(DI-2208) Message Groups

(DI-2208) Message Groups

Message groups

You might adjust the list of messages for existing groups or create a new group. Please note that you can create only a message group that starts with Z*, Y*, or X*. 

According to these message groups, you might group or filter the specific messages displayed in the (DI-2208) Working Tabs tab. 

Message groups

COLLECTOR - Messages from collectors

Define the list of messages triggered in the Collector's logic 

DEBUG - Debugging messages 

Define the list of messages triggered from Debug action 

EXCLUDED - Excluded messages 

Define the list of messages to be excluded from the Default view. You might find more details about the Default view in the chapter (DI-2208) Working Tabs.

INTERNAL - Internal messages 

Define the list of messages triggered in Internal processing

SYSTEM - System messages 

Define the list of messages relevant to the system. 

Messages list 

You might define a specific list of messages for each group in Messages list node. The message needs to be fully specified by providing a valid message ID and number. Instructions on how to get these technical details of the message can be found in the chapter (DI-2208) Working Tabs.  

List of defined messages for the specific Message group