(2211) Add-on Installation Guide
The purpose of this document is to explain to the end-user the process of installing the SNP OutBoard™ Data Tiering Add-on for the BW/4HANA system.
SNP OutBoard™ Data Tiering installation package
A valid license obtained from your consultant
SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) version 55 or higher
SAP NetWeaver 7.50 with SP 5 or a higher version
SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 or higher
Installation Process
SNP OutBoard™ Data Tiering installation package is an add-on that must be imported using the Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT). Upload and import the BW40020762457_0000005.PAT file. Install the OFF add-on using the wizard (a detailed guide can be found in the Saint online documentation).
After a successful SNP OutBoard™ Data Tiering installation, the software component OFF 100 will be available in the system.
Access SNP OutBoard™ Data Tiering by entering the transaction /DVD/OFF in your system.
Select License in the top menu and click on License.
License screen opens, and you have two options:
Ask for a license - select in the case you haven't received your license or it has expired. In the next dialog fill in the necessary fields such as your Email address, Customer name, and Description. By clicking Send, the program automatically generates a request e-mail with all the necessary information, which is then sent to our Support team.
Copy to clipboard - copies all the necessary license information, which you may then send to product_support@snpgroup.com.
Enter your License key received from our consultants and the calendar date until which the license is valid into Valid to.
Confirm or press Shift+F6 to complete the installation.