(DTERP-2208) Monitor and Scheduling
Run ID monitor
Here you can see all the generated variants for the Run ID and schedule their execution.
Main columns
ID - Identification number of variants based on the order in which variants were generated
Sequence - The order of execution of scheduled variants
Name - Technical name of the variant
Description - Variant name description
Session - Archiving session number
Objects - Real number of objects for variant (valid only after the ‘Write’ phase is finished)
Potential objects - Potential number of objects for variant based on analysis
Size in MB - Total object size of the variant
<Phase> - Phase status
<Phase> time - Total execution time of the phase
Start date/time - Beginning of the variant execution
End date/time - End of the variant execution
Other columns
Counter of variants - Additional field that has always the value of “1”, it can be used together with the “Sum” functionality of ALV to count the number of selected variants
Additional fields based on object
There are various other fields depending on the object. These fields are hidden by default and can be accessed by changing the ALV layout.
Schedule execution
Select some variants from the list and press the "Schedule" button. In the popup window we can see these scheduling parameters:
Execution priority - Determines the execution priority of selected variants. Either the execution order will be sorted by phase or by variant.
Execute up to - Contains a list of phases for the Run ID, you can select up to which phase you wish to execute the scheduled variants.
Stop on execution error - If this field is checked, the execution of all the remaining phases and variants will be terminated in case any phase will finish with an error.
Maximum running tasks/jobs - You can specify how many tasks (phases) you want to be able to execute at the same time. You can press the "Check" button to calculate how many jobs will be needed for it.
One phase is executed in one task. Additionally, one more job is required for the dispatcher.
Run only between - Time frame in which the task execution is allowed. These fields can be used to limit the execution of tasks to a specific time frame. After reaching the upper time limit the job will be canceled (already running tasks will continue to run until they finish).
Periodic/continuous job:
If you specify a time frame and then schedule the job to run as a periodic job, it will be executed periodically as you set it, but the execution of the tasks (phases) will be limited to the selected time frame.
During each periodic run, the dispatcher will continue with the execution of the remaining tasks. After all of the tasks are finished, the periodic job will be canceled.
Cancel scheduling/execution
To cancel scheduled execution or execution already in progress press the “Cancel scheduling” button.