(DI-2302) Collector for Workload Statistics
The technical name of the Collector for Workload Statistics is /DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULES.
The default KPIs created through this collector display statistics about Transactional workload. The STAD records are evaluated to provide information about the response times, average times, or a number of transactions. This collector provides two input tables that offer higher scalability to create custom KPIs based on customer needs without any additional code changes.
In this section:
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table |
STAT_DB_DIALOG_AVG | Average Response Time for Users on Database | Ms | No |
STAT_DB_RESP_AVG | Average Response Time on Database | Ms | No |
STAT_DIALOG_AVG | Average System Response Time for Users | Ms | No |
STAT_DIALOG_TOT | Total System Response Time for Users | Ms | No |
STAT_M_RESP_BC | [BC] Response time from Basis Components | Ms | No |
STAT_M_RESP_BW | [BW] Response time from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse | Ms | No |
STAT_M_RESP_XXXX | Total response time from undefined components | Ms | No |
STAT_M_TCNT_BC | [BC] Number of trans. from Basis Components | Count | No |
STAT_M_TCNT_BW | [BW] Number of trans. from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse | Count | No |
STAT_M_TCNT_XXXX | Number of a transaction from undefined components | Count | No |
STAT_RSA1_AVG | Average runtime of RSA1 | Ms | No |
STAT_SE16_AVG | Average Response Time of Transaction SE16 | Ms | No |
STAT_SE16_CNT | The number of SE16 Transaction starts | Count | No |
STAT_SE16_TTL | Response Time of Transaction SE16 | Ms | No |
STAT_SE38_RESP | Response Time of Transaction SE38 | Ms | No |
STAT_SE38_RUN | Average Runtime of reports running via SE38 | Ms | No |
NOTE: All modules workloads KPIs have prefix STAT_*
Custom KPIs
The Collector for Workload statistics enables you to create custom KPIs based on this collector. For more information on how to create a custom KPI, see the chapter Create a KPI through the Collectors with a Custom KPI.
You can find an example of how to create a custom KPI, which is based on this collector in the following subpages:
Input table
The Collector for Workload Statistics uses two input tables:
1. /DVD/MON_STAT_I1 - KPI Extended Definition for SAP Module Statistic Monitoring
The rules define how the KPI value is calculated and provides the following fields:
Technical name | Column name | Description |
KPI | KPI name | Name of the KPI that rule applies to (same technical name as in KPI definition) |
VALUE_RESULT | KPI Value result for Module | Define how the value will be calculated. Possible options are:
ABOVE_X_MSEC | Count transaction runtime only above the limit (in milliseconds) | (OPTIONAL) Evaluate only transactions which have runtime above the limit |
MIN_HINT | Minimum hint of transaction count to evaluate | (OPTIONAL) Evaluate only if more than x transaction |
EXCLUDE_TOP_N | Exclude top N runtimes for average | (OPTIONAL) Exclude top N runtimes for average |
TIME_SOURCE | Time source | Possible values are:
ONCE_PER_TRANS | Collect only one Statistical record per transaction | Collect only one record according to a specific transaction ID and it's the session ID. If this flag is not set, it will include all STAD records for all user steps in the transaction.
