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Writer settings are incorporated into OutBoard settings, which can be accessed via OutBoard Cockpit. It can be started using transaction /DVD/OUTBOARD.

OutBoard Cockpit with settings button

Writer Tab - settings in OutBoard NLS with Storage Management

Switch Check for Full Load On/Off

Parameter WRITER_CHECK_FULL_LOAD is used for InfoCube load and DSO Request activation. If this parameter has 'X', then all full loads are processed, i.e. writer functionality is off. However, there is an exception table '/DVD/NLS_W2_LOAD'. In the field 'DATA_LOAD' here can be stored the technical names of DTPs or InfoPackages, which will be processed by Writer.

Switching on/off NLS Writer

NLS Writer can be switched on/off for specific InfoProvider types via the OutBoard settings. Parameters for customizing are WRITER_ENABLED_FOR_CUBE and WRITER_ENABLED_FOR_ODSO. When a user disables the NLS Writer, SAP functionality works as standard.
Maximum number of buffered packages
Parameter WRITER_MAX_BUFFERED_PACKAGES is relevant only for the DSO activation process. This parameter regulates the maximum number of buffered packages in memory. If the number is set to "very high" figure, depending on hardware performance, this may cause a "MEMORY_LOW" short dump. Packages are kept in memory because of performance reasons, it is recommended that one package should be approx. 100mb, i.e. 10 packages will use 1GB of memory.

Maximum number of records in package for inserted data (DSO Activation)

Parameter WRITER_ODSO_MAX_PACK_ROWS is used for DSO Request activation. This parameter sets the maximum number of rows, which can be inserted into an archiving package. This setting is taken into account only when new data should be inserted in archive.

Max. Number of Jobs for repair functionality

Parameter WRITER_ODSO_MAX_REP_JOBS is connected with report '/DVD/NLS_W2_CHECK_DSO'. This parameter sets the maximum number of background jobs that will be used for moving locked data from an active table to archive. Note: The minimum number of jobs is two.

Max. Number of records processed by Writer (DSO Activation)

Parameter WRITER_ODSO_MAX_RECORDS is used for DSO Request activation. This parameter sets the maximum number of locked records, which will be processed using the writer. For cases where more records should be processed, writer processing will be skipped, and a warning will appear. If this happens the user should increase the maximum number of records, however this may affect the performance of the system.

Rebuild OutBoard Aggregates if data in archive was updated

Parameter WRITER_REBUILD_AGGREGATES is used for InfoCube load and ODS Request activation. If the parameter is set to 'X', then the Writer will rebuild all OutBoard Aggregates, which are connected to the affected InfoProvider (DTP).

Select data from transparent storage with statement FOR ALL ENTRIES

Parameter WRITER_SYB_FOR_ALL_ENTRIES is used for ODS Request activation. If the parameter is set to 'X', then for any transparent storage the Writer will select data from NLS archive directly from transparent storage table with statement SELECT… FOR ALL ENTRIES.

Insert data into SAP Sybase IQ directly

Parameter WRITER_SYB_UPDATE_DIRECTLY is used with transparent Sybase IQ storage for direct storage access row-by-row in inserting/updating/deleting from archive resulting in shorter processing times.

InfoPackage Template

Parameter WRITER_3X_GEN_REP_TEMPLATE stores the template which is used to generate transfer rule with writer functionality, to load data into InfoCubes. There are three options for this parameter /DVD/NLS_W2_3XTMPL_701_0014, /DVD/NLS_W2_3XTMPL_730_0008 and /DVD/NLS_W2_3XTMPL_740_0010.

Backup of currently processed package

Parameter WRITER_BACKUP_PACKAGE (default set to 'X') is relevant for transparent storage processing. This functionality is present to secure transactional processing, where NLS WRITER executes update as standalone delete/insert statement. Would processing be terminated exactly between these two actions, a possibility of uncommitted data could lead to data loss. Therefore all packages are backed-up prior to processing and dropped right afterwards, if the execution went without error or interruption.

NLS Writer verification phase

Parameter WRITER_VERIFICATION (default set to '' (space)) provides additional check on the processing of data. If set to 'C', NLS Writer recounts  records written into database after every package. If numbers are not equal, NLS Writer produces an exception and user is notified of an error in processing.

Accessing Writer Settings

InfoProvider must be set as Default to access the Writer Settings in Outboard NLS.

Writer setting in OutBoard NLS

Automatic request reload

Parameter WRITER_AUTO_RELOAD_EMPTY_REQ (default set to 'X') enables automatic reload functionality. At the beginning of a DTP load to cube / DSO activation, empty archiving requests are reloaded. Data therefore stays in active table, in the post processing, new archiving requests are created with the same archiving condition. InfoCube has to have archiving of noncompressed data allowed during DAP creation. Empty requests to be reloaded have to be in state 70. If any of the archiving requests is in lower state, automatic reload functionality is unavailable. Automatic request reload – Maximum number of rows

Automatic request reload - Maximum number of rows

Parameter WRITER_AUTO_RELOAD_THRESHOLD (default set to '0') sets the maximum number of rows for creating new archiving request in post processing. In case of archiving request having more rows than set value, new archiving request has to be created manually. (default set to '0') sets the maximum number of rows for creating new archiving request in post processing. In case of archiving request having more rows than set value, new archiving request has to be created manually.

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