(DI-2108) Collector for GRC System Log

(DI-2108) Collector for GRC System Log

The collector for the GRC system log is /DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_SYSLOG.
It collects KPIs about system logs. The KPIs are defined through the KPI definition and the Input table /DVD/MON_SLGMSG.
The Input table /DVD/MON_SLGMSG sets the extended KPI definition with the following fields:

SIDSystem ID
AREASystem log message group
SUBIDSub name

Change by

Last change by user [automatically filled]

Change at

Last change date [automatically filled]

The collector provides also detailed output in a Detail table for assigned KPIs. The Detail table System log info - /DVD/MON_SLGINFO contains following fields:

System ID
Server name
Record ID
SAP process name
SAP user name
Transaction Code
Program Name
System log message group
Message text

The following KPIs are provided in the Insights delivery with this collector:

KPI nameDescriptionUnit
SLG_DEBUGNumber of changes in debug modeCount
SLG_KERNELNumber of activated C-calls debuggingCount

All standard system log KPIs have the prefix SLG_*