(DV-2211) Release Notes

(DV-2211) Release Notes

Release Date: 30.11.2022 (next on 6.02.2023)
Version: 2211 - Autumn release (build 147)

News & Improvements

VAL-754 Set proper printing format layout for report testing

VAL-846 Create authorization for RFC

VAL-992 Implement API for table test variant creation for DTS

VAL-1066 Conversion rule impl. in table testing

VAL-1067 Filter rule impl.

VAL-1107 Enable data merges after the conversion or mapping rule changes values

VAL-1200 Add option to leave old or new value empty in table value mapping

VAL-1209 Hide old value mapping in the table generator


VAL-972 Report testing - imagine creation does not log the report wrapper program part

VAL-973 Logging via log macros lead to dump if log is not initialized

VAL-1042 Missing authorization for LOG_MEMORY_STAT

VAL-1056 Table result for non-existing variant persists in TH result task

VAL-1070 Different code page on remote system causes failure via RFC Agent

VAL-1114 Creating Variant by Generate does not work as expected

VAL-1120 Table own aggregation not working

VAL-1130 Can not click on Next Page in Table results with more than 5000 rows

VAL-1132 Syntax error in MV class for value conversion

VAL-1133 Table Testing - F4 help for after image variant field is not working

VAL-1134 Table Testing - Copy of settings to the corresponding after-image fails

VAL-1135 Table Testing - Remote log is called for RFC: 'NONE'

VAL-1136 Table Testing - Check for variant usage is working incorrectly

VAL-1137 Table Testing - Values of a variant are not bound to the corresponding fields of a variant list

VAL-1138 Table Testing - F4 help for storage ID should display all available storages when its field is filled

VAL-1141 Table Testing - Missing result status

VAL-1142 Table Testing - Button for tags is missing

VAL-1152 Message when creating conversion and filter rule outside of Z-namespace is wrong

VAL-1153 DTS table generator - issues from ussage

VAL-1154 Mass execute sequential mode doesn't work as expected

VAL-1155 Create after image as copy doesn't work if no row is selected

VAL-1156 Authorization errors for RFC_READ_TABLE and TH_USER_INFO via RFC

VAL-1157 Table Mass Generate - Hide tags if not enabled

VAL-1158 Mapping conversion rule goes out of memory - almost always

VAL-1159 After image variant gets added into variant list when saved again in report testing

VAL-1160 Conversion rule identical name issue

VAL-1163 When creating a variant copy, conversion rules are not taken into the new variant

VAL-1164 Conversion rules are only executed in the before image when no after image is defined

VAL-1169 After image variant gets added into variant list when using listcube generator

VAL-1177 Rebuild value mapping as standalone ABAP rule

VAL-1181 Check if conversion rule is eligible ignores field mapping

VAL-1182 After image status check

VAL-1199 "Run as different user" in report testing is not logged correctly

VAL-1204 Table own aggregation not passed correctly

VAL-1205 SNP namespace included in transport - incorrect RFC dest. data element

VAL-1210 On aggregation for cluster table message should be warning instead of error