(DI-2302) Collector for user authorization findings

(DI-2302) Collector for user authorization findings

The collector for user authorization findings is named: /DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_USR_AUTH.
It collects KPIs about the authorizations of users. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_GRCUAI1.
Input table /DVD/MON_GRCUAI1 sets extended KPI definition with the following fields:

KPI rule numKPI Rule Number
SIDSystem ID
Auth typeAuthorization type
Auth nameAuthorization
Only newReport only new findings
Add to detailAdd relevant records to details
ActiveIs KPI rule active?
Created byCreated by user [automatically filled]
Created atCreated at [automatically filled]

The collector provides also detailed output in a detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called: Users with their search authorizations - /DVD/MON_GRCUAD1 with the following fields:

KPI name

User Name
Authorization type

Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with the collector as examples:

KPI nameDescriptionUnit
GRC_AUTH_ALLNumber of users with full authorization (SAP_ALL,SAP_NEW)Count
GRC_AUTH_ALL_O_NNumber of NEW users with full authorization (SAP_ALL,SAP_NEW)Count

NOTE: All standard user authorizations KPIs have prefix GRC_AUTH*