(DI-2305) Collector for HANA High-Availability
The technical name of the Collector for HANA High-Availability is /DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HA.
It collects details about HANA System replication (if it's set up) like delay in communication to replicated backup system, oldest snapshot on the replicated system, or errors in replication.
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table |
HDB_FAILOVER | Number of hosts in failover status | Count | No |
HDB_REP_DELAY | Replication: Log shipping delay | S | No |
HDB_REP_ERROR | Number of system replication errors | Count | Yes |
HDB_REP_SS_AGE | Age of oldest replication snapshot | Min | No |
HDB_REP_UNKNOWN | Number of unknown replication statuses. | Count | No |
HDB_SRV_RESTART | Number of restarted index services | Count | No |
Detail table
The collector provides a detailed table of HANA replication errors. The technical name of the detail table is /DVD/MON_HDB_S_REPLICATION.
HANA replication errors provides information about a specific replication channel if it is in an error state. Selected information is collected from table M_SERVICE_REPLICATION. That information is:
Technical name | Description |
TIMESTAMP | When the records are saved into the Detail table |
HOST | Hostname of primary (source) system |
PORT | Post of primary (source) system |
SITE_NAME | Custom name for primary (source) system |
SECONDARY_HOST | Hostname of secondary (destination) system |
SECONDARY_PORT | Port of secondary (destination) system |
SECONDARY_SITE_NAME | Custom name for secondary (source) system |
REPLICATION_STATUS | Current status of replication (only ERROR status gets into detail table) |
REPLICATION_STATUS_DETAIL | More details about why is replication in ERROR state |
FULL_SYNC | Enabled/Disabled full sync in replication |
LAST_LOG_POSITION_TIME | Last HANA log made on primary (source) system |
REPLAYED_LOG_POSITION_TIME | Last replayed log on secondary (destination) system. Basically last recorded change. |