(DI-2108) Complete List of Default KPIs

(DI-2108) Complete List of Default KPIs

This is a complete list of KPIs:
KPIDescriptionLong descriptionMonitoring areaKPI area
(collected for)
Server selection
(Server specification)
Collected onCollectorProfileRecommended mon.period
APP_LOGSNumber of application logsThe KPI value represents a count of application logs.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system /DVD/MON_CL_COL_APPLOG

ARFC_FREENumber of available (free) WP for aRFC resources

Calculates resources of an application server. Collects the number of available work processes for asynchronous RFC resources. For more information go to: https://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp2/Helpdata/en/7f/06363dc992752de10000000a114084/frameset.htm

SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ARFC
5 MI
ARFC_FREE_PPercentage of available (free) WP for aRFC resources

Calculates resources of an application server. Collects percentage of available work processes for asynchronous RFC resources. For more information go to: https://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp2/Helpdata/en/7f/06363dc992752de10000000a114084/frameset.htm

ARFC_WAIT (OBSOLETE)Wait time of aRFC for free WPIf no more resources are available, the system offers the caller a wait time. The maximum wait time (max_wait) is set by using the profile parameter rdisp/rfc_max_wait_time. The default is 15 seconds.
The wait time is calculated as follows:
quota = resource * parameter value / 100
count = current usage of the resource
As no resources are provided, count > quota
wait = min (max(1,count-quota), max_wait).
SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ARFC

