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Outboard 2.15 with Storage Management

The purpose of this document is to explain to the end-user the process of upgrading from DataVard's OutBoard to DataVard's OutBoard with Storage Management.
This document is aimed primarily at SAP system administrators and BW consultants who should primary work with OutBoard.



System has DataVard's OutBoard 1.00 without Storage Management

  • With support package 8 or newer installed
  • You have obtained the OutBoard upgrade package
  • You have obtained a valid license from your DataVard consultant for OutBoard with Storage Management
  • Your system has SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) version 33 or higher
  • System has Add-Ons
    • SAP_ABA 700 or higher
    • SAP_BASIS 700 or higher
    • SAP_BW 700 with SP 6 or higher

Step-by-step Upgrade Process

1. The OutBoard upgrade package is an Add-On, which must be imported using the Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT). Upload and import the file using the wizard (detailed guide can be found in SAINT online documentation). OutBoard support packages must be updated using the SPAM Update (transaction SPAM) up to level 015 (detailed guide can be found in SPAM online documentation). As a result of the OutBoard with Storage Management installation, a software component DVD with release 200 and Level 015 will be available in the system as shown on the screen.

Result of successful OutBoard Add-On installation

2. Now execute report /DVD/NL2_XPRA_NLS_KEY with unchecked "Test mode" this is necessary for storage management. This report will prefill "Nearline storage key" into a transparent table for all already archived requests to enhance performance for Outboard.

Execute XPRA to fill NLS key 

3. Execute report /DVD/NL2_XPRA_STORAGE with the default setting and without "Test mode". This program is used to automatically assign NLS objects defined in OutBoard without Storage Management to their default cluster profile and requests to storage DEFAULTCLU

Execute XPRA to fill default profiles

Congratulations! Now you can use DataVard's OutBoard with Storage Management for data archiving.
After upgrade, the next basic step is to determine which profile and storage you should use for storage management.
It is recommended to execute report: /DVD/NLS_CONSISTENCY_CHECK, which verifies archive consistency after OutBoard upgrade.

In case of any inconsistent objects, open OSS message on DataVard component (XX-PART-DVD).

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