(DI-2305) Collector for SAP Lock entries (SM12)
The technical name of the Collector for Locks entries (SM12) is /DVD/MON_CL_COL_LOCKS.
This collector collects information about existing Lock entries (SM12) on the system. By default, it collects all Lock entries, but the scope of the locks monitoring can be customizable via the Input table.
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table |
LOCK_LONGEST_DURATION | Duration of the longest Lock entry | Hours | No |
LOCK_NUM_ALL | Number of all existing Lock entries | Number | No |
LOCK_NUM_ALL_SPECIFIC | Number of all existing Lock entries specified in Inputs | Number | Yes |
LOCK_NUM_LONG_RUNNING | Number of Lock entries exceeding the time limit | Number | Yes |
LOCK_NUM_MODE_E | Number of Exclusive locks (Lock mode E) | Number | Yes |
LOCK_NUM_MODE_O | Number of Optimistic locks (Lock mode O) | Number | Yes |
LOCK_NUM_MODE_S | Number of Shared locks (Lock mode S) | Number | Yes |
LOCK_NUM_MODE_X | Number of Exclusive not cumulative locks (Lock mode X) | Number | Yes |
Input table
Collector uses input table /DVD/MON_LOCK_I where user can specify what kind of locks will be processed and calculated into KPI values and detail table /DVD/MON_T_LOCK_DETAIL.
Wildcards are supported for fields Client, Table name or Lock argument. If input table /DVD/MON_LOCK_I is empty, all existing Lock entries are included into the monitoring.
Technical name | Column name | Description |
KPI_RULE_NUMBER | KPI Rule Number | Sequence of rules (to add a new rule, always increment the previous last KPI rule number). |
GCLIENT | Client | Client for the lock entry. Possibility to use wildcard ‘*' in this field. When wildcard * is used, Lock entries existing on all clients will be processed. |
GNAME | Table name | Table name for a Lock entry. Possibility to use wildcard '*' in this field. When wildcard * is used, Lock entries for all tables will be processed. |
GTARG | Lock argument | Lock argument for a Lock entry. Possibility to use wildcard '*' in this field. When wildcard * is used, Lock entries with any lock arguments will be processed. |
TIMELIMIT | Time [min] | Time limit in minutes for long existing locks. If any Lock entry exists longer than this time limit, it is included into the KPI calculating the number of Lock entries exceeding the time limit. |
PRIORITY | Rule priority | Rule priority. The rules with a higher priority are processed first. |
ADD_TO_DETAIL | Add to details | If relevant Lock entry matches this rule, its additional information is added into detail table (if this field set to 'X'). If this field is set to space, no additional information about Lock entry is reported into detail table. |
AGGR_TO_DETAIL | Aggregate to details | If relevant Lock entry matches this rule, its additional information is added into detail table, but in aggregated (set to 'X') or non-aggregated mode (set to space). Aggregation mode - Lock entries are aggregated into detail table per Client, Host, Table name and Lock mode and if more records with the same aggregation field values exist, the lock count for this record is incremented in detail table. Non-aggregation mode - Lock entries are not aggregated and all existing Lock entries matching the rule criteria are reported into detail table as a separate records (one Lock entry in SM12 represents one record in Detail table). |
REPORT_ONCE | Only once | Report the same Lock entry only once (set to ‘X') or after each collector’s execution (set to space) into detail table. |
ACTIVE | Active | Is this rule active ('X') or not (space)? |
Detail table
The collector provides detailed table Lock entries (SM12). The technical name of the detail table is /DVD/MON_T_LOCK_DETAIL.
Lock entries (SM12) reports all existing Lock entries based on the configured custom rules in input table. By default, when no inputs defined, all Lock entries are processed into detail table in aggregated mode. Records in detail table are aggregated per Client, Host, Table name and Lock mode.
Technical name | Description |
TIMESTAMP | When the records are saved into the Detail table |
SID | System ID |
CLIENT | Client in the lock entry |
HOST | Host Name in the Lock Owner ID |
TABLE_NAME | Elementary Lock of Lock Entry (Table Name) |
LOCK_MODE | Lock Mode (Shared/Exclusive) of a Lock Entry |
AGGREGATED | Lock Entry: Aggregated or not? |
LOCKS_COUNT | Lock Entry: Count the number of aggregated records |
LOCK_ARG | Argument String (=Key Fields) of Lock Entry |
START_TIME | Lock entry: Start timestamp |
UNAME | User name in lock entry |
AVG_DURATION | Lock entry: Average duration in minutes |
MAX_DURATION | Lock entry: Maximum duration in minutes |