BAT_DB_INSERT_AGAverage DB insertInsertion is a process, where the array inserts N entries from the internal table. N is by default 10 000 entries but can be changed with the parameter NUM_RECORDS of the collector /DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DB. This KPI shows the average database insert. BENCHSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
BAT_DB_INSERT_MSDB Insertion benchmarkInsertion is a process, where the array inserts N entries from the internal table. N is by default 10 000 entries but can be changed with the parameter NUM_RECORDS of the collector /DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DB. Database insertion benchmark displays this KPI. BENCHSYSany server Remote system/DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
BAT_DB_SELECT_AGAverage DB selectSelect - with WHERE clause on the primary key, such as to select all N entries.  N is by default 10 000 entries but can be changed with the parameter NUM_RECORDS of the collector /DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DB. Database select and its average are measured by KPI with the name BAT_DB_SELECT_AG.BENCHSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
BAT_DB_SELECT_MSDB Select benchmarkSelect - with WHERE clause on the primary key, such as to select all N entries.  N is by default 10 000 entries but can be changed with the parameter NUM_RECORDS of the collector /DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DB. This KPI shows the database select benchmark.BENCHSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
BAT_DB_UPDATE_AGAverage DB updateUpdate - with WHERE clause on the primary key, such as to update single non-key field on N entries. N is by default 10 000 entries but can be changed with the parameter NUM_RECORDS of the collector /DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DB. Process of average DB update is displayed by this KPI.BENCHSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
BAT_DB_UPDATE_MSDB Update benchmarkUpdate - with WHERE clause on the primary key, such as to update single non-key field on N entries. N is by default 10 000 entries but can be changed with the parameter NUM_RECORDS of the collector /DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DB. Database update benchmark is processed this KPI.BENCHSYSany server Remote system/DVD/MON_BAT_CL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_PROBE_CRS_PCS_EXETIMECrystal Rep. Serv. through Page and Cache Ser. Exec. Time
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_PROBE_CRS_PCS_RESULTCrystal Rep. Serv. through Page and Cache Ser. Result
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_PROBE_CRS_RAS_EXETIMECrystal Reports Service through RAS Probe Exec. Time
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_PROBE_CRS_RAS_RESULTCrystal Reports Service through RAS Probe Result
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_PROBE_WEBI_EXETIMEWeb Intelligence Probe Exec. Time
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_PROBE_WEBI_RESULTWeb Intelligence Probe Result
BOBJSERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BO_CL_COL_BOBJBO_1MIN_PR1 MI
BO_TOP_HIER_ENTNOD_HSEnterprise Nodes Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_ANASER_HSAnalysis Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_CONSER_HSConnectivity Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_CORSER_HSCore Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_CRYREPSER_HSCrystal Reports Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_DASSER_HSDashboards Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_DATFEDSER_HSData Federation Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_HSService Categories Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_PROMANSER_HSPromotion Management Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERCAT_WEBISER_HSWeb Intelligence Services Health State
BO_TOP_HIER_SERGRP_HSServer Groups Health State
BTC_NUM_DELAYEDNumber of delayed background jobs ( => 60 seconds)The KPI value represents a count of background jobs that waiting for the free work process for more than 60 seconds.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BTC_CL_COL_JOBSDEF_5MIN5 MI
BTC_NUM_FAILEDNumber of failed background jobsThe KPI value represents a count of background jobs that failed.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BTC_CL_COL_JOBSDEF_5MIN5 MI
BTC_NUM_LONGRUNNumber of background jobs running too long ( >= 10 minutes)The KPI value represents a count of background jobs that running more than 10 minutes.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BTC_CL_COL_JOBSDEF_5MIN5 MI
BW_12503CNTJavastack: count number of 12503
BW_12503CNT_NOTAJavastack: count number of 12503 on not authorized node
BW_12503CXMN_AVGJavastack: count number of 12503 Xminute-avg per node hourly
BW_12503CXMN_MAXJavastack: count number of 12503 Xminute-maximum node hourly
BW_12503CXMN_MINJavastack: count number of 12503 Xminute-minimum node hourly
BW_12503CXMN_MNVJavastack: count number of 12503 Xminute-variance min node
BW_12503CXMN_MXVJavastack: count number of 12503 Xminute-variance max node
BW_12503HEAPMAXJavastack : Max value of heap for all nodesThere are 10 nodes per system BW, instead of capturing and storing the memory of each node, we capture the memory of the most loaded. If the value remains at 84%, the memory consumption is too high.  Check event 12505 above.JAVASTSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_JAVAST_EVTBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_12503MISSUSRJavastack : No of users with 12502 without 12503 after x minWhen a web template v7 starts, it creates an entry 12502 in rsddstat_olap. In the end, it creates an entry 12503. If a template fails on Javastack, there is a 12502 without 12503. There is a timeout after 15 minutes so a Javastack session cannot take more than 15 minutes. However, a Javastack session should take only a few seconds to 1 minute as it’s a user's tool (not batch). These indicators count how many users have sessions 12502 not followed by 12503 after 5 minutes, on the same node. For all KPIs on Javastack, we need at least BW730SP8 and BI JAVA SP7 Patch 30.
See the SAP note 1069253.
BW_12505NOJavastack : No of queries rejected (stat 12505)When memory on Javastack is above rsadmin threshold, Javastack will reject the request from the user (the template will not run), and instead, it will create an entry in rsddstat_olap event 12505.
This KPI should be zero. If there is an issue (e.g., GC stuck) on the memory of the Javastack, this KPI will be greater than zero.
BW_12640NOJavastack : No of Javastack cache refresh (stat 12640)Cache refresh is done at Javastack restart (or forced manually to refresh rsadmin parameter but this should be exceptional). If no manual refresh is done, this indicator counts the Javastack restarts.JAVASTSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_JAVAST_EVTBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_9000DMMISSNumber of queries failing on DM (BWA, DB, HANA)When a query fails on datamanager (DB2 or BWA), there is an entry in rsddstat_olap with event 9000 but no entries in rsddstat_dm. Queries can fail on DB2 (e.g., dump signal 11) or on BWA (e.g., if all memory is used), or on Hana. The count shows how stable (or unstable) is DB and BWA.
A restart of BWA will make several queries fail so will increase this value, like a reorg or a memory issue or a BWA index corrupted, or query above the safety belt of 40 million cells. No reaction is expected if there are only one or two failures, but if many queries are failing at the same time it’s a general issue that needs to be addressed and reoccurrence must be prevented. 
BW_AGGR_USAGEAggregate usageEvery 5 minutes we calculate the number of aggregate hits by comparing rsddstataggrdir field "usage" per aggregate with the previous snapshot. And the table /DVD/MON_BWAGGRU is updated with the number of hits per aggregate per day. This is to find which aggregates are not used and can be deactivated to improve the runtime of changerun and rollup.BWSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_AGGR_USAGEBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_D_IP_ABTHRSYesterday's Number of IPs with more than X packetsIt is the number of request that was running yesterday (either started or finished yesterday) with more than 100 packets (100 is a parameter of the collector and can be changed). The detail can be seen in the detail tab, "BW Daily stats on Infopackages" or in the table /DVD/MON_BWDIP. The KPI is using the following tables or could use in the future the following tables:
RSMONICDP : RNR, cube, request, timestamp, rec_INSERT.  index TSP on the timestamp
RSLDPIO      -ZPAK > DataSource....  oltptyp = M master data, D transactional
RSDDSTATWHM  -  RNR  runtime
rsmonfact - not used as it's too large. Can be used in the future to calculate the UR runtime of each packet</BR>
rsmonmess - take min timestamp from second line (first line is extraction time) = starttime and max = endtime per packet</BR>
rsiccont - targets per request
For the DTP, the following table could be used to enhance the KPI or a new KPI.
RSBKREQUEST gives all DTP requests (number of rows, time start, end) and DTP number
RSBKDTP gives the details for the DTP (source and target)
RSBKDATAPAKID for each packet of a DTP request provides a number of rows extracted, processed
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_GET_D_IPBW_1DAY1 DA
BW_DURATTRIBCHANBW duration running attribute changerunDuring changerun, many BW jobs are locked so it is important that the attribute changerun is not too long. This KPI calculates the runtime of the currently running job BI_PROCESS_ATTRIBCHAN, BI_STRU* or BI_CHANGERUN_RESTART. The value of the KPI is calculated only for the running jobs and not the job finished; so the final actual runtime will be higher than the last value captured but in the same range. If the runtime is too long, administrators can be informed and can decide to drop aggregates. If the adjust is too long running (i.e., jobg BICHNG), check the runtime of activation of MD (BIACTI jobs) and create DB indexes if needed, and check that the number of changes in IO is normal (same number of changes in the source system and not increased by a bug or conflicting loads).BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_BATCHBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_DURCOMPRESSBW duration of longest running cube compressionThis indicator shows the longest running cube compression, i.e., the longest running job BI_*COMP*.
The value of the KPI is calculated only for the running jobs and not the job finished; so the final actual runtime will be higher than the last value captured but in the same range. By calculating this value every few minutes, allow to raise an alert if there is a long running cube compression and take ABAP, SQL traces to investigate the performance of this cube compression.
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_BATCHBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_DURDBINDEXBW duration of longest running DB indexingThe SAP default is to drop indexes before the load and recreate the index after the load in the process chain.
This is fine for full loads but for delta, it can take hours to recreate the index. The time saved to load a small delta can be much lower than the time to rebuild. This indicator shows the longest running job BI_PROCESS_INDEX*. The value of the KPI is calculated only for the running jobs and not the job finished; so the final actual runtime will be higher than the last value captured but in the same range. By calculating this value every few minutes, this allows correlating those long running job and another issue on the system. If this is not required; this indicator can be deactivated and replaced by a daily check of the job BI_PROCESS_INDEX*.
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_BATCHBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_DURLOADINGBW duration of longest running DTPThis indicator shows the longest running DTP, i.e., the longest running job BIDTPR_*.
The value of the KPI is calculated only for the running jobs and not the job finished; so the final actual runtime will be higher than the last value captured but in the same range. By calculating this value every few minutes, allow to raise an alert if there is a long running DTP and take ABAP, SQL traces to investigate the performance of this DTP.
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_BATCHBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_DURLOADIPBW duration of longest running InfoPackageThis indicator shows the longest running InfoPackage. From the enqueue of the running IP, we check the start time and calculate the delay between the start time and current time. By calculating this value every few minutes, allow to raise an alert if there is a long running InfoPackage and take ABAP, SQL traces to investigate the performance of this InfoPackage. See the table BW InfoPackages to see for the top N requests, the request number, number of packets, runtime, InfoPackage, datasource. Only InfoPackages with more than 50 packets or duration greater than 1800 seconds are recorded. Sometimes values are incorrect as no enqueue will be visible, this can lead to missing data but the trend should be always correct.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_GET_IPBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_DURMDACTIVATBW duration of longest running MD activationThis indicator shows the longest running Master Data activation job during changerun, i.e., the longest running job BIACTI_*. The value of the KPI is calculated only for the running jobs and not the job finished; so the final actual runtime will be higher than the last value captured but in the same range. By calculating this value every few minutes, allow to raise an alert if there is a long running MD activation and take SQL traces to create the required index (usually CHANGED OBJVERS) on table P,Q,X,Y.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_BATCHBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_DURODSACTIVATBW duration of longest running ODS activationThis indicator shows the longest running ODS (DSO) activation job, for the DSO where activation is done in batch and with at least 2 jobs in parallel (i.e., runtime of the running BIBCTL* jobs).
The value of the KPI is calculated only for the running jobs and not the job finished; so the final actual runtime will be higher than the last value captured, but in the same range for the job BIBCTL that are slow.
By calculating this value every few minutes, allow to raise an alert if there is a long running DSO activation and take SQL traces to analyze the issue (it can be the system hanging due to backup hang, lockwait, network issue, missing DB index, missing DB stats, etc.). For packet size of 20.000 rows, normal runtime should be between 20 and 60 sec. Everything above 500 sec should be investigated.
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_BATCHBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_IP_MAX_PACKETBW IP max number of packets (multiplied by the number of targets)InfoPackage loads spend too much on enqueues when the number of packets multiplied by the number of targets is more than 1000. We can have 500 packets and one target without performance issues, but if we have 500 packets and 10 targets, then most of the time will be spent on enqueue and not on processing the data. The number of packets not multiplied by the number of targets is not relevant and therefore not saved as a KPI. Below, when we refer to a number of packets, it’s always multiplied by the number of targets. These indicators show the highest number of packets (multiplied by the number of targets) in the running InfoPackages. From the enqueue of the running IP, we check the packet number that we can find in the monitor and we multiply it by the number of targets for this IP.
