(DI-2211) Collector for Authorization Values

(DI-2211) Collector for Authorization Values

The collector for authorization values for a specific organization level is /DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_AUTH_OC.
It collects KPIs about background jobs. The KPIs are defined through the KPI definition and the Input table /DVD/MON_GRCOCI1.
The Input table /DVD/MON_GRCOCI1 sets an extended KPI definition with the following fields:

KPI RULE NUMKPI rule number
ROLERole name
ORG. LEVELOrganizational levels
AUTH VALAuthorization value
AUTH VALAuthorization value
NOT MATCHRegular expression which doesn't match
EXCLUDEExcluding KPI rule
ADD TO DETAILAdd relevant records to details
ACTIVEIs KPI rule active?

Change by

Last change by user [automatically filled]

Change at

Last change date [automatically filled]

The collector provides also a detailed output in the Detail table Wrong auth. for org.level - /DVD/MON_GRCOCD1:

ROLERole name
ORG. LEVELOrganizational levels
AUTH VALAuthorization value
AUTH VALAuthorization value

The following KPIs are provided in the CrystalBridge® Monitoring delivery with this collector:

KPI nameDescriptionUnit


Number of SAP_BC roles having full auth. on org. levelCount
GRC_AOC_SEC_ALLNumber of SAP_SEC_ roles having full auth. on org. levelCount
GRC_AOC_ZCOM_ALLNumber of X,Y,Z* roles having full auth. on company codeCount

All standard AUTH OC KPIs have the prefix GRC_AOC_*