(DV-2211) SAP Report Comparison PDF Output

(DV-2211) SAP Report Comparison PDF Output

As SAP Report comparison output is solely text output, we are able to export that into a PDF file. You can export output to PDF directly from the SNP Validate Display Results screen, which is used to preview results. The following steps need to be completed:

  1. Select those variants, which outputs you wish to export to PDF. (you can select single or multiple variants - each variant will have its own PDF).

2. Click on the Export to PDF button.

3. You will be prompted to choose the directory where to save PDF file(s).

4. If you see a success message that means PDF file(s) were saved into your selected directory.

The PDF file will have the following name: <technical name of run>_<variant ID>_<create date of variant>.pdf. Both the before image and after image are saved into the same PDF. PDF files also maintain color difference like it is in the SNP Validate Display Results screen, which means lines with errors will be displayed in red color.