If there are two IPs running with more than 1000 small packets, there are so many ENQ processed that we have situations where the system became very slow and rapidly 100% of the DIA WP were used.
By calculating this value near real-time, allows us to raise an alert and review the packet size (roosprms), number of rows in the IP. For full recovery loads, if the number of packets will be very high, it can be faster to kill the load and repeat it with fewer packets. See tab « details » - « BW InfoPackages » to see for the top N requests, the request number, number of packets, the number of targets, number of packets multiplied by the number of targets, runtime, InfoPackage, Infosource, source, Datasource.
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_GET_IPBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_NR_MAX_DIFFMaximum from an incremental difference of all number ranges
BW_NR_MAX_SPEEDMaximum from an incremental speed of number ranges per day
BW_NR_OVER_THRCount of number range which is over the threshold
BW_NR_TOTAL_DIFFMaximum from an incremental difference of all number ranges
BW_NR_TOTAL_SPEEIncremental speed from all number ranges per day
BW_PC_STEP_COUNTBW PC step countNumber of steps that finished since the last execution of the agent.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_PCBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_PC_STEP_ERRBW PC step errorNumber of steps that finished in error since the last execution of the agent. If there are several steps in error in the last x minutes; it can show a general issue on the system (all BTC or DIA used, transaction log full, rollup failed as locked by failed CR).BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_PCBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_ETL_EXCEEDED_PCNumber of long running Process chainsTotal number of currently running Process chains in which runtime exceeded the maximum time limit for its execution. BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_ETL_PCBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_ETL_FAILED_PCNumber of failed Process chainsTotal number of failed Process chains.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_ETL_PCBW_1HOUR1HO
BW_ETL_FINISHED_PCNumber of successfully finished Process chainsTotal number of successfully finished Process chainsBWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_ETL_PCBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_ETL_RUNNING_PCNumber of running Process chainsTotal number of currently running Process chainsBWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_ETL_PCBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_QUERY_ERRORNumber of erroneous BW QueriesTotal number of query executions which ended with an error.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_QUERY_RTBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_QUERY_LONG_RUNNumber of long-running BW QueriesTotal number of queries that are running longer than the defined threshold.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_QUERY_RTBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_QUERY_RUNTIMENumber of executed BW QueriesTotal number of BW query executions.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_QUERY_RTBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_RSICCONT_GR12Forecast RSICCONT Growth in 12 monthsThe admin table RSICCONT contains one entry per "load request", each request goes in one provider. When there are too many rows in table RSICCONT for the same provider, the loads/monitor will generate many ENQ and it will slow down the system. This KPI is a forecasted value in 12 months.
Looking at the speed of increase of the number of rows in RSICCONT over a month, a forecasted growth is calculated. The forecast is adjusted every day.
BW_RSICCONT_MX12Forecast RSICCONT Max number of entries per cube in 12 monthsThe admin table RSICCONT contains one entry per "load request", each request goes in one provider. When there are too many rows in the table RSICCONT for the same provider, the loads/monitor will generate many ENQ and it will slow down the system. This KPI is a forecasted value in 12 months. Looking at the speed of increase of the number of rows in RSICCONT over a month, a forecasted growth is calculated (see KPI definition "RSICCONT Growth in 12 months"). The current number of rows in RSICCONT plus the forecasted growth gives the forecasted number in 12 months. Table /DVD/MON_BWRSICC in the satellite system will give you the number of entries per target. When the current value or forecasted value is above 6-7000, consider using report RSSM_REDUCE_REQUESTLIST (check OSS Note 1431315 - P24: Reducing very large request lists in InfoCubes and DSOs).BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSICCONTBW_1DAY1 DA
BW_RSMONMESSPACBW Sum max number of packets for all running PSA
BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_GET_IPBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_SID_GR12Forecast SID Growth in 12 months
BWSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_SID_GROWTHBW_1DAY1 DA
BW_SID_MX12Forecast SID Max level in 12 months
BWSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_SID_GROWTHBW_1DAY1 DA
BW_SSQL_ALLNOSQL-Total number of subqueriesNumber of queries on the DB (in fact running SQL statement, op mode 0) to correlate with the performance issue if needed.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_SSQL_ALLTIMSQL-Total time spent on subqueriesCumulated time of all queries running on the DB (in fact running SQL statement, op mode 0) to correlate with performance issue if needed.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_SSQL_SQARSQL-Average runtime of small subqueriesQueries are split into subqueries, one per cube. Runtimes of each subquery are available in the table rsddstat_olap for the query with the option save "all" stats. Per definition, small subqueries are scanning less than 10 million rows and returning less than 10.000 rows. This KPI is the average runtime of the small queries.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_SSQL_SQLOSQL-No of small subqueries long running (e.g., > 10 SEC)This KPI is the number of small queries running for more than 10 sec.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_SSQL_SQNOSQL-No of small subqueriesThis KPI is the number of small subqueries. BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_1HOUR1 HO
BW_SUBQ_ALLNOnonSQL-Total number of subqueries (BWA or HANA)Number of queries executed on BWA, to find period will too many queries in parallel and look for a workaround if memory/performance is impacted by this e.g., remove parallelization setting of some queries.
It also provides a benchmark, we know what can be achieved without degradation.
BW_SUBQ_ALLTIMnonSQL-Total time spent on subqueries (BWA or HANA)Cumulated time spent on BWA of all subqueries. Also to know if we are reaching some limit.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_SUBQ_SQARnonSQL-Average runtime of small subqueries (BWA or HANA)When using op mode 2 in BWA, queries are split into a subquery, one per cube. Per definition, Small subqueries are scanning less than 10 million rows and returning less than 10.000 rows. Those should run for 1 sec on BWA. This indicator calculates the average BWA runtime of small queries.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_SUBQ_SQLOnonSQL-No of small subqueries long running (e.g.,>10SEC) e.g., BWASee above the definition of small subqueries. If the average is slow, to appreciate the impact, this KPI provides the number of subqueries running for more than 10 sec. If there are 5 or 10.000 subqueries running too slow, the impact on the business is not the same.BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_5MIN5 MI
BW_SUBQ_SQNOnonSQL-No of small subqueries (BWA or HANA)This KPI is the number of small subqueries (nonSQL).BWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BW_CL_COL_RSDDSTATSBW_5MIN5 MI
BWA_AGE_NEWSIDBWA : Age of oldest SID not processedIf Master data SIDs are not updated in BWA, entries will remain in the table rsddtrexnewsid. Table /DVD/MON_NEWSID contains the oldest SID and timestamp of rsddtrexnewsid. This KPI is the age of the oldest SID not updated in BWA. Check if the attribute change run has failed or long running. Check BWA alerts for the Master data index has been corrupted. Check Job BI_BIA_NEWMD_INDEX. Check application log : TCode SLG1, Filter :
Object = "RSDDTREX"
Subobject = "TAGGRFILL"
Check that object is still active (table rsddbobjdir or transaction rsddb). We checked for the above in SLG1. Everything is fine. Hence, we are closing the ticket. Please find the added attachment.
BWA_ALERT_RED_NOBWA : Number of red alertsThis is a count of the number of red alerts in TREXADMIN. The details of the alert can be seen in the ‘Details’ tab, BWA Alerts. BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_1HOUR1 HO
BWA_CPU_USEDBWA : CPU load on the most loaded bladeThis KPI is the max CPU load (of all blades) calculated by TREXADMIN, FM TREX_EXT_LOAD_HISTORY since the last execution.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_INDX_INA_DURBWA : Missing or inactive BWA cube index - durationWhen a cube index is created, the list of indexes that have been active once (table /DVD/MON_BWAINDX) is automatically updated on the satellite system at the next run of the agent. At each execution of the agent, CanaryCode checks that all indexes exist and have status ACT. If an index is missing, CanaryCode flags the index as missing, calculates it since when it’s missing, and updates the list that is visible from tab ‘Details’, "BWA inactive indexes". This KPI is the max missing period for all cubes.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_1HOUR1 HO
BWA_INDX_INA_NOBWA : Missing or inactive BWA cube index - numberWhen a new BWA cube index is created, it is added automatically in table /DVD/MON_BWAINDX.
An index can be missing for some time (for example cube index is dropped and recreated after selective deletion), in case they are missing for too long, we want to be alerted.
At each execution of the collector, we check that all indexes contained in the table /DVD/MON_BWAINDX have status ACT. This KPI counts the number of indexes missing for more than an authorized period value. The authorized period value can be maintained for each cube in /DVD/MON_BWAINDX, by default it’s 90 minutes. If an index is deleted and will not be rebuilt, it should be removed from /DVD/MON_BWAINDX to avoid the alert.
The list of the missing indexes is visible in the tab ‘Details’, "BWA inactive indexes", column "alert" contains value ‘X’ if the index has been missing for more than the authorized period value.
BWA_IS_PINGBWA : IS Ping timeThis KPI is the "ping" time calculated by TREXADMIN, FM TREX_EXT_LOAD_HISTORY field IS_PING_TIME, between the nameserver and the indexserver. The nameserver contacts each indexserver to check if the connection works fine. This KPI is the max value (of all blades) captured since the last execution.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_SERVICE_INACBWA : No of services inactiveAt each execution of the agent, we check the status of each service reported by TREXADMIN. This KPI counts the number of services where the status is not green. Sometimes the status is undefined (not green, not red) but it’s visible only from time to time. If CanaryCode reports that some services are inactive, filter status on active NE green and refresh regularly to see the status on TREX. You can also see the service reported as inactive in the ‘Details’ tab, "BWA service restarted or inactive".BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_SERVICE_RESTBWA : No of services restartedAt each execution of the agent, we check the "Start time" of each service in TREXADMIN. This KPI is the number of services restarted since the last execution. When the memory consumption of a blade exceeds the limit, the blade might restart by itself. When a blade restarts all jobs and queries are killed, so it has a major impact on users. With this indicator, you can be alerted if a blade/service restarts to find the root cause of the restart.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_THRD_NOBWA : Number of running threads for more than 10 secIf a blade is overloaded, the threads can slow down and the number of long running threads will increase. This indicator can help you to detect when a blade is slowing down. Be aware that during cube indexing, index merging, it is normal to have long running threads.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_THRD_TIMEBWA : Runtime of longest threadThis is the runtime of the longest running thread captured in TREXADMIN. This KPI can inform when there is a lock, a zombie thread. If it does not cause any lock, an OSS message should be open to investigating. If a rollup or changerun or master data SID update is locked and must be solved immediately, then a restart of the index server and RFC server is required. See doc on alerts.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_1HOUR1 HO
BWA_TTLMEMBWA : Memory on the most loaded blade (as a percentage of total)The speed of a BWA system is limited by the speed of the slowest blade. If you have 15 blades, it’s important that you have the memory available on all the blades. And instead of recording individually the memory of each blade, we can record only a KPI for the worth-performing blade. The memory of blade 1,2 and 3 are recorded as benchmarks. The details for all the blades are saved in the "Detail tab".This KPI is the max memory used of all blades calculated by TREXADMIN, FM TREX_EXT_LOAD_HISTORY since the last execution.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_TTLMEM_BL01BWA : Memory on Blade 1The most important KPI on memory is "BWA_TTLMEM BWA : Memory on the most loaded blade (as a percentage of total)". As it’s the most loaded blade, it will show different blade at different time. To see the trend on one blade, those KPI, memory on blade 1,2, and 3 are delivered.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_TTLMEM_BL02BWA : Memory on Blade 2The most important KPI on memory is "BWA_TTLMEM BWA : Memory on the most loaded blade (as a percentage of total)". As it’s the most loaded blade, it will show different blade at different time. To see the trend on one blade, those KPI, memory on blade 1,2, and 3 are delivered.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_TTLMEM_BL03BWA : Memory on Blade 3The most important KPI on memory is "BWA_TTLMEM BWA : Memory on the most loaded blade (as a percentage of total)". As it’s the most loaded blade, it will show different blade at different time. To see the trend on one blade, those KPI, memory on blade 1,2, and 3 are delivered.BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_5MIN5 MI
BWA_UNLOADSBWA : Unloads (max per blade)This is the highest unload per blade reported by TREXADMIN (FM 'TREX_EXT_LOAD_HISTORY from the field of a structure 'TREX_LOAD_UNLOAD_COUNT') in the last 5 minutes. When the value KPI increases rapidly, it could indicate problems with the memory or BWA overload in the worst case. The reason for this problem could be low memory or too big indexes. The count of unloads couldn't be bigger than 200 unloads in the last 24 hours. SAP Note 1796356 could be helpful for in-depth analysis.  BWASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_BWA_CL_COL_BWABWA_1HOUR1 HO
CF_THRESHOLDKPI with calculation function relative to the threshold of KPI
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CA_CL_COL_CALC

