(DI-2205) Collector for GRC System Log

The collector for the GRC system log is /DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_SYSLOG.
It collects KPIs about system logs. The KPIs are defined through the KPI definition and the Input table /DVD/MON_SLGMSG.
The Input table /DVD/MON_SLGMSG sets the extended KPI definition with the following fields:

SIDSystem ID
AREASystem log message group
SUBIDSub name

Change by

Last change by user [automatically filled]

Change at

Last change date [automatically filled]

The collector provides also detailed output in a Detail table for assigned KPIs. The Detail table System log info - /DVD/MON_SLGINFO contains following fields:

System ID
Server name
Record ID
SAP process name
SAP user name
Transaction Code
Program Name
System log message group
Message text

The following KPIs are provided in the CrystalBridge® Monitoring delivery with this collector:

KPI nameDescriptionUnit
SLG_DEBUGNumber of changes in debug modeCount
SLG_KERNELNumber of activated C-calls debuggingCount

All standard system log KPIs have the prefix SLG_*