(DV-2111) Release notes

Release Date: 9.11.2021 (next on 7.02.2022)
Version: 2111.09 - Summer release (build 122)

News & Improvements

VAL-662 Merge report variant generators

VAL-661 Merge table variant generators

VAL-699 Create RFC search help

VAL-689 Pre-fill / check CONTENTID namespace for a specific repository

VAL-687 Pre-fill File Format when uploading to the repository

VAL-700 Validate connection to BOBJ server via Validate (Enterprise + Windows AD)

VAL-698 Enable python comparator only if python is installed on the system

VAL-686 Create a macro for Jump to debug in BG job

VAL-681 Integrate Python ML preprocessing to comparator logic

VAL-679 Confirmation popup before deleting entry(ies) from the repository

VAL-655 Create legend for TP in TM

VAL-704 Rename test types in the settings  


VAL-723 Dump when an exception is raised from another exception

VAL-719 Runtime error after entering settings in transaction /dvd/val

VAL-717 Remove line length from vectorization feature

VAL-716 Error handling from RFC in report image creation

VAL-712 Fix locking on updated content after previous canceling of the same content

VAL-697 Manual set of TC status to 'untested' will not reset statistics nor TC steps

VAL-690 Fix pyth. report comp. highlighting

VAL-685 Fixed font size in report result is not accepted by Edge Html Viewer

VAL-684 Error message on clicking out of ALV list

VAL-683 Fix issue with Python comparator with ABAP vectorization

VAL-680 Deselect row selection in repository list after clicking out of the list

VAL-678 Repository upload to local PC doesn't work

VAL-677 List of selected TC for rendering document disappear after opening selection window

VAL-666 Check backslash in URL link for BOBJ settings

VAL-665 DUMP on missing runid for DS TC

VAL-659 Test case status in statistics is not shown correctly for exotic test plans (Design studio, Web template, etc.).

VAL-650 DocX test plan generator raises an exception on Manual TC

VAL-634 Import failed on S4 on LOG method for internal table