(DI-2108) Default Collectors

(DI-2108) Default Collectors

Default collectors are implemented as a part of Datavard Insights and provide you with different KPI values. You can recognize them by their prefix /DVD/MON*.
The collectors are already configured for monitoring and you don't need to set them up, as it is in the case of the custom collectors. 

Default collectors have an already implemented logic to calculate a default KPI and their source codes can not be modified.
Some of these collectors enable you to edit default KPIs or create custom KPIs.

There are two basic groups of default collectors:

Default collectors with custom settings are further divided into: 

  • Default collectors with a custom rule: you can enhance a default KPI by creating new rules of its collection. For more information, see the chapter (DI-2108) Collectors with a Custom Rule.
  • Default collector for user defined SQL: you can create your custom KPI by defining an SQL statement. For more information, see the chapter (DI-2108) Collector for user defined SQL.
  • Default collectors with a custom KPI: include the same functionality as "Collectors with a custom rule" plus you may edit the rules of the KPI collection and assign the collector to your custom KPI name. For more information, see the chapter Collectors with a Custom KPI.