(DI-2308) Menu Buttons

(DI-2308) Menu Buttons

CrystalBridge® Monitoring Monitor provides a custom menu for better usability of its functionality. It contains the following items: 


Serves for manipulating with Monitoring data. Mainly used functions from this menu are for exporting and importing monitoring data. 

  • Refresh - update all information in the CrystalBridge® Monitoring Monitor cockpit (list of monitored systems/servers, KPI charts, Messages, Alerts, etc.)
  • Add new system displays a popup window for adding a new system. Additional information about adding a new system can be found in Add a New System.
  • Start default monitoring - starts default monitoring relevant for specific system types. 
  • Export coll. data - export only the transactional data collected by collector jobs (e.g. KPI values). 
  • Export mon. setup - export the customizing content (e.g. KPI definitions). 
  • Import coll. data - import only the exported transactional data. 
  • Import mon. setup - import the exported customizing content.

More details about the export and import steps can be found in chapter (DI-2308) Import and Export Monitoring System Data or the Monitoring Setup


This item serves for deletion of the whole system definition. You might find more details about system deletion in chapter (DI-2308) Delete system from the monitoring.


You might use this menu for accessing various views for customizing setup.  

  • System settingsmaintenance of monitored systems and additional configuration parameters used in monitoring. You might find more details about System settings in chapter (DI-2308) System Settings Maintenance.
  • Monitoring settings - maintenance of KPIs, their association to the collectors, profiles, KPI groups, or events. You might find more details about all monitoring maintenance in chapter (DI-2308) The Complete Process of Custom KPI Creation and Data Collection.
  • Collector settings - maintenance of Collectors and their parameter values. You might find all details about collectors in chapter (DI-2308) Collectors
  • User settings - possibility to adjust the setting of displaying data in the cockpit on the user's level. You might find more information about user settings in chapter (DI-2308) User Display Settings.


Provides redirections to some helpful hidden functionalities of CrystalBridge® Monitoring. 

  • BW Analysis 
    • BW anl. quick setup - schedules and executes the BW analysis for a selected system. You might find more details about BW analysis setup in chapter (DI-2308) Set up BW Analysis
    • BW analysis wizard - executes the wizard for BW analysis setup. You might find more details about the BW analysis wizard in chapter (DI-2308) Wizard Setup of the BW Analysis.
    • Scoper - redirection into Data Distribution Analysis report. You might find more details about Scoper report in chapter (DI-2308) Data Distribution Analysis
    • Query Runtime Detail - redirection into Query analysis report. You might find more details about Query runtime details in chapter (DI-2308) Query analysis
  • Analysis Status View - redirection into the Analysis Run IDs statuses. 
  • Incident management - report a new incident in CrystalBridge® Monitoring 
  • Report Generator opens a new transaction for generating a summary report from the monitoring according to selected KPIs or other areas like system IDs, server names, profiles, etc. The generator works with a predefined template and allows you to use your own template as well (your own template has to be created in the W3 repository - transaction SMW0). Generated HTML output is possible to compress as a ZIP file and store it in the application server, frontend PC, or to send via e-mail.
  • Startup wizard - executes the startup wizard for CrystalBridge® Monitoring. More information can be found in the chapter Startup Wizard Setup. 
  • Open Fiori application - opens the Fiori application. The URL address for the Fiori application needs to be configured in (DI-2308) Configuration of Properties
  • RFC destinations - executes the transaction SM59 to maintain RFC destination(s) on the system.  
  • Job view - executes the transaction SM37 to display all background jobs.  
  • Distribution list - executes the transaction SO23 to maintain the list of user emails, SAP user names, private distribution list, and shared distribution list for notification of events and messages.


Allows you to display some information about CrystalBridge® Monitoring. 

  • License - displays the information about the currently installed license. 
  • Changelog - displays the window with all changes done in CrystalBridge® Monitoring per each release 
  • User guide - redirection into the public documentation for CrystalBridge® Monitoring  

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