(DI-2305) Collector for IDoc Details
The technical name of the Collector for IDoc Details is /DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_DETAIL.
This collector collects values from specified segments and fields of IDocs from the input table. Collector runs once per day and if there is any change in IDoc specified in the input table, value(s) from its fields will be extracted to the detail table.
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table |
IDOCS_CHANGED | Number of IDocs changed since the last collector run | Count | Yes |
Input table
Collector uses input table /DVD/MON_IDOC_CF where user can specify which IDoc types, segments, and fields are to be monitored.
Technical name | Column name | Description |
IDOCTYPE | IDoc Type | Type of IDoc to monitor. |
SEGMENT | Segment | Specifies segment of IDoc of which value will be extracted. If 'EDIDC' is used instead of real IDoc Segment, you can use field name in field FIELDNAME from structure EDIDC to extract value from this raw table. |
FIELDNAME | Field name | Field name from of IDoc segment. Value from this field will be interpreted into detail table |
NUM_FUNCTION | Numeric Function | Does numeric function (SUM/AVG/MAX/MIN) on IDoc values from EDID4 table. |
Detail table
The collector provides detailed table of IDoc values detail table. The technical name of the detail table is /DVD/MON_IDOC_S_DT
IDoc values detail table provides values of specified fields from IDocs that changed since the last collector run. If you set to monitor field “X” of segment “Y” of IDoc type “Z”, all IDoc that are this type, contain specified structure, have specified fields, and were changed since the last run will be reported here together with the extracted value from field “X”.
Technical name | Description |
TIMESTAMP | When the records are saved into the Detail table |
SID | System ID |
EVENT_TIMESTAMP | When was IDoc changed |
MANDT | Client ID |
DOCNUM | IDoc Number |
DIRECT | IDoc Direction |
STATUS | IDoc Status |
IDOCTYP | IDoc Type |
STRUCTURE | IDoc Structure |
FIELDNAME | IDoc Structure Fieldname |
STR_VAL | Value will be here if fieldname type is character-like |
NUM_VAL | Value will be here if fieldname type is numeric-like |