(1808) DataProvider Wizard


DataProvider Wizard is 4 step sequence that guides you through the process of defining a DataProvider. See the 4 step process below.

Object selectionSelect a DataProvider according to a name or a type
Impact analysis

Execute an analysis for the selected DataProvider to search for lookups and queries

Object adjustment

In certain cases, DataProvider should be adjusted (for example, if a query or a MultiProvider are associated with a DataProvider)


Schedule the offloading process at a certain date or time

By entering the transaction /DVD/OFF the following screen appears. To access the DataProvider Wizard click Define DataProvider, or in the case of an already existing DataProvider double-click on the particular DataProvider name.

In the Wizard just click Next after each step to proceed with the setup. Some steps of the Wizard can be also accessed through the below displayed context menu.

Step 1. Object selection

In first step of DataProvider Wizard, it is possible to

  • Add and define DataProviders
  • Change the Group ID of a DataProvider by clicking on the Group ID field,
  • Change an offloading condition

Adding a new DataProvider

There are 3 categories of DataProviders:

  1. InfoProviders
  2. Tables (DDIC)
  3. Tables (HANA native)

  1. To add a new DataProvider, you may either click Define DataProvider on the main screen or select Add DataProvider in the Wizard.
  2. In the following screen choose your Source Storage, category and Name of the InfoProvider you want to offload. In the case you want to offload more InfoProviders at once click .
    The system allows you to add only supported types of DataProviders. You can find here a list of supported DataProviders
  3. After clicking Select, set the Target Storage and enter a new the Group ID or choose an existing one. If you chose more InfoProviders, you may display your selection by clicking  and choosing Multiple selection.
  4. Click Create, which navigates you to the next step where you define the offloading condition.

Defining the offloading condition

To define the offloading condition:

  1. Continue with the Wizard or click on the main screen Edit offloading condition (1) by a specific DataProvider. The displayed offloading condition contains maximum 128 characters. To display the full text of a condition, just click on the condition itself.
  2. In the Choose Fields dialog, select the fields on the which the condition will be based on.
  3. In the case you chose a time characteristic, the below dialog appears.
  4. If you choose to confirm, you proceed with the definition of the relative condition (e.g. $current_year - 2).
    The button only displays the result of the entered values.
  5. In the last step set the absolute condition by the fields you chose for the condition. By every field you have also a select-option. 

Write-Optimized DSO contains a specific field, which can be chosen for the offloading condition. Please see more information on the page Defining an Offloading Condition for Write-Optimized DSO.
Please note, that it is necessary to choose at least one condition (relative or absolute condition).

It is also possible to edit multiple conditions at once. Select lines from the ALV grid, right-click on them and select Change condition.

Step 2. Impact analysis

Impact analysis finds dependent objects as are queries and lookups for the selected DataProvider. Detailed information about Impact analysis can be found in the chapter Object Translation.

  1. To start the analysis proceed with the Wizard or select on the main screen specific DataProviders with a right-click and choose Impact Analysis.
  2. Then, click Execute analysis (1) and afterwards Refresh.
    The Impact analysis is executed on all DataProviders, which are present in the DataProvider name column. If you want to analyze only one DataProvider, select a particular row.

After execution the analysis displays the found dependent objects (lookups, queries, etc.). The status of the dependent objects can be switched among (3)

  • Not adjusted - Dependent object was found and isn't adjusted (reading archived data is not possible in this stage)
  • Adjusted - Dependent object is adjusted and DataProvider is ready to read archived data
  • Ignored - Dependent object is ignored and will not be adjusted

The status can be switched with a click on Switch object status (2).

Step 3. Object adjustment

Object adjustment allows you to automatically adjust queries or lookups that access a DataProvider previously archived by DataTiering. This step allows these queries or lookups to read archived data of the DataProvider.

Adjusting a Lookup:

  1. To start the adjustment proceed with the Wizard by clicking Next or right-click on the main screen on specific DataProviders and choose Object Adjustment.
  2. Click on Lookups (1).
  3. Select DataProviders, for which you want to execute the adjustment.
  4. Click Execute adjustment (2).

     By the execution DataTiering generates a code (two includes), which adjust the lookup, so it can access archived data. According to the package of the adjusted lookup a pop-up appears.

  • Adjusted object containing the lookup is in a $TMP package:

      A simple pop-up informs that the adjustment is going to be saved into the $TMP package. You can either Confirm (1) or Cancel (2) this action.


  • Adjusted object containing the lookup is NOT in a $TMP package:
  1. Enter a package (1), where you want to save the adjustment. You may use the search help.
  2. Select two transports: First for the generated adjustment (two includes), other for the adjusted lookup itself (2).
  3. Confirm (3).

When the adjustment process ends, a pop-up with the logs appears.

Adjusting a Query:

     To adjust a query on a MultiProvider that accesses a DataProvider previously archived by DataTiering:

  1. Select the Queries (1) tab.
  2. Select DataProviders, for which you want to execute the adjustment.
  3. Click Execute adjustment (2).

With the execution DataTiering generates a VirtualProvider and connects it to the MultiProvider in order to allow the query to read archived data. 

According to the package of the adjusted MultiProvider a pop-up appears.

Adjusted object is in a $TMP package:

  • The same pop-up as by the lookup adjustment appears. The adjustments are saved into the $TMP package.

      MultiProvider is NOT in a $TMP package:

  1. Enter a Package (1), in which you want to save the generated VirtualProvider. You may use search help.
  2. Enter a Transport for the generated VirtualProvider and the adjusted MultiProvider (2).
  3. Confirm (3).

TWhen the adjustment process ends, appears a pop-up with logs for this process.

Step 4. Scheduling

In the last step you may schedule the offloading of a DataProvider at a specified time (or periodically), delete the defined scheduling and also display the job logs of already offloaded requests.

To access this screen proceed with the Wizard and click Next.

  • To schedule a DataProvider, click on in the row with the DataProvider. The standard SAP scheduling screen appears, where you set the time condition for the offloading of the DataProvider.
  • To cancel an already scheduled job (Job status: Scheduled), click on in the row by the selected DataProvider.
  • To view results of the offloading and other details of an already finished job, click on in the row by the selected DataProvider.

The following screen appears, where you may display job logs of the selected job by clicking its name in the grid.