(DTERP-2208) Transparent archive

Archive data are extracted from the system and moved to archiving files. Access to this data is then limited to Archiving Information System (SARI). Our product enables you to extract transparent data from the archive files to desired transparent storage from our storage management. Data is then available on target storage and you can consume them via multiple ways:

  • SE16 like access from SAP system

  • Direct processing on the target storage

  • Virtual archiving indexes on SAP system

This process can be executed automatically after a successful store to the content repository.

Component overview

The following diagram shows you how the transparent archive is working.


Transparent archive functionality is delivered as separate additional transport of SNP OutBoard™ ERP Archiving and has the following dependencies.

List of dependencies:

  • SNP Glue™

In order to be able to use transparent storage you need to install license for Glue in transaction /DVD/GLUE → License


Initial setup needs to be done for each archiving object, here you chose storage where the data will be transparentized. This process includes also the creation of the tables on the target storage.

Transaction: /DVD/SARAS

Cockpit location: /DVD/CRP → Transparentization → Archiving object setup

For each archiving object that you want to automatically transparentize needs to exist exactly one RunID. Once you create the runid you need to complete all steps in the setup tree:

Setup parameters



Recommended values



Recommended values

Storage ID

Name of the transparent storage where data will be loaded

<Selected transparent storage>

Package (for generated tables)

Package where generated GLUE tables will be assigned

$TMP or <Selected package>

Write package size (rows)

Maximum number of rows that can be transferred to storage at once


Overwrite data if needed

Enable overwrite the data in target storage, this can be useful when archiving file is loaded multiple times for some reason


Transparent access layer

  • Include archive object offset

Add field ARCHIVEOFS to each table on target storage. Field value contains information with offset in archiving file where the respective data are located. This field is vital for virtual archiving index functionality.


Decommissioning with DataFridge

  • Exclude RUNID from data

Exclude information about the RUNID which was used to transparentize data


Decommissioning with DataFridge (not relevant)

  • Translate values and currencies

  • Calculate hashed

Translate values and currencies that are transferred to tables.

Calculate and store incremental hash for processed data.


Select Archiving Object

Select desired archiving object and save.

Create Table Mapping

Here you can define the mapping between the original table name and the name of the table on target storage. You can leave them as it is or add some prefix using the button Set prefix if you want to revert your changes click on the button Reset target table names.

Please be aware of table name restrictions on target storage. For example, some of the storage can support a limited number of characters used in the table.

Generate Table Check Tasks

The step will generate a check consistency task for each table, in order to find possible issues with table definitions.

Check Tables Consistency

Group task contains all check tasks generated by the previous step. Execute the group task and check results.

Generate Table Create Tasks

Generate creation tasks for each table on target storage.

Create GLUE Tables

Group task contains all tasks generated by the previous step. Each task in the group will create one table on target storage. Execute the group task and check results.

Archiving object management

Automatic transparentization can be enabled on the Source id and on Archiving object level. Here you are able to define rules which Archiving object and which Source id can be automatically transparentized.

Field name


Input values

Field name


Input values

Source ID

Source ID that the rule should be managing

<Name of Source ID> or * for all

Archiving object

Archiving object for which initial setup was already done

<Name of Archiving object> or * for all


Rule is enabled

X - enabled

<empty> - rule is not considered


Source ID

Archiving object



Source ID

Archiving object






Functionality is enabled for all Source IDs but just for FI_DOCUMNT archiving object




Functionality is enabled for AB01 source id and just for CO_COPC archiving object




Functionality is enabled for CD01 source id and for all archiving objects