CPU_IDLECPU true idleTimes in which the CPU had no task to perform or was waiting for an input/output.OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
CPU_LOAD1CPU - Average processes waiting (1 min)The Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15 minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU. 
In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07. If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates that the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system.
"CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue. Bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.
CPU_LOAD1_PCPU - Average processes waiting (15 min)The Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15-minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU.  In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07.
If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates that the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system. "CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers.
The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue.
But a bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.
CPU_LOAD15CPU - Average processes waiting (15 min) per CPUThe Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15-minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU.  In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07. If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system.
"CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue. But bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.
OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LAN
15 MI
CPU_LOAD15_PCPU - Average processes waiting (1 min) per CPU

The Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15 minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU.  In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07. If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system. "CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue.
But a bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.

OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LAN
15 MI
CPU_LOAD5CPU - Average processes waiting (5 min)The Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15-minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU. 
In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07. If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates that the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system.
"CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue. But a bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.
CPU_LOAD5_PCPU - Average processes waiting (5 min) per CPUThe Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15-minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU.  In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07. If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates that the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system."CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue.
But a bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.
CPU_LOAD5_PMAXCPU - Maximum average processes waiting (5 min) per CPUCPU_LOAD5_PMAX is the maximum value of CPU load in 5 minutes across all servers. The Average CPU Load (1, 5, and 15-minute averages) is the average number of processes that are ready for execution, but which must wait for the CPU.  In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07. If the average number of processes waiting is higher than the number of available CPUs, this indicates that the CPU is reducing the overall performance of the system."CPU load %" is the CPU load divided by the number of CPUs available on the hardware. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the CPU of the database. There are many AS and CPU of AS is usually not an issue. But a bad exec plan can increase dramatically CPU load of the DB.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
CPU_NBRNumber of CPU'sThe number of CPUs is displayed by this KPI. OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1DAY1 DA
CPU_SYSCPU used by the systemPercentage usage of CPU by the user is displayed by this KPI.OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
CPU_USERCPU used by the userCPU used by the user is measured by KPI called CPU_USER and a suitable transaction for checking is ST06. OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
CPU_WAITCPU IO waitI/O wait "utilization" accrues when the CPU would be able to do some work, but all processes on the CPU are waiting for I/O responses. In SAP, you can see this indicator with OS07.
Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. The chart displays only the worst value (usually IO wait of the database, IO wait on AS is usually zero).
CPU_WAIT_MAXCPU IO wait (max. in all servers)I/O wait "utilization" accrues when the CPU would be able to do some work, but all processes on the CPU are waiting for I/O responses. The value is calculated by CCMS, see transaction ST06. This KPI is the max value of the "IO wait" for all monitored servers for this SID.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
CTS_AGE_OLDESTRQCTS - Age of the oldest request in the queueAge of the oldest transport request in the queue.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_CTSDEF_1DAY1 DA
CTS_COUNT_REQNMCTS - Number of requests not moving in the queueThis KPI is a number of transport requests in the import queue which was not imported (their state did not change) since the last snapshot (monitored run). Too many not imported transports could indicate a problem with import queue or with automatic imports. If the value of this KPI decreases and indirectly correlates with some incident – it means that on the system were imported transports that affected the given problem.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_CTSDEF_1HOUR1 HO
CTS_RC0008CTS - Number of transport in RC8Number of transport requests with RC8.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_CTSDEF_1DAY1 DA
CTS_RC0008ACTS - Number of transport in RC8 and aboveNumber of transport requests with RC8 and above.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_CTSDEF_1DAY1 DA
CTS_RC0012ACTS - Number of transport in RC12 and aboveNumber of transport requests with RC12 and above.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_CTSDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_CPU_LOAD5_PDB CPU Load (avg 5 min) per CPUThe value is calculated by CCMS, see transaction ST06N, select the database. This KPI is the "cpu load avg 5 min" divided by the number of CPU.DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DB_CPULOADDEF_5MIN5 MI
DB_CRIT_TAB_SP_PFree space on the most critical data file (table space)KPI displays the percentage of a free space that has the most critical data file of database available. Most critical data file (table space) is chosen by size, so the biggest data file (table space) is a critical file. For files that do not have a maximum size set, the size of the logical device the file resides upon is used. Percentage is then calculated from this size. DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_5MIN5 MI
DB_FREEFree size of the databaseKPI displays the percentage of a free space that has the most critical data file of database available. Most critical data file (table space) is chosen by size, so the biggest data file (table space) is a critical file. For files that do not have a maximum size set, the size of the logical device the file resides upon is used. Percentage is then calculated from this size.DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_INDEX_NUMTotal number of indexesThis KPI contains information about the total number of indexes. Index is a copy of a database table having few numbers of fields. This copy is always in sorted form. As we know, sorted data would always have speed access from a database table. Hence, we use an index for the table while reading the database records.
Index also contains a pointer pointing towards the actual database table so that it can access fields that are not contained in the Index. There are two kinds of an index for a database table: Primary Index, Secondary Index
DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_INDEX_SIZETotal size of indexesThis KPI describes, how total size can acquire indexes.
Transaction to find out the total size of indexes is :
DBACOCKPIT -> SPACE -> SEGMENTS -> OVERVIEW -> TOP SIZES (and then filter on column type).
DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_SIZESize of databaseDatabase size contains :
1. Number of records in tables
2. Table columns and their sizes
3. Indexes in the model
4. Table spaces in the model
5. DBMS and its storage options
All these factors affect the size of a database and the total summary of these elements is processed by this KPI.
DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_TAB_NUMTotal numbers of tablesEach database has several tables. Table is one of the basic database objects, which main role is storing data
into the memory space of the relational database. This KPI measures how many tables contain the database. Information about the total number of tables contains the transaction DB02.
DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_TAB_SIZETotal size of tablesThe current table sizes are determined by a report and saved in a database table which forms the history
of table sizes and table growth.
Displaying the table size: 1. Open the Database Assistant
                                          2. Choose Statistics --> Table Size
This KPI displays the actual value of the size of all tables. 
DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DB_TRIGGER_CNT_ALLNumber of all DB TriggersKPI value represents the number of all available DB triggers on the system.DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DB_TRIGGERSDEF_1HOUR1 HO
DB_TRIGGER_CNT_INVALIDNumber of Invalid DB TriggersKPI value represents the total number of all invalid DB triggers on the system.DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DB_TRIGGERSDEF_1HOUR1 HO
DB_TRIGGER_CNT_VALIDNumber of valid DB TriggersKPI value represents the total number of all valid DB triggers on the system.DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DB_TRIGGERSDEF_1HOUR1 HO
DB_USEDUsed size of the databaseKPI of used DB size in MB. This KPI is calculated as total DB size minus DB free space available. Threshold values depend on the DB system used and on company needs. DBSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_DBDEF_1DAY1 DA
DELAY_LAST_RUNDelay since last successful runMeasures the last successful run of the collector job. If some jobs are hanging or running in a never-ending loop, then the next collector will not be started. This KPI displays the time of the last successful completion of the collector job.SAPSYSSYSany serverCentral system
DEQ_ALL_REQ_CNTNumber of releases of all locks of an LUWA database LUW is an inseparable sequence of database operations that ends with a database commit.
The database LUW is either fully executed by the database system or not at all. Once a database LUW has been successfully executed, the database will be in a consistent state. If an error occurs within a database LUW, all of the database changes since the beginning of the database LUW are reversed.
If you execute SAP transactions to change database objects, these objects get locked beforehand to prevent being accessed by other users or transactions, and they get released after database commit or database rollback - this KPI counts the number of these releases.
DEQ_ERROR_CNTNumber of errors that occurred when releasing locksThe database system automatically sets database locks when it receives change statements (INSERT, UPDATE, MODIFY, DELETE) from a program. Database locks are physical locks on the database entries affected by these statements. You can only set a lock for an existing database entry since the lock mechanism uses a lock flag in the entry. These flags are automatically deleted in each database commit. Database locks are therefore never available longer than for only one database LUW.
It means that in ABAP application programming, database locks can no longer exist than the duration of one dialog step. If there are some errors when releasing locks, this KPI counts the number of these errors.
DEQ_REQUEST_CNTNumber of release requests (DEQUEUE)A lock object definition contains the database tables and their key fields on the basis of which you want to set a lock. When you create a lock object, the system automatically generates two function modules with the names ENQUEUE_Name and DEQUEUE_Name. You can then set and release SAP locks in your ABAP program by calling these function modules in a CALL FUNCTION statement - this KPI counts the number of dequeue release requests. You can see lock statistics in SM12 Extras -> Statistics transaction.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
DISK_AVG_WAITAverage disk wait (server)This KPI is the average disk wait on the server.OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
DISK_RESPONS_SYSDisk response time (server)This KPI is the average disk response time on all servers.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
DISK_RESPONSEAverage disk response time (all servers)This KPI is disk response time on the server.OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
DISK_UTILDisk utilization (server)This KPI is disk utilization on the server.OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
DISK_UTIL_SYSAverage disk utilization (all servers)This KPI is disk utilization on all servers.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
DISK_WAIT_SYSAverage disk wait time (all servers)This KPI is the average disk wait time on all servers.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
DUMP_AUTH_ERRNumber of dumps on authorization failureThis KPI represents a count of the dump which occurred by missing authorizationSAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_DUMPDEF_1HOUR1 HO
DUMP_DBIFNumber of dumps on SQL operationsThis KPI represents a count of the dump which occurred by SQL operations.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_DUMPDEF_1HOUR1 HO
DUMP_NBRNumber of dumps on a serverNumber of dumps for all application servers as per ST22 from last monitoring time.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_DUMPDEF_1DAY1 DA
DUMP_NBR_SUMNumber of dumps (all servers)Number of dumps on the SID since the last run of CanaryCode.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_DUMPDEF_1DAY1 DA
DUMP_SYNTAX_ERRNumber of dumps with the syntax errorThis KPI represents a count of the dump which occurred by syntax errors.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_DUMPDEF_1DAY1 DA
EM_USED_PExtended memory usedExtended Memory (EM) contains objects associated with individual users and their open (running) transactions - transaction data such as variables, lists, and internal tables. If the work process requires still more space after using up all available Extended Memory and Roll Area, the system is forced to allocate local Heap Memory. This KPI is the amount of Extended Memory used.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_BUFFDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_ARG_MAX_CNTMax. num. of diff. lock arguments that the LT can containThe lock argument of a table in the lock object consists of the key fields of the table.
The lock argument fields of a lock object are used as input parameters in the function modules for setting and removing locks generated from the lock object definition. When these function modules are called, the table rows to be locked or unlocked are specified by defining certain values in these fields. These values can also be generic. The lock argument fields define which subset of the table rows must be locked. This KPI is the maximal number of different lock arguments that can the Landscape Transformation (LT) possibly contains.
ENQ_ARG_MAX_LVLMax. num. of diff. lock arg. stored simultaneously in the LTThe lock argument of a table in the lock object consists of the key fields of the table.
The lock argument fields of a lock object are used as input parameters in the function modules for setting and removing locks generated from the lock object definition. When these function modules are called, the table rows to be locked or unlocked are specified by defining certain values in these fields. These values can also be generic. The lock argument fields define which subset of the table rows must be locked. This KPI is the maximal number of different lock arguments which are simultaneously stored in the Landscape Transformation (LT).
ENQ_ARG_NOW_LVLCurrent number of different lock arguments in the lock tableThe lock argument of a table in the lock object consists of the key fields of the table. The lock argument fields of a lock object are used as input parameters in the function modules for setting and removing locks generated from the lock object definition. Lock table is a table in the main memory of the enqueue server that records the current locks in the system. For each elementary lock, the table specifies the owner, lock mode, name, and the fields in the locked table. The lock table is used to manage locks. Every time the enqueue server receives a lock request, the system checks the lock table to determine whether the request collides with an existing lock. If this is the case, the request is rejected. Otherwise, the new lock is written to the lock table. This KPI counts the number of all different lock arguments stored in this lock table.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_BACKUP_REQNumber of update calls for which locks were forwardedThis KPI counts the number of update calls for which locks were forwarded.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_CLEAN_REQNumber of releases of all locks of an application serverPhysical lock mechanisms in the database system are insufficient for the requirements of an ABAP transaction.
The locks must remain set for the duration of a whole SAP LUW, that is, over several dialog steps.
They must also be capable of being handled by different work processes and even different application servers.
This KPI counts the number of all releases of all locks of a selected application server.
ENQ_COMPR_REQCompress Requests
ENQ_ENTR_MAX_CNTMax. num. of elementary locks that the LT can containLock table is a table in the main memory of the enqueue server that records the current locks in the system.
For each elementary lock, the table specifies the owner, lock mode, name, and the fields in the locked table.
This KPI is the maximal number of elementary locks that can the Landscape Transformation (LT) possibly contains.
ENQ_ENTR_MAX_LVLMax. num. of elementary locks stored simultaneously in the LTLock table is a table in the main memory of the enqueue server that records the current locks in the system.
For each elementary lock, the table specifies the owner, lock mode, name, and the fields in the locked table.
This KPI is the maximal number of elementary locks stored simultaneously in the Landscape Transformation (LT).
ENQ_ENTR_NOW_LVLCurrent number of elementary locks in the lock tableLock table is a table in the main memory of the enqueue server that records the current locks in the system. For each elementary lock, the table specifies the owner, lock mode, name, and the fields in the locked table. This KPI is the current number of elementary locks stored in the lock table.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_ENTR_PUsage of SAP lock tableThe lock table is used to manage locks. Every time the enqueue server receives a lock request, the system checks the lock table to determine whether the request collides with an existing lock (see Lock Collisions). If this is the case, the request is rejected. Otherwise, the new lock is written to the lock table. This KPI is a percentage of lock table usage.SAPSYSSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_ERROR_CNTNumber of errors that occurred during lock requestsThis KPI is a number of errors that occurred during lock requests.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_FILE_WRITENumber of write accesses to fileThis KPI is the number of write accesses to file.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_FILE_WRT_BCKNumber of write accesses to the backup fileThis KPI is the number of write accesses to the backup file.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_OWN_MAX_CNTMax. num. of lock owner IDs that can be stored in the LTLock owner is a person who holds a lock. A lock can have one or two owners. This KPI is the maximal number of lock owner IDs that can be possibly stored in the Landscape Transformation (LT).SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_OWN_MAX_LVLMax. num. of lock owners stored simultaneously in the LTLock owner is a person who holds a lock. A lock can have one or two owners. This KPI is the maximal number of lock owners that are simultaneously stored in the Landscape Transformation (LT).SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_OWN_NOW_LVLCurrent number of lock owners in the lock tableLock owner is a person who holds a lock. A lock can have one or two owners.
To find out which user is currently holding a lock, use function module ENQUEUE_....
This KPI is the current number of all lock owners stored in the lock table.
ENQ_REPORT_REQNumber of operations for reading the lock tableThis KPI is the number of operations for reading the lock table.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_REQ_REJ_CNTNumber of lock requestsThis KPI is the number of rejected lock requests.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_REQ_REJ_CNTDNumber of lock requests per minute since the last runThis KPI is the number of rejected lock requests per minute since the last run.SAPSYSSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_REQUEST_CNTNumber of rejected lock requestsSm12 – statistics give the current value of ENQ processed.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_REQUEST_CNTDNumber of rejected lock requests per minute since the last runThis KPI is the delta between the value of ENQ processed at the last snapshot and the current value, divided by the number of minutes since the last snapshot to calculate the number of ENQ processed per minute. If we have a high number of WP in SAPLSENA and the number of ENQ per minute is high, the issue is the application is raising too many ENQ. Solution is to find the root cause of the high number of ENQ, which can be too many packets (e.g., too many small packets) or too many requests in rsiccont. It is useful to monitor this number on parallel processes.SAPSYSSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_TOT_SER_TIMETotal time spent in the critical path of the LT for lock op.The enqueue server (also known as the lock server) is the SAP system component that manages the lock table. There is only one enqueue server in a distributed SAP system. The enqueue server receives a lock request and checks the lock table to determine whether the lock request collides with an existing lock. If it does, the enqueue server rejects it. If it does not collide, the enqueue server sets the lock and makes the entry in the lock table. This KPI is the total time spent in the enqueue server.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_TOTAL_TIMETotal wait time of par. proc. before entering the critical pathThis KPI counts the total time spent in the critical path of the Landscape Transformation for lock operations.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_TOTAL_WAITTotal time spent in the enqueue serverThis KPI counts the total wait time of parallel processing before entering the critical path.
Waiting time for all work processes for accessing lock table.
ENQ_UPD_MAX_CNTMax. num. of open update req. with locks occurred so farThis KPI is a maximal number of accumulated update requests.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_UPD_NOW_LVLCurrent number of open update requests with locksThis KPI is the current number of outstanding update requests.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
ENQ_VERIFY_REQVerify RequestsVerify requestsSAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STATDEF_5MIN5 MI
FS_ROOT_FREEFree space monitoring on the root partitionFree space monitoring on root partition as % of the whole space.OSSERany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_SYS_FS

