(DI-2308) Check If a KPI Is Monitored

(DI-2308) Check If a KPI Is Monitored

When a KPI is monitored, you can view its chart in KPI charts. For more information on how to display a KPI, see the chapter (DI-2308) Display KPIs.

A KPI might be present in CrystalBridge® Monitoring, but KPI values aren't displayed in charts. This can be caused by the fact that you haven't started the monitoring of a KPI yet.
In this case, you should go through the following steps: 

I. Find the name of the Monitoring profile under which the KPI is collected

  1. Go to Settings > Monitoring settings (transaction /DVD/MON_CUST).
  2. Select the KPI in KPI definitions.
  3. Double-click Assigned profiles.
  4. Find the Profile name.

In the case that no Monitoring profile name is assigned for the selected KPI, you should assign it manually. For more information on how to define a profile for a KPI, see the chapter (DI-2308) Define a Monitoring Profile for a KPI

II. Check whether you started the monitoring of the KPI with the Monitoring profile for a specific system

  1. Return to the main screen and select Collector Jobs.
  2. Find the Collector job which is assigned to the Monitoring profile and the system of the particular KPI.
  3. Check the Collector Job status.
    If the status is as follows, then the KPI is monitored by the system:
  • Scheduled: Collector job is scheduled for periodical runs in the future
  • Waiting: Collector job is waiting for free work processes 
  • Running: Collector job is currently running

The KPI isn't monitored if the Collector job wasn't created or if it has one of the following statuses:

  • Not running: Collector job isn't scheduled for monitoring of the KPI. The Collector job hasn't been started or it was stopped manually. To start the Collector job proceed as described in (DI-2308) Schedule the Monitoring of KPIs

  • Terminated: Collector job was manually terminated and is not scheduled for monitoring of a KPI. This status occurs when you manually cancel a background job in Background & Batch Jobs through the transaction SM37. 

III. Display monitored KPIs of a Collector job

To check the list of collected KPIs for a scheduled collector job, in the context menu for the selected collector job, select the option Show monitored KPI(s)
The following pop-up window is displayed and it shows the list of all collected KPIs for the selected collector job with their KPI monitoring status text. 

All KPIs which are defined for the selected profile are displayed in this list. The list of currently monitored KPIs by this collector job is shown first and after currently monitored KPIs, the list of excluded KPIs is displayed. The KPI monitoring status can have the following texts: 

  • KPI is currently monitored by this profile 
  • Excluded: Monitoring area '&1' is not assigned to the system '&2'
  • Excluded: KPI is already monitored by profile '&1'
  • Excluded: KPI is not monitored by any profile

Each text has defined a long text with additional details. This long text can be displayed by pressing the info button available next to this text field.

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