(OFH-1711) Fiori Interface

(OFH-1711) Fiori Interface

Basic Information

Fiori interface for OutBoard Housekeeping offers transparent overview of housekeeping activities, with simple and intuitive functionalities and appearance. This interface simplifies housekeeping usage through web browser.

Table of contents

System bar

System bar has overview of selected system information like system ID, description and size of saved space. 

Scheduling new cleanup

Press  button to schedule housekeeping activities. Screen below will be displayed.

There are 4 steps to go through:

1. Housekeeping objects

First step is to select the activities you want to execute, just check/uncheck them.

'Area' column specifies task name. 

'Reduction' column displays possible task space reduction. This functionality is in direct relationship with 'older than' column, by adjusting number of months you can see how much space you can save in defined time. To display this overview, you need to run our analysis feature on your system. To execute the analysis you need Datavard Insights on your system.

'Potential' recounts percentage reduction into MB. 

In the right side of screen is overview of selected activities to be cleaned up.

After completing your setting on this page press  button. Also you may cancel your actions any time by pressing  button.

Housekeeping objects screen

2. Systems

As in previous step, select system ID you want to execute already selected tasks on. In this screen you can see if system has available analysis, scheduling and overall size of the system.

3. Schedule Cleanup

Cleanup can be scheduled based on tasks (areas).

In column 'First execution' select date of the first execution.

Then set periodic behavior in next two columns: 'execute every' and 'periods'. There are 4 period types:

  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • quarters

To continue press next.

4. Summary

Last part of scheduling process is the summary. Check your settings in summary and if everything is correct press execute and confirm. If not, you can cancel it whole or go back by clicking on one of previous steps.

Cleanup administration

Tasks tab

Introduction screen

Introduction screen contains many features. 

Start by selecting one of the systems on a left side of introduction page. Just click one of the systems or use search help. System tile contains overview of information:

Different system information details

NSD system tile detail

In the left corner is visible system ID and its description. In the right corner of tile is space saved information and state of the system. Possible system states are:

All task that was executed on system finished OK

Some tasks finished with error

System is locked

There is erroneous RFC connection to the system

Overview of task states is in the bottom of system tile.

Number of running tasks

Number of scheduled tasks

Number of successfully executed tasks

Number of erroneous tasks

After clicking on the group, task or status you may set filter in task tab (see picture below). Just check the options you want to display.

After selecting your system ID, executed tasks are displayed on the main screen part, sorted according to time when were they executed for the last time. If you click the task, you'll be forwarded into monitor tab with task details.

Monitor tab

In this tab are available different information, like date when were last jobs executed, how long was every job running and finish state (successful / unsuccessful).

You can use filter to select jobs fulfilling time condition visible below on the picture.

Time filter detail

This button serves the purpose of filtering, based on group, task or status of information to be displayed.

Non-time filter detail

If you want to reset all the selected filters, press .

Click at the job to display further information. Some tasks support log display some just basic information about execution.

RunID details

To go back into the list of jobs, press .

Scheduled tab

Scheduled tab contains information about tasks to be executed. 

Filter options are same as in previous tabs. 

List is sorted by scheduling date. Every task is assigned to task group, each one also has information about execution settings description, scheduling and periodic execution settings. 

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