(DI-1805) Setting the Time Interval

(DI-1805) Setting the Time Interval

In this section of the screen, you can set a time interval, which should change the time intervals, which will be used in the information that will display in the tabs. The user can change the 'From' – 'To' dates and choose from several options available with the button which changes the time intervals automatically.
After typing, an appropriate date and time, press Enter, and the system refreshes all data from the current time.

 Figure 73: Time interval definition

When auto refresh is switched on, then the charts will refresh in the specified time interval.
The user can save predefined intervals to a list box on the right side by clicking on the save button and providing a description. Description is automatically filled by first system which is marked in system tree and time interval from – to.

 Figure 74: Saving of selected time interval

You can choose another option with radio button on All checked systems in system pool tree. In this case is description also automatically filled and it is necessary to do not change description between <>, because there will be system ID.

 Figure 75: Saving of all checked systems in system pool tree

If the user wants to load a saved interval, the interval will be available from a list box. For deleting, select the interval and click on the delete button.

 Figure 76: Choosing the saved time interval

Not all collected information exceeding the retention time is deleted if it was measured in a saved interval.

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