(DI-2305) Collector for BW Query Runtimes
The technical name of the Collector for Workload Statistics is /DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_QUERY_RT.
The default KPIs of this collector calculates the number of BW Query executions in various states (erroneous, long-running, or total executed BW queries since the last time of the collector’s executions). This collector collects also runtime details of executed BW Queries based on available OLAP statistics (data from standard table RSDDSTAT_OLAP) and defined records in Input tables.
The prerequisite to monitor all BW Query details within this collector is that standard OLAP statistics for executed BW Queries are available and reported into the standard table RSDDSTAT_OLAP for the monitored time period. If no data is available in table RSDDSTAT_OLAP, the collector does not report any KPIs as it’s reading data from this standard SAP table.
If you want to enable the reporting of these OLAP statistics on your SAP system, check it with your team responsible for this area of expertise.
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table |
BW_QUERY_ERROR | BW: Number of erroneous Queries | Number | Yes |
BW_QUERY_LONG_RUN | BW: Number of long-running Queries | Number | Yes |
BW_QUERY_RUNTIME | BW: Number of executed Queries | Number | Yes |
The following parameters are used for this collector:
Parameter name | Description |
TIME_PERIOD_IN_SECS | This parameter defines the maximum time period in seconds and how far back in time should be the query data processed. Default value is 3600 seconds (query data selected only for the last hour). |
Input table
The Collector for BW Query Runtimes uses four input tables:
1. /DVD/MON_BWQLONG - BW Query Collector: Long Running Input table
The rules define thresholds for long-running BW queries. Only BW queries that exceed the defined time limit threshold are considered into KPI for long-running queries and detail tables. By default, this input table is empty and the default threshold for 60 seconds is used.
Technical name | Column name | Description |
KPI_RULE_NUMBER | KPI Rule Number | Number which defines a sequence of existing rules (a unique number for each rule) |
QUERRY_NAME_PATT | Query Name Pattern | Query name for which this rule is applied for (wildcards are also supported). |
TIMELIMIT | Query Runtime time limit (s) | Threshold for BW Query runtime in seconds. If the query’s runtime exceeds this threshold time limit, this query is defined as long-running. |
ACTIVE | Is KPI rule active? | Is this rule active ('X') or not (space)? If the rule is not active, it’s skipped in the collector’s logic. |
PRIORITY | Rule priority | Rule priority. The rules with a higher priority are processed first. |
2. /DVD/MON_BWQRTYP - BW Query: Input table for Report type mapping
The rules define the mapping of custom report types for queries or report texts. By default, this input table is empty and no report type is reported into the detail table BW Query Runtime details.
Technical name | Column name | Description |
QUERY_NAME | Name (ID) of a reporting component | Query name for which this rule is applied for (wildcards are also supported). |
REPORT_TEXT | BW Query: Report text | Report text of BW Query for which this rule is applied (wildcards are also supported). |
REPORT_TYPE | BW Query: Report type | Custom value for the Report type. This value is then reported in detail table BW Query Runtime details (if the report type is not set or the matching rule is not found, an empty value is reported). |
3. /DVD/MON_BWQYGRP - BW Query Runtime Group
There is a predefined list of runtime groups for OLAP statistics based on which are calculated runtime statistics in detail table BW Query Runtime details.
Technical name | Column name | Description |
FIELDNAME | Field Name | Name of the field from the detail table to which the configured event IDs are applicable (needed for calculating the OLAP statistics for each predefined group). |
SEQ | Sequence number of the rule | Number which defines a sequence of existing rules. |
SIGN | ABAP: ID: I/E (include/exclude values) | Defines whether values from selection should be included or excluded. |
OPT | ABAP: Selection option (EQ/BT/CP/...) | Defines the condition of the row in form of relational operators for selection. |
LOW | Low value for selection option | Defines the comparison value or the lower interval limitation for selection. |
HIGH | High value for selection option | Defines the upper interval limitation for selection. |
TYPE | BW Query: Event unit (Time / Count) | Defines if this field displays the time value (T) or the count of the matching records (C). |
4. /DVD/MON_BWUSRGR - BW User Groups for Users
The rules define the mapping of custom users into user groups in user master maintenance. By default, this input table is empty and no user group is reported in detail table BW Query Runtime details.
Technical name | Column name | Description |
USER_GROUP | User group in user master maintenance | Custom value for user group which is reported in detail table BW Query Runtime details (if user group not set or matching rule not found, an empty value is reported). |
USER_NAME | User Name | Name of the user to which is this rule applied and to which user group is this user assigned. |
ACTIVE | Is the rule active? | Is this rule active ('X') or not (space)? If the rule is not active, it’s skipped in the collector’s logic. |
Detail table
The collector provides a detail table of BW Query Runtime details which contains BW queries with their runtime statistics and any other additional details about their execution. The technical name of the detail table is /DVD/MON_BW_T_QUERY_RUNTIME and contains the following fields:
Technical name | Description |
QUERY_NAME | Name (ID) of a reporting component |
STARTTIME | BW Query Start Timestamp |
STEPTP | OLAP Statistics: Step Type (ODBO, BEX, etc.) |
REPORT_TEXT | BW Query: Report text |
REPORT_TYPE | BW Query: Report type |
USER_NAME | User Name |
USER_GROUP | User group in user master maintenance |
INFOPROVIDER | InfoProvider |
INFOPROVIDER_TEXT | Long description |
INFOAREA | InfoArea |
INFOAREA_TEXT | Long description |
DATA_MANAGER | BW Query: Data Manager Runtime |
OLAPS_AUTH | BW Query: OLAP Authorization Runtime |
OLAPS_CACHE | BW Query: OLAP Cache Runtime |
OLAPS_OLAP | BW Query: OLAP Runtime |
TOTAL_RUNTIME | BW Query: Total Runtime |
DBTRANS | Total Number of Transported Records |
DBSEL | Total Number of Read Records |
WHERE_CLAUSE | WHERE clause for the filter of the BW query (maximum length of 1024 characters) |
STATUS | Query Status |
ERROR_TEXT | Error Text |