(DI-2211) Collector for HANA Table Sizes
This collector reports information on HANA column table sizes, unloads due to low memory, and information about partitions that are too large. The technical name of this collector is /DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TAB.
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table |
HDB_CS_DELRATIO | Delta memory / Total memory ratio | % | No |
HDB_CS_DELTASIZE | Size of column tables in delta memory | MB | No |
HDB_CS_ESTIMSIZE | Estimated size of column tables | MB | No |
HDB_CS_H_ESTSIZE | Estimated size of column tables per host | MB | No |
HDB_CS_H_TOTSIZE | Total memory size of column tables per host | MB | No |
HDB_CS_MAINSIZE | Size of column tables in main memory | MB | No |
HDB_CS_TOTALSIZE | Total memory size of column tables | MB | No |
HDB_CS_UNLOADS | Number of unloads | Ā | No |
HDB_CS_UNLOADS04 | Number of unloads priority 0 to 4 due to low memory | Count | No |
HDB_CS_UNLOADS56 | Number of unloads priority 5 to 6 due to low memory | Count | No |
HDB_CS_UNLOADS79 | Number of unloads priority 7 to 9 due to low memory | Count | No |
HDB_CS_UNLOADSL | Number of unloads due to low memory | Count | No |
HDB_PART_CNT_ABX | Number of partitions above X million rows | Count | No |
HDB_RS_ALLOC | Row store allocated size | MB | No |
HDB_RS_FRAG | Row store fragmentation | % | No |
The following parameters are used for this collector:
Parameter name | Description |
DELTA_MEM_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_MB | Defines the memory size threshold in MB for column tables in delta memory. Only column tables in delta memory which are exceeding this memory size threshold are reported into detail table HANA column tables in delta memory. |
DELTA_MEM_TOP_RECORDS | Defines how many maximum records can be reported into detail table HANA column tables in delta memory. |
INCLUDE_PERS_MEMORY_SIZE | By default off. When selected, persistent memory is also taken to account when collecting KPIs. Persistent memory (non-volatile RAM, also referred to as Storage Class Memory) is supported in SAP HANA as a persistent storage type. |
PART_CNT_ABOVE_ROWS | Default 1 billion. This parameter affects KPI HDB_PART_CNT_ABX - only reports partitions that have more rows than the number stated by this parameter. |
Detail table
The collector provides a detail table for HANA column tables in delta memory. The technical name of the detail table is /DVD/MON_HDB_S_CS_DELTA_MEM.
Detail table HANA column tables in delta memory provides a list of the top-x significant tables with the large delta memory. It contains the following fields:
Technical name | Description |
TIMESTAMP | When the records are saved into the Detail table |
SID | System ID |
HOST | Host name |
SCHEMA_NAME | Schema name |
TABLE_NAME | Table name |
PART_ID | Partition ID |
AUTO_MERGE_ON | Automatic Delta table merge |
LAST_MERGE_TIME | Last merge time |
MERGE_COUNT | Merge count |
MEMORY_SIZE_IN_TOTAL | Total Memory size [bytes] |
MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MAIN | Current memory consumption in Main [bytes] |
MEMORY_SIZE_IN_DELTA | Current memory consumption in Delta [bytes] |
MEMORY_SIZE_IN_HISTORY_MAIN | Current memory consumption in History-Main [bytes] |
MEMORY_SIZE_IN_HISTORY_DELTA | Current memory consumption in History-Delta [bytes] |
EST_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_TOTAL | Total estimated max. memory consumption [bytes] |
LAST_EST_MEMORY_SIZE | Last estimated memory consumption [bytes] |
LAST_EST_MEMORY_SIZE_TIME | Time for last estimated memory consumption [bytes] |
RECORD_COUNT | Record count |
RAW_RECORD_COUNT_IN_MAIN | Current number of entries in Main part of the table |
RAW_RECORD_COUNT_IN_DELTA | Current number of entries in Delta table delta part |
RAW_RECORD_COUNT_IN_HIST_MAIN | Raw record count in History-Main |
RAW_RECORD_COUNT_IN_HIST_DELTA | Raw record count in History-Delta |
LAST_COMPRESSED_RECORD_COUNT | Last compressed record count |
MAX_UDIV | Max. table row number |
MAX_MERGE_CID | Max. commit-ID |
MAX_ROWID | Max. row ID |
IS_DELTA2_ACTIVE | Is second delta active? |
IS_DELTA_LOADED | Is delta part of the table loaded? |
IS_LOG_DELTA | Is redo log currently written? |
PERSISTENT_MERGE | Persistent merge |