(OH-2208) Notifications Editor

(OH-2208) Notifications Editor

For sending notification emails, proper setup of an SMTP server on the SAP system using SCOT transaction is required.

SNP OutBoard™ Housekeeping offers the possibility to notify the user about events raised in SNP OutBoard™ Housekeeping via email notifications. These can be defined in Notifications Editor available in the top menu under "Edit".

Navigating to Notifications

In the Notifications Editor, it is possible to:

  • Create a new recipient with a valid e-mail address
  • Map desired events simply by clicking the checkboxes on Task status or System tab (in Edit mode).
  • Edit / Delete  a selected recipient with mapped event notifications;
  • Display the logs relevant to Notifications (in both Display and Edit modes).
  • Notification job status information, if active, a notification will be sent to a recipient
    • Active
    • Not active

To add the new custom task successfully an email address is required which will receive the notifications:

Creating new recipient

The fields required to create a new recipient successfully, are:

E-mail addressUnique valid e-mail address, it will be shown in the recipient list.
Active CheckboxWhen checked, the recipient is activated and notifications will be sent to him/her.

Events that can be registered for the recipient:
Tab Task status:

Finished OK

Finished with warning

Finished with error


Task status tab

Tab System
System is unavailable
Send notification when the RFC connection to the satellite system goes down
System is available
Send notification when the RFC connection to the satellite system is working again.
System doesn't contain product installation
Send notification when SNP OutBoard™ Housekeeping is not installed on the system.
RFC logon data for the system are incorrect
A notification is sent when the RFC logon data for the system is incorrect.

System tab

When you have set up all the required events, click the Save button (or with shortcut Ctrl+S). The check for notifications will be executed in cycles, based on the time setting in DAEMON_PERIOD.