(DTERP-2108) SAP System Refresh
This document provides information about steps necessary to preserve the connection to Outboard DataTiering ERP during SAP system refresh.
The areas of the SAP system with actual table names which need to be saved during the system refresh are listed below. The usual approach is to export the content of appropriate tables and import it afterward.
Archiving Service Configuration:
ICF HTTP Service:
Do a backup and after SAP system refresh preserves all content from SICF for successful activation of ICF HTTP Service. Make sure that the System service user is active and all required authorizations are granted also after system refresh.
Similarly, to the usual Secure Storage content re-import, the system’s certificates contained in STRUST need to be re-imported.
RFC Destinations:
It is common practice to re-import all RFC destinations during the system refresh. Datavard Storage Management is dependent on all required RFC destinations of type G for connection to target storage, which needs to be preserved.
Target location:
Preserve target location e.g. /data_archive/outboard/ shared cross-application servers.
Storage Management:
Definition of utilized storages in /DVD/SM_SETUP should be preserved as before SAP system refresh. This includes RFC destination and SAS Token in the case of Azure Blob storage.
Archiving Client Configuration:
Source Definition & Storage Mapping:
Before any system refresh, all content of /DVD/CRP_SRC & /DVD/CRP_SRC_SM should be written to the workbench transport request and re-imported after refresh back.
Content Repositories:
Before any system refresh, include all configurations of utilized target content repositories in OAC0 into the workbench transport request and re-import it afterward back.
Workbench TR should contain the hostname of the app. server & HTTP port of the refreshing system.
When the configuration of all required content repositories is verified activate certificates in /DVD/CRP_HAL_CERT.
Things to consider:
Depending on the desired final state, backup and then re-import of listed tables from shared excel files should be considered.
The options are:
Keep only configuration => keep the tables marked as type “Config”
Result: Exists only references of arch. files from the prod system, which are not valid anymore
Keep also references to archive files from the SAP system which will be refreshed by production. => keep all the listed tables
Result: References to archive files previously stored in the refreshed system still exist and are valid.
High potential of logical inconsistency, e.g. data that has been archived in the refreshed system were not archived in production. The result would be a complete archiving session for data that still exists in the database.
Requires keeping tables from ADK framework, e.g. ADMI_FILES, ADMI_RUN. A complete list must be defined.