Release Date: 4.9.2023 (next on 6.11.2023)
Version: 2308 - Summer release (build 164)
News & Improvements
VAL-1013 Process testing - Spot checks
VAL-1220 Validation reports comparator - "Semantical comparator"
VAL-1394 API for Listcube testing
VAL-1472 Scenario-based table variant generation
VAL-1476 Selection screen variant RFC generator
VAL-1500 Optimize secondary DB index on all hash tables
VAL-1566 Support for NON-UNICODE system
VAL-1580 Enhance PDF export from report testing to contain all necessary details
VAL-1589 Solve All CodeProfiler findings for Compliance & Security
VAL-1615 Enable page jumping in report/table results
VAL-1544 Can not display LOCKED variant in display mode from TH variant selection
VAL-1545 Table image creation saves NUMC data type which is NULL as space
VAL-1546 The same conversion rule is generated for different programs
VAL-1548 The program name is incorrect when generated from an imported rule
VAL-1550 Native NUMC conversion causes the wrong hash
VAL-1553 Report testing: Validate automatically converts any RFC connection name written in lowercase to uppercase
VAL-1558 Mass edit in the table testing doesn't work for mapping ID
VAL-1560 Table mass edit error when handling key or value fields
VAL-1581 Listcube generation - Field-based ADSO filter error
VAL-1590 Copy variant in table testing removes the RFC destination
VAL-1600 Fix PDF output truncate-nation
VAL-1601 GR55 (report painter) report output gets cut off on the right side (columns missing)
VAL-1604 Generated reports (without an entry in TADIR) cannot be executed
VAL-1606 Too many RFC check calls
VAL-1613 Copying of table variants scramble field order
VAL-1617 Report testing runtime calculation dumps when the report was not executed
VAL-1620 AI page jumping has a minor issue in report testing
VAL-1623 Listcube after image allows ranges in characteristics
VAL-1625 Report mass PDF export empty header
VAL-1626 Listcube selects all characteristics if the CHAR selection in the variant is empty
VAL-1630 Report testing mapping w/ and w/o report name cannot be combined
Fixes in SP01
VAL-1633 Typo in the dynamic filter error message
VAL-1634 The window title for the conversion Rule tab is not updating in the popup
VAL-1637 Check JOIN/WHERE condition contains fields starting with a dot
VAL-1638 Exception is not handled when adding TC to TP
VAL-1639 Dynamic filter bug in table variant generator
VAL-1640 Pool tables cannot be handled by Validate
VAL-1649 PDF with 1.5M lines is not generated as a whole, only a partial