Number of Glue extraction processes that ended up with an errorIn Glue, every extraction process can have various statuses. Some are desired and some are not. Undesired means that they did not end up successfully. There are 2 undesired statuses: "E" (Ended with error) and "F" (Failure, short-dump). This KPI informs about the number of extraction processes that have an undesired status and provides details about them.GLUESYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GLU_CL_COL_EXTRACTION

GRC_AOC_BC_ALLNumber of SAP_BC roles having full auth. on org. level
GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_AUTH_OCGRC_1DAY1 DA
GRC_AOC_SEC_ALLNumber of SAP_SEC_ roles having full auth. on org. level
GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_AUTH_OCGRC_1DAY1 DA
GRC_AOC_ZCOM_ALLNumber of X,Y,Z* roles having full auth. on company code
GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_AUTH_OCGRC_1DAY1 DA
GRC_REF_USR_CNTNumber of used reference users
GRCSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_REF_USERS

GRC_SEC_NOTE_CNTNumber of not implemented security notes
GRCSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_SEC_NOTES

GRC_AUTH_ALLNumber of users with fill authorization (SAP_ALL, SAP_NEW)
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_USR_AUTHGRC_1DAY1 DA
GRC_AUTH_ALL_O_NNumber of NEW users with full authorization (SAP_ALL,SAP_NEW)
GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_USR_AUTH

