(DI-1811) Setting the Time Interval

(DI-1811) Setting the Time Interval

You can set a time interval, based on which the system displays information in the tabs. You may set it by changing the FromTo dates or choose from several options available under the button, which change the time interval automatically.
After typing a particular date and a time, press Enter, and the system refreshes all displayed data.
When Autorefresh is switched on, the charts are refreshed in the specified time.

 Time interval definition

You can save predefined time intervals as variants to a list box

  1. Click Save on the right side, and check, if the description and time interval is correct. The description is automatically filled with the first system, which is marked in system tree, and with the used time interval.

Saving the selected time interval

When you save a variant of the time interval, it is saved for the selected system regardless of the marked servers. If you want to display only values of a server, select only a server in the first step.

The other option is to save a time interval for several systems, by selecting them first in the system pool tree. In the same dialog choose the radio button all checked systems in system pool tree. In this case you mustn't change the description between <>. After clicking Save, the system will automatically create separate variants of time intervals for all the selected systems. 

 Saving  the selected time interval

If you want to load a saved interval, you may choose it from the list box. To delete a interval, select it and click Delete.

 Choosing the saved time interval

Insights deletes as a standard practice data older than the retention time. Please note that in the case this data is saved in a variant of a time interval, it isn't deleted.