ADD_TO_DETAILS | Add statistics to details | Add relevant statistics found for KPIs into detail table (Yes/No) |
CHANGED_BY | Changed by | Last changed by user [automatically filled]. |
CHANGED_AT | Changed at | Last changed date [automatically filled]. |
2. /DVD/MON_STAT_I2 - KPI Rules for SAP Module Statistic Monitoring
This table provides rules for a more specific selection of statistical records which are included in the KPI value calculation. It contains the following fields:
Technical name | Column name | Description |
KPI | KPI name | Name of the KPI that rule applies to (same technical name as in KPI definition) |
KPI_RULE_NUMBER | KPI Rule Number | Index of rule for same KPI. Please note that the OR operator is used for more rules. |
PS_POSID | Application Component ID | (OPTIONAL) SAP Application Component ID of desired transactions For transactions without an app. comp. can be used UNKNOWN |
PROGNAME | ABAP Program Name | (OPTIONAL) Name of specific Transaction or Program/Report |
USERID | User Name | (OPTIONAL) User name whose executed transaction/program |
TASK_TYPE | Task type | (OPTIONAL) Possible values are:
BTCJOB | Background job name | (OPTIONAL) Background Job Name |
SERVER | Server name | (OPTIONAL) Server name |
STAT_FIELD_NAME | Specific field name from workload statistic record structure (STAD_STATREC) | (OPTIONAL) Technical name of a field from structure STAD_STATREC (e.g. RECORD-CUA_FUNC for specific function code executed in a transaction). |
STAT_FIELD_COMP | Value comparator for a specific field in workload stat. | (OPTIONAL) Comparator for the field value. Possible values:
STAT_FIELD_VALUE | Value of specific field from workload statistic record | (OPTIONAL) Value of the field in STAD record |
CHANGED_BY | Changed by | Last changed by user [automatically filled]. |
CHANGED_AT | Changed at | Last Changed At [TIMESTAMP] [automatically filled]. |
CREATED_BY | Created by | Created By User [automatically filled] |
CREATED_AT | Created at | Created At [TIMESTAMP] [automatically filled] |
Please note that if you specified more KPI rules with custom STAT_FIELD* values from structure STAD_STATREC, the OR operator is used for these rules.
The following parameters are used for this collector:
Parameter name | Description |
INCLUDE_APPL_STAT | Should the collector include application statistics when retrieving statistical records? Default value: empty (do not include application statistics) |
MAX_PERIOD_IN_MINUTES | Maximum period time for statistical records selections. The default value in minutes: 10 |
WAIT_FACTOR | Value inversely proportional to wait time for aRFC callbacks of function module SWNC_STAD_READ_STATRECS. The function module calls each application server using aRFC and the the wait factor determines how long the logic waits for all aRFC calls to complete. Wait time is calculated using the following expression: wait_time = read_time / wait_factor + 20 On higher SAP releases (SAP_BASIS 740: SP 0017 and higher), it does not make sense to change the value of this parameter, as SAP introduced a new parameter in function SWNC_STAD_READ_STATRECS which suppress the wait factor value. Default value: 30 |
Detail table
The collector provides a detailed output for statistical records via detail table /DVD/MON_STAT_D1 - SAP Workload Statistics.
By default, details are not collected for default KPIs. If you want to collect details, the flag for the field ‘ADD_TO_DETAILS' needs to be set to 'X’ for the relevant KPI defined in the input table /DVD/MON_STAT_I1. After this flag setup, the relevant KPI needs to be assigned to the detail table /DVD/MON_STAT_D1 (more information about KPI assignment to the detail table can be found in the chapter (DI-2302) Create a Detail Table for a Custom KPI Assigned to a Custom Collector).
Detail table /DVD/MON_STAT_D1 contains the following fields:
Technical name | Description |
TIMESTAMP | Time when the records are saved into the Detail table |
SID | System ID |
SERVER | Server name |
PS_POSID | Application Component ID |
PROGNAME | ABAP Program Name |
USERID | User Name |
TASK_TYPE | Task type |
BTCJOB | Background job name |
TRANS_COUNT | Transaction count |
RESP_TIME | Response time [ms] |
AVG_TIME | Average runtime [ms] |
PERIOD | Period of a snapshot in seconds |
PROC_TIME | Total processing time [ms] |
AVG_PROC_TIME | Average processing time [ms] |
ROLLED_OUT | Rolled out time [ms] |
AVG_ROLLED_OUT | Average rolled out time [ms] |
DB_REQ_TIME | Database request time [ms] |
AVG_DB_REQ_TIME | Average database request time [ms] |
CPU_TIME | CPU time [ms] |
AVG_CPU_TIME | Average CPU time [ms] |
GUI_TIME | GUI time [ms] |
AVG_GUI_TIME | Average GUI time [ms] |
GUI_NET_TIME | GUI network time [ms] |
AVG_GUI_NET_TIME | Average GUI network time [ms] |
KPI | KPI name |