GRC_PROF_PARAMNum. of profile parameters with unexpected valuesCollector checks values of profile parameters and compares them with values in the collector’s input table. This procedure is performed for each server. KPI is the number of parameters that have different values from the values specified in the input table.GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_PARAMDEF_1DAY1 DA
HDB_BCK_DELAY_DTime since last successful DATA backupA backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the copying and archiving of data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. Data backups contain the current payload of the data volumes (data and undo information). This KPI counts time since the last successful DATA backup.   HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_BCKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_BCK_DELAY_LTime since last successful LOG backupBy default, automatic log backups are enabled in SAP HANA. Backup log is a feature of backup applications that records the events that occur during a backup process.  This KPI counts time since the last successful LOG backup. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_BCKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_BCK_FAILEDNumber of failed backupsMedia failure, human error, and hardware failure are among the most common reasons backups fail.
When the backup is performed with some errors, a number of failed backups is recorded by this KPI. 
HDB_CPU_HOSTCPU utilization per host (avg 5 mins)The CPU utilization will always sum up to 100%. User utilization should not exceed a value of 50 to 60%. System utilization should be below 20% and Idle time should be above 20%. The max CPU utilization is the utilization of CPU the most of the possible.  Maximal CPU utilization per host displays avg utilization counted every 5 minutes. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_MAX_PMax CPU utilization on all hosts (avg 5 mins)The CPU utilization will always sum up to 100%. User utilization should not exceed a value of 50 to 60%. System utilization should be below 20% and Idle time should be above 20%. The max CPU utilization is the utilization of CPU the most of the possible. Maximal CPU utilization on all hosts is measured by this KPI. This KPI displays avg utilization counted every 5 minutes. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_SYS_PCPU utilization by the system (avg 5 mins)System utilization of CPU should be below 20%. System CPU time is the time spent running a code in the operating system kernel on behalf of your program. When the value of system utilization rises up above 20%, it can signalize some failures. This KPI displays utilization of CPU by system counted every 5 minutes. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_SYS_SERCPU utilization by the system per host (avg 5 mins)System utilization of CPU should be below 20%. System CPU time is the time spent running a code in the operating system kernel on behalf of your program. When the value of system utilization rises up above 20%, it can signalize some failures. CPU utilization by the system per server is documented by KPI with the name HDB_CPU_SYS_SER. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_USR_PCPU utilization by users (avg 5 mins)User utilization should not exceed a value of 50 to 60%. User CPU time is the time spent on the processor running a program's code (or code in libraries). This KPI displays a situation when the CPU is utilized by the user. In this situation, avg utilization is counted every 5 minutes.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_USR_SERCPU utilization by users per host (avg 5 mins)User utilization should not exceed a value of 50 to 60%. User CPU time is time spent on the processor running your program's code (or code in libraries). When the CPU is utilized by users per server, this KPI counted utilization every 5 minutes. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_UTIL_PTotal CPU utilization (avg 5 mins)The CPU utilization will always sum up to 100%. User utilization should not exceed a value of 50 to 60%. System utilization should be below 20% and Idle time should be above 20%. When CPU utilization is at its maximum, this progress tries to record this KPI. The value of utilization is measured in 5 minutes intervals. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CPU_WIO_PCPU utilization in I/O waits (avg 5 mins)I/O wait is the total time that working processes are blocked, waiting for the I/O operation to complete. An I/O operation is a request to retrieve or write data to the storage.
The total time that it takes to complete all I/O operations is I/O operation time. I/O wait happens due to heavy load on the system. This KPI show CPU utilization in I/O waits. 
HDB_CPU_WIO_SERCPU utilization in I/O waits per host (avg 5 mins)I/O wait is the total time that working processes are blocked, waiting for the I/O operation to complete. An I/O operation is a request to retrieve or write data to the storage.
The total time that it takes to complete all I/O operations is I/O operation time. I/O wait happens due to heavy load on the system. This KPI measures CPU utilization in I/O waits per server. 
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_CPUHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_DELRATIODelta memory / Total memory ratioPercentage of delta memory versus total memory used.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_DELTASIZESize of column tables in delta memoryTotal size of column table data in delta memory.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_ESTIMSIZESize of column tables estimatedEstimated size of column tables in memory.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_H_ESTSIZESize of column tables estimated per hostEstimated size of column tables in memory, per host.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_H_TOTSIZETotal memory size of column tables per hostThis KPI value represents the total memory size of column tables per host. By default, it does not include the persistent memory size (available since release 2.00.040). You might set the collector's parameter INCLUDE_PERS_MEMORY_SIZE to 'X' to include also persistent memory size into this KPI value. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_MAINSIZESize of column tables in main memoryUnder normal circumstances, the SAP HANA database manages the loading and unloading of tables into
and from memory independently, the aim is to keep all relevant data in memory.
However, you can manually load and unload individual tables, as well as load table columns if necessary.
Size of column tables in the main memory is captured by this KPI.
HDB_CS_TOTALSIZETotal memory size of column tablesThis KPI value represents the total memory size of column tables. By default, it does not include the persistent memory size (available since release 2.00.040). You might set the collector's parameter INCLUDE_PERS_MEMORY_SIZE to 'X' to include also persistent memory size into this KPI value.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_UNLOADSNumber of unloadsThe UNLOAD statement unloads the column store table from the memory. This can be done to free up memory. The table will be loaded again on the next access. The UNLOAD statement unloads the column store table from memory. The whole amount of unloads we can see in KPI with the name HDB_CS_UNLOADS.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_UNLOADS04Number of unloads priority 0 to 4Number of unloads with priority 0 to 4 displays this KPI. These are 9 priorities. Priority 0 to 4 is the most important of these all priorities. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_UNLOADS56Number of unloads priority 5 to 6This KPI shows the number of unloads priority 5 to 6. These are 9 priorities. Priority 5 to 6 is in the middle of these priorities. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_UNLOADS79Number of unloads priority 7 to 9KPI with the name HDB_CS_UNLOADS79 measures the number of unloads priority 7 to 9. These are 9 priorities. This priority is the least important. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_CS_UNLOADSLNumber of unloads due to low memory
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TAB
5 MI
HDB_DISK_D_TOTALUsed space on data disk per hostUsed space on data disk per host, absolute value in GBHANASYS

