(Glue-2408) CDS View Delta Replication

In this page you will find a step-by-step list on how to set up a CDS view Delta extraction.

As prerequisite please follow this step list to create all necessary objects: CDS View Replication.

CDS Fetcher setup

  1. Open created CDS Fetcher, if active, deactivate it and switch to edit mode using button in toolbar at the top of the screen.

  2. In CDS Type Generic you can setup delta by yourself. However in this case we are going to switch to CDS Type Delta Enabled and use I_PRODUCT as CDS source. After switching to Delta Enabled CDS Type Glue automatically detects what delta should be used based on CDS annotation definition. In this case it is automatically set to TRIGGER and cannot be changed.


  3. Click activate in toolbar at the top of the screen.

Execution of delta extraction

  1. Open extraction process, if deactivated, activate it.

  2. Click Execute in toolbar at the top of the screen.

  3. Select Load Type either Delta Init Without Data or Delta Init + Full Load based on if you want to also perform Full Load prior to Delta initialization.

  4. After Delta initialization triggers are deployed on the source tables. You can access this through Fetcher, button Manage Trigger.


  5. Perform some operations on the source tables.

  6. Go back to extraction process and execute Delta Load. Your changes captured by trigger are now transferred to target.