'. In the field 'DATA_LOAD' can be stored the technical names of DTPs or InfoPackages, that will be processed by Writer. | |
WRITER_ENABLED_FOR_CUBE | X | Specifies whether the NLS Writer processing should take action when CUBE load processing interferes with archive selections. If turned off, SAP functionality works as standard. | |
WRITER_ENABLED_FOR_ODSO | X | Specifies whether the NLS Writer processing should take action when DSO load processing interferes with archive selections. If turned off, SAP functionality works as standard. | |
WRITER_INDEX_SEC_BUILD | SPACE | Determines, if OutBoard Secondary Indexes will be rebuild during NLS Writer adjustments values: 'X' - Rebuild , ' ' - Do not rebuild , 'P' - Rebuild partial. | |
WRITER_MAX_BUFFERED_PACKAGES | 4 | Parameter is relevant only for the DSO activation process. This parameter regulates the maximum number of buffered packages in memory. If the number is set to “very high” figure, depending on hardware performance, this may cause a “MEMORY_LOW” short dump. Packages are kept in memory because of performance reasons. It is recommended that one package should be approx. 100MB, i.e. 10 packages will use 1GB of memory. | |
WRITER_ODSO_MAX_PACK_ROWS | 100000 | Parameter is used for DSO Request activation. This parameter sets the maximum number of rows, which can be inserted into an archiving package. This setting is taken into account only when new data should be inserted into archive. | |
WRITER_ODSO_MAX_PACK_RECORDS | 100000 | Parameter is used for DSO Request activation. This parameter sets the maximum number of locked records, which will be processed by using the Writer. For cases where more records should be processed, Writer processing will be skipped and a warning will appear. If this happens, the user should increase the maximum number of records but this may affect the performance of the system. | |
WRITER_ODSO_MAX_REP_JOBS | 2 | Parameter is connected with the report '/DVD/NLS_W2_CHECK_DSO'. This parameter sets the maximum number of background jobs that will be used for moving locked data from an active table to an archive. Note: The minimum number of jobs is 2. | |
WRITER_REBUILD_AGGREGATES | X | Parameter is used for InfoCube load and ODS Request activation. If the parameter is set to 'X', then the Writer rebuilds all OutBoard Aggregates connected to the affected InfoProvider. | |
WRITER_TRS_MASS_DELETE | 100 | This parameter sets the value of how many records will be deleted from the database at once, saving time for logging operations on the database. For most systems, it is not recommended to set this parameter's value beyond 500. | |
WRITER_TRS_MASS_INSERT | 1000 | This parameter sets the value of how many records will be inserted in bulk in one insert statement at once. Due to SQL command size limitations, it is not recommended to set this parameter's value beyond 5000. | |
RELOAD_DUPLICATES | SPACE | Parameter is set during /dvd/nls_set_reload_duplicates. It determines which FM for getting locked records is used. (SPACE = /DVD/NLS_W2_IS_REQUEST_LOCKED / X = /DVD/NLS_W2_GET_DUPLICATE_RECS). Connected in Writer preprocessing with parameter WRITER_ODSO_MAX_RECORDS (max value of locked records in a DTP load, if there are many records in locked area, they will be written into the error stack and writer processing will skip them). | |
NAV_ATTR_CURSOR_SIZE | 500000 | Size of a cursor to read and replicate navigational attribute master data. | |
NAV_ATTR_GEN_WHERE_TAB | OLD | Use value NEW when reporting fails on navigation attributes on generate subroutine pool error. | |
NAV_ATTR_ON_FLY_REPLICATION | X | Turns ON/OFF master data of navigation attributes "on the fly" replication (during reporting). | |
LOG_TECH | X | Turns on/off writing technical logs into application logs. Use for debugging (at reading data from archive) Log obj.: /DVD/NLS_TECH. It can create lot of "garbage" logs. | |
INDEX_SEC_REBUILD_PAR_WP | 5 | Count of parallel work processes for sec index rebuild. | |
INDEX_PAR_WAIT_FINISH | 60 | Time period to check if all parallel processes (building a secondary index) have finished. | |
SET_EXCLUDE_INACTIVE_REQUEST | X | Effective only for transparent storages. Value X = in fetch next package add into where condition only active requests. This can cause performance problems because of too many requests. (200+) HADOOP - reporting on partitions is more effective. | |
USE_PIT_HANA | SPACE | Point-in-Time recovery for HANA/primary database. Used to be able to recover from the state, where the archive is restored to a point in time, when it doesn't correspond with the primary database. | |
USE_PIT_ARCHIVE | SPACE | Point-in-Time recovery for an archive. Used to be able to recover from the state, where the primary database is restored to a point in time, when it doesn't correspond with the archive. | |
PIT_BIN_STORAGE | SPACE | Name of the binary storage from Storage Management used to store data for Point-in-Time recovery for HANA. | |
VP_SUPP_NAV_ATTR_IN_LOC_FILT | N | Values: S - supports nav attr. nav attr will be filtered in local filters, N - doesn't support nav attr (LOCAL FILTERS WILL BE CLEARED/ removed); R - remove nav attr. from Local filters. | |
WRITER_SYB_FOR_ALL_ENTRIES | SPACE | Parameter is used for DSO Request activation. If the parameter is set to 'X', then for any transparent storage, Writer will select data from NLS archive directly from transparent storage table with open slq statement SELECT… FOR ALL ENTRIES. | |
WRITER_ODSO_PREPROC_OPTIM_READ | SPACE | Turn on optimization via open cursor for all entries for lookup. | |
WRITER_VERIFICATION | SPACE | Determine if verification phase during W2 processing should be executed. (value : SPACE = SKIP / C = count packages) | |
WRITER_CLEANUP_MAX_WHERE | 100 | Max number of rows in where condition during W2 cleanup phase. When exceeded processing dumps. |
Following parameters are used to turn ON/OFF respective enhancements in W3 processing (in case of syntax inconsistency of these objects [to not block standard loads] ). All set by default to 'X' = enhancement is ON.