(1808) DataTiering Main Screen

Transaction /DVD/OFF opens the main GUI screen.

Buttons on the main screen

  • Define DataProvider

By clicking this button, you are directed to the DataProvider Wizard which assists you with defining a new DataProvider.

  •  Group ID Offload Scheduling and Group ID Reload Scheduling

You can schedule an offloading or reloading process for all DataProviders with the same Group ID.

By clicking on the Group ID Offload Scheduling or Group ID Reload Scheduling button the following scheduling dialog appears. In the case the group contains a great amount of DataProviders, you can set here the maximum number of parallel jobs for a faster processing.

To schedule an offloading or reloading job click Schedule. To check how many DataProviders are in the selected group click Check

After you double click on any DataProvider name in the list, you will be directed to the DataProvider Wizard screen, where you can change a condition of the selected DataProvider. 

After you double click on any Group ID in the list, you will be directed to the DataProvider Wizard screen, where you can change the condition for all DataProviders, which have the selected Group ID. 

Buttons in ALV DataProvider list

  • Refresh

Updates the status of all DataProviders.

  • Logs

Displays all creation/change/offload/reload logs of all DataProviders for the selected time period.

  • DP description vs. DP name

You can choose to display a technical name or a description of a DataProvider in the ALV list. This change is also reflected in the Offloading condition field. If there isn't a description for an object in the system language, only the technical name is displayed.

  • Transport

It is possible to transport the definition of the DataProvider and its' settings to another system directly from DataTiering. When you transport a DataProvider and it doesn't exist on a target system, it will be created. In the case the DataProvider already exists on the system, its Group ID and conditions will be updated. Source and target storages of a transported DataProvider must be defined also on a target system, otherwise exceptions are triggered and the transport doesn't finish successfully.

To transport DataProviders

  1. Select at least one DataProvider from the list.
  2. Click Transport. In the next dialog create or select a transport request. We don't recommend to select a request with other objects. The definition of the selected DataProvider along with its specific settings are included to this transport.
  3. Confirm the transport request.
  4. Import transports to another system through the STMS transaction. If you want to import more transports, you must import them one at a time. In the case an error occurs during the process, you can view it in transport log.

DataProvider Job Status

  • DP defined – DataProvider is defined, but the offloading process didn’t start
  • Failed – At least one of the DataProvider requests finished with an error
  • Processed – All DataProvider requests finished successfully
  • Offload scheduled – Offloading job for a DataProvider is scheduled
  • Running – Offloading/reloading process is running
  • All data reloaded – All offloaded data was reloaded back into the source table

DataProvider Operations

  • Schedule

You can schedule an offloading process for the selected DataProvider in the scheduling screen.

You can schedule an offloading job to start immediately, at a specific date and time or after a job or an event.

  • Manage 

This button directs you to the DataTiering Request Browser of the selected DataProvider.

  • Settings 

By clicking this button you can change the settings for the selected DataProvider on the Settings screen.

  • Display logs 

This button displays the creation/change logs for the selected DataProvider.