any server

HDB_DISK_D_USEDUsed space on data backup disk per hostUsed space on data backup disk per host, absolute value in GBHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_DATATotal size of data disksUsed space on log backup disk per host, absolute value in GBHANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_DBCKTotal used size on data disksUsed space on log disk per host, absolute value in GBHANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_L_TOTALUsed space on log backup disk per hostUsed space on log backup disk per host, absolute value in GBHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_L_USEDUsed space on log disk per hostUsed space on log disk per host, absolute value in GBHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_LBCKTotal size of log disks?HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_LOGTotal used size on log disks?HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_MAXDATAMax. used space on data disks?HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_MAXDBCKMax. used space on data backup disksNot displayed in chartsHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_MAXLBCKMax. used space on log backup disksNot displayed in chartsHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_MAXLOGMax. used space on log disksTotal memory used by HANA database in GBHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DISK_MAXUSEDMax. used disk spacePercentage of allocated HANA memory used by the database. Recommendation is max 50% of memory used for data and the rest is reserved for calculation and intermediate results.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DISKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DM_COUNTNumber of small delta merge running for more than 60 secThis KPI monitors changes in .ini file contents. If there is a changed parameter since the last monitoring run, it displays a number of changes and a related detail table shows the list of changed parameters with OLD and NEW valuesHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DM_MAXRUNMax. duration of small delta mergeSavepoints in the HANA database are responsible for the synchronization of memory pages with disks, which is necessary for system recovery. The frequency of savepoints is defined by using parameter global.ini -> [persistence] -> savepoint_interval_s. If this KPI exceeds the interval significantly, it means the savepoint was not successful and there is a synchronization issue.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DUMPSNumber of HANA dumpsNumber of dump files written by HANA. Should be 0, if there are any files, it means there were out-of-memory situations or crashes. You can view dump files via HANA studio.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DUMPHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_DUMPS_HOSTNumber of HANA dumps per hostNumber of dump files written by HANA. Should be 0, if there are any files, it means there were out-of-memory situations or crashes. You can view dump files via HANA studio.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_DUMPHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_FAILOVERNumber of hosts in failover statusHost auto-failover is a local fault recovery solution that can be used as a supplemental or alternative measure to system replication. One (or more) standby hosts are added to the SAP HANA system and configured to work in standby mode.
The databases on the standby hosts do not contain any data and do not accept requests or queries as long as they are in standby mode.
See the SAP Note 2057595.
HDB_HASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HAHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_MINREADMin. I/O data read speedTo achieve optimal database performance, I/O activity (read/write accesses) should be evenly distributed on the database's hard disks. The KPI HDB_IO_MINREAD describes the minimal value of I/O data read speed. HANASYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_MINWRITEMin. I/O data write speedTo achieve optimal database performance, I/O activity (read/write accesses) should be
evenly distributed on the database's hard disks. The KPI HDB_IO_MINWRITE describes the minimal value of I/O data write speed. 
HANASYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_RR_DATAMax. DATA read ratioI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that is the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked (time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. This KPI shows the max DATA read ratio.
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_SER_READI/O data read speed per hostTo achieve optimal database performance, I/O activity (read/write accesses) should be evenly distributed on the database's hard disks. DATA read ratio per server is displayed by this KPI. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_SER_RRDATA read ratio per hostI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that means the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked
(time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. DATA read ratio per server is displayed by this KPI. 
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_SER_WLOGLOG write ratio per hostI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that means the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked
(time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. This KPI measures LOG write ratio per server. 
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_SER_WRDATA write ratio per hostI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that means the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked
(time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. DATA write ratio per server is captured by this KPI. 
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_SER_WRITEI/O data write speed per hostI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that means the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked
(time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. I/O data write speed server is collected by KPI with the name HDB_IO_WR_DATA.
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_WR_DATAMax. DATA write ratioI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that means the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked
(time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. Maximal DATA write ratio is measured by this KPI. 
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_IO_WR_LOGMax. LOG write ratioI/O calls are executed asynchronously; that means the thread does not wait for the order to return.
A ratio close to 0 says the thread does not wait at all; a ratio close to 1 means the thread waits until the I/O request is completed because the asynchronous call is blocked (time for triggering I/O time for I/O completion). More information can be found in the SAP Note 1930979. This KPI shows a maximal LOQ write ratio. 
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_IOHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_BCK_FAIL_DATNumber of failed DATA backupsWhen the DATA backup is performed with some errors, a number of failed backups is recorded by this KPI. The KPI recognizes two classifications of failure on 'complete data backup' and 'data snapshot'HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_BCKHDB_5MIN6 MI
HDB_BCK_FAIL_LOGNumber of failed LOG backupsWhen the LOG backup is performed with some errors, a number of failed backups is recorded by this KPI. The KPI recognizes two classifications of failure on 'log backup' and 'log missing'HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_BCKHDB_5MIN7 MI
HDB_LOG_BUFWAITPBuffer switches with Wait on buffer semaphore % (max host)
HDB_LOG_BUFWAITTNumber of Buffer switches wait since the last check
HDB_LOG_BUFWNOWTNumber of Buffer switches (noWait+wait) since the last check
HDB_LOG_SEG_FREEMinimum number of Free log segments (per hosts)This KPI shows the lowest value for all nodes (it does not show the value for each node). If this KPI is 0 then the log backup will be delayed and may cause a crash. If low, see the content of the table /DVD/MON_HDBLOGS in the satellite system to see on which node is the issue. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_BCKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_LOG_SEG_TRNCMaximum number of Truncated log segments (per hosts)This KPI shows the highest value for all nodes (it does not show the value for each node)
If high value, see the content of the table /DVD/MON_HDBLOGS to see on which node is the issue. 
HDB_MEM_ALLOCLIMGlobal memory allocation limit for the databaseNot displayed in chartsHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_CACHE_PMemory used by caches per hostPercentage of host memory used by cachesHANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_CS_PMemory used by column store per hostPercentage of host memory used by column store. If this component grows rapidly, consider housekeeping or archiving solutions. Check out Datavard OutboardHANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_HOST_PUsed physical memory per hostPhysical memory is the main memory, the RAM. Unlike physical memory, virtual memory can be allocated by the SAP system. The operating system determines if the allocated memory area resides in the physical memory or in the operating system swap/page space. Percentage of the utilization of physical memory per host is displayed by this KPI.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_MAX_PMaximum used physical memory on hostsPhysical memory is the main memory, the RAM. Unlike physical memory, virtual memory can be allocated by the SAP system. The operating system determines if the allocated memory area resides in the physical memory or in the operating system swap/page space. Maximum used physical memory around 94% is normal. This KPI says about maximal use of physical memory on all hosts. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_SQL_PMemory used by SQL exec & results per hostPercentage of host memory used by SQL execution and intermediate results. If this area grows, it can indicate too expensive/inefficient SQL statements. Please check the list of expensive SQL statements in the DB02 transaction.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_SRVHOSTDPercentage of used service memory per host – DeltaSAP HANA system consists of multiple services that all consume the memory, in particular, the index server service, the main database service. The index server holds all data tables and temporary results and therefore uses most of SAP HANA used memory. This KPI displays the delta in the percentage of used service memory per host. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_SRVHOSTPDatabase memory used per hostSAP HANA system consists of multiple services where each service consumes the memory. This KPI value calculates the used memory for the main database service 'indexserver'. The service 'indexserver' holds all the data tables and temporary results, therefore, dominates for SAP HANA used memory. This KPI displays the percentage of used service memory per host. By default, it does not include the persistent memory size. You might set the collector's parameter INCLUDE_PERS_MEMORY_SIZE to 'X' to include also persistent memory size into this KPI value.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_SRVUSEDPMaximum database memory used on hostsThis KPI calculates the % of max used memory on all hosts. By default, it does not include the persistent memory size. You might set the collector's parameter INCLUDE_PERS_MEMORY_SIZE to 'X' to include also persistent memory size into this KPI value.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_STAT_PMemory used by monitoring & statistics per hostPercentage of host memory used by monitoring and statistics server. In case of memory growth, check the SAP note 2147247.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_SYS_PMemory used by the system per hostPercentage of host memory used by a database system (not operating system!). If this component grows rapidly, it can be caused by a memory leak in the HANA system and has to be fixed by the HANA upgrade. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_TOTALTotal physical memory on HANA availableNot displayed in chartsHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_USEDTotal physical memory usedPhysical memory is the main memory, the RAM. Unlike physical memory, virtual memory can be allocated by the SAP system. The operating system determines if the allocated memory area resides in the physical memory or in the operating system swap/page space. Total use of physical memory is represented by this KPI. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_USED_DBTotal memory used by databaseTotal memory used by HANA database in GBHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MEM_USED_PTotal database memory usedPercentage of allocated HANA memory used by a database. Recommendation is max 50% of memory used for data and the rest is reserved for calculation and intermediate results.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_MEMHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_MVCC_CL_FILEHDB MVCC Number of cleanup file

This KPI is collected using HANA System View M_UNDO_CLEANUP_FILES.
It represents the count of "files" in state CLEANUP, which ideally should be as small as possible. With this KPI we can be alerted early when the Garbage Collection is impacted or isn’t working. Also, if the number is high, a database restart will be slow as it has to delete all temp files and possibly transactions rollback.

Each undo or cleanup file in the system is represented by one row in this view.
Undo files contain information needed for transaction rollback. These files are removed on the transaction end. If data is deleted but must still be accessible because of MVCC isolation, the corresponding information is written to cleanup files. On the transaction end cleanup files are passed to history management. Garbage collection uses the cleanup files to finally remove data. Undo files and cleanup files may be cached and reused because of performance issues. Cached files get assigned the type "FREE". Undo files for a row store get the type "EXTERNALUNDO".

