(DI-1805) Collector for testing system shell commands
(DI-1805) Collector for testing system shell commands
The collector for testing system shell commands is named: /DVD/MON_CL_COL_SYS_CMD
It collects KPIs about running processes on OS. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_SYSCMD1.
Input table /DVD/MON_SYSCMD1 sets extended KPI definition with following fields:
KPI | KPI name |
Command name | Logical command name |
Command text | OS shell command text |
Add params | Parameters of external program |
Regexp | Regular expresion |
Req value | Requested value for collector of OS CMD |
Change by user | Last change by user [automatically filled] |
Change date | Last change date [automatically filled] |
Created by | Created by user [automatically filled] |
Created at | Created at [automatically filled] |
Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:
KPI name | Description | Unit |
OS_RUN_PS_COUNT | Get number of running processes on OS | Count |
, multiple selections available,