HDB_MVCC_MAXHOSTHDB MVCC max number of versions per hostMultiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC). The main advantage of using the MVCC model
of concurrency control rather than locking, is that in MVCC locks acquired for querying (reading)
data do not conflict with locks acquired for writing data and so reading never blocks writing
and writing never blocks reading.  This KPI shows a maximal number of versions per host using MVCC.
HDB_NET_HOST_INHANA received via network - average per minute
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_INMHANA received via network (max. minute avg. from all hosts)
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_IPHANA received via network – traffic peak
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_IPMHANA received via network – traffic peak from all hosts
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_OPHANA sent via network – traffic peak
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_OPMHANA sent via network – traffic peak from all hosts
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_OUMHANA sent via network (max. minute avg. from all hosts)
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_HOST_OUTHANA sent via network - average per minute
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NET
5 MI
HDB_NET_PINGHANA Network Client Duration - per hostThe measured ping times include the communication between nameserver and indexserver and KPI collection within the indexserver. Increased times can be a symptom of an underlying performance issue. Check for general issues impacting the performance (e.g., resource bottlenecks).HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_NET_RATIOHANA Network Client Duration - max all hostsRatio between network time and total client+server time of a request. For example, 30% means that on average the request spent 30% of the time on network transfer. If this value is high, it can indicate network bottlenecks.
To enable this KPI, you need to set the HANA parameter: indexserver.ini -> [sql_client_network_io] -> enabled. See the SAP Note 2222200.
HDB_NET_SPEEDHANA Network Server Duration - per hostAverage network throughput between HANA clients and servers
To enable this KPI, you need to set the HANA parameter: indexserver.ini -> [sql_client_network_io] -> enabled. See the SAP Note 2222200.
HDB_NET_TRAFFICHANA Network Server Duration - max all hostsTotal amount of data transferred via network between HANA clients and servers in last 5 minutes
To enable this KPI, you need to set the HANA parameter: indexserver.ini -> [sql_client_network_io] -> enabled. See the SAP Note 2222200.
HDB_NETCLIHANA Network Service response time - per hostHANA Network Client Duration per host is displayed by this KPI. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_NETCLIMHANA Network Service response time - max all hostsThis KPI shows HANA Network Client Duration - max all hosts. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_NETSERIndex server ping time per hostServer duration per host is measured by KPI with the name HDB_NETSER. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_NETSERMNetwork I/O ratioHANA Network Server Duration - max all hosts are displayed by this KPI. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_NETSERVRESPNetwork throughputService response time per host for HANA Network is captured by this KPI. HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_NETSERVRESPMNetwork traffic in last 5 minutesThis KPI shows HANA Network Service response time - max all hosts. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_NETHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_OLCK_AGEAge of the oldest Object LockLocks are set on HANA objects to guarantee data integrity. It can happen that a lock remains too long (due to some bug or bad design) and this will impact users (waiting for the lock to be removed) and operation (too many cleanup files, many threads, etc.). Monitoring view M_OBJECT_LOCKS provides the status of currently acquired locks on objects with detailed information such as lock acquisition time, lock mode. The KPI HDB_OLCK_AGE "Age of the oldest Object Lock" is the oldest lock as shown by monitoring view M_OBJECT_LOCKS.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_OBJECTLOCKHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_OLCK_COUNTXNumber of Object Locks older than X minutesLocks are set on HANA objects to guarantee data integrity. It can happen that a lock remains too long (due to some bug or bad design) and this will impact users (waiting for the lock to be removed) and operation
(too many cleanup files, many threads, etc.). Monitoring view M_OBJECT_LOCKS provides the status of currently acquired locks on objects with detailed information such as lock acquisition time, lock mode.
The KPI HDB_OLCK_COUNTX "Number of Object Locks older than X minutes" is the number of
locks in monitoring view M_OBJECT_LOCKS that have acquisition time older than x minutes.
X is customizable with collector parameter LOCK_COUNT_OLDER_X_MINUTES, by default 5 minutes.  Number of object lock older than X minutes is displayed by KPI with the name HDB_OLCK_COUNTX.
HDB_PARAM_CHCount of changed HANA parametersThis KPI monitors changes in .ini file contents. If there is a changed parameter since the last monitoring run, it displays a number of changes and the related detail table shows a list of changed parameters with OLD and NEW valuesHANASYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_PARHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_PART_CNT_ABXNumber of partitions above XXX million rows
HDB_PCACHE_EVICDSQL Plan Cache Eviction Delta max all hostIt shows a maximum change of plan eviction detected on all hosts for the last snapshots.HANASYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SQL_PLANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_PCACHE_EVICHSQL Plan Cache Eviction per hostIt shows how many times the plan eviction occurred on a host. If the plan cache eviction is too high, it means that SQL plan cache capacity is not big enough, and too many compilations occur.HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SQL_PLANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_PCACHE_EVIDHSQL Plan Cache Eviction Delta per hostIt shows the change of a plan eviction on a host in comparison with the last KPI snapshot.HANASERonly database serverCentral system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SQL_PLANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_PCACHE_HR_SRSQL Plan Cache Hit Ratio per hostThe hit ratio is the percentage of pages found in the cache without having to read from the disk.
The ratio shows the average percentage of data pages found in the cache since SQL Server was started.
This KPI displays SQL Plan Cache Hit Ratio per host. 
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SQL_PLANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_PLANCACHE_HRMin. SQL Plan Cache Hit RatioThe hit ratio is the percentage of pages found in the cache without having to read from the disk.
The ratio shows the average percentage of data pages found in the cache since SQL Server was started.
Minimal SQL Plan Cache Hit Ratio is measured by this KPI. 
HANASYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SQL_PLANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_REP_DELAYSystem replication: Log shipping delayLog shipping delay occurred during the system replication from primary to a secondary site. Check for errors or communication issues that can be responsible for the log shipping delays and make sure that the log can be shipped in time. See the SAP note 1999880.HDB_HASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HAHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_REP_ERRORNumber of system replication errorsThere was an error during the system replication between the primary and secondary sites. Analyze the related trace files in order to understand the reason for the problems and make sure that system replication is again established. See the SAP note 1999880.HDB_HASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HAHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_REP_SS_AGEAge of oldest replication snapshotDatabase snapshots can increase the data disk space requirements and you should make sure that system replication-related snapshots are not kept longer than necessary. The snapshot retention time is controlled by the following parameter:
global.ini -> [system_replication] -> datashipping_snapshot_max_retention_time
See the SAP note 1999880.
HDB_HASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HAHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_REP_UNKNOWNNumber of unknown replication statusesThere was an error during the system replication between the primary and secondary sites. Analyze the related trace files in order to understand the reason for the problems and make sure that system replication is again established. See the SAP note 1999880.HDB_HASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HAHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_RS_ALLOCRow store allocated sizeThis KPI shows row store allocated size. HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TABHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_RS_FRAGRow store fragmentationRow store grows by allocating a 64MB memory segment and shrinks by freeing empty segments. A segment is internally divided into fixed-size pages. When a row store table requires more memory to store records, the table takes a free page from existing segments. If no segment has a free page, a new segment is allocated.
Deleting a large number of records may result in a number of sparse segments. In such a case, a row store reorganization can be performed for memory compaction. The pages in sparse segments are moved to other segments and the resultant empty segments are freed. If the row store fragmentation exceeds 30%, row store reorganization is recommended. See the SAP Note 1813245.
HDB_SP_COUNTNumber of savepointsDuring a savepoint, the database system writes the data which has changed since the last savepoint from the data cache (working memory) to the data area (permanent storage).
The data written during a savepoint always represents a consistent state of the database.
During a savepoint, the database system does not overwrite the pages written to the data area at the previous savepoint, but instead writes the changed data to free positions.
This is because the database system requires this information from the previous savepoint for a restart if there is a system failure during the new savepoint. Only after the database system has successfully completed a new savepoint, it releases the pages of the old savepoint in the data area for overwriting. This KPI shows a number of savepoints.
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SPHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_SP_LASTTime since the last savepointSavepoints in the HANA database are responsible for the synchronization of memory pages with disks, which is necessary for system recovery. The frequency of savepoints is defined using parameter global.ini -> [persistence] -> savepoint_interval_s. If this KPI exceeds the interval significantly, it means savepoint was not successful and there is a synchronization issue.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SPHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_SP_MAXRUNMax. duration of a savepointDuring a savepoint, the database system writes the data which has changed since the last savepoint from the data cache (working memory) to the data area (permanent storage).
The data written during a savepoint always represents a consistent state of the database.
During a savepoint, the database system does not overwrite the pages written to the data area at the previous savepoint, but instead writes the changed data to free positions.
This is because the database system requires this information from the previous savepoint for a restart if there is a system failure during the new savepoint. Only after the database system has successfully completed the new savepoint, it releases the pages of the old savepoint in the data area for overwriting. This KPI shows the maximal duration of savepoint. 
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SPHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_SP_MAXRUN_CMax. critical phase duration of a savepointDuring a savepoint, the database system writes the data which has changed since the last savepoint from the data cache (working memory) to the data area (permanent storage). The data written during a savepoint always represents a consistent state of the database. During a savepoint, the database system does not overwrite the pages written to the data area at the previous savepoint, but instead writes the changed data to free positions. This is because the database system requires this information from the previous savepoint for a restart if there is a system failure during the new savepoint. Only after the database system has successfully completed the new savepoint, it releases the pages of the old savepoint in the data area for overwriting. To perform a savepoint write operation, SAP HANA needs to take a global database lock.
This period is called the “critical phase” of a savepoint.
The max. critical phase duration of a savepoint is displayed by this KPI. 
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SPHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_SP_SPEEDSavepoint speedDuring a savepoint, the database system writes the data which has changed since the last savepoint from the data cache (working memory) to the data area (permanent storage).
The data written during a savepoint always represents a consistent state of the database.
During a savepoint, the database system does not overwrite the pages written to the data area at the previous savepoint, but instead writes the changed data to free positions.
This is because the database system requires this information from the previous savepoint for a restart if there is a system failure during the new savepoint.
Only after the database system has successfully completed the new savepoint, it releases the pages of the old savepoint in the data area for overwriting. This KPI shows the savepoint speed.
HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_SPHDB_5MIN5 MI


Number of expensive statements exceeding the memory limit

Expensive statements are individual SQL statements whose peak memory size exceeds a configured threshold during their execution. The threshold is configured as a collector's parameter MEMORY_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_MB with the default value 500MB. The KPI represents a number of expensive SQL statements which are recognized from the last monitoring snapshot. The SQL statement is stored in the Detail table "HANA expensive statements" with additional information as are - which application or user executed it, how long it was running, and maximum memory consumed by the execution.



any server

Remote system



5 MI

HDB_SRV_RESTARTNumber of restarted index servicesRestart of an index server can indicate a node failover or another crash situation.HDB_HASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_HAHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_BACKUPMax. duration of Backup threadsA backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the copying and archiving of data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. Maximum duration of backup threads are displayed by KPI is called HDB_THR_BACKUP.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_COUNTNumber of active HANA threadsThe SAP NetWeaver Application Server provides logical services for processing the workload mapped through operation system processes. These include the dispatcher and work processes of the ABAP server,
which are each implemented on UNIX derivatives as separate operating system processes and on Windows operating systems through what are known as threads within a process. The active threads, which exist in HANA are monitored by KPI with the name HDB_THR_COUNT.
HDB_THR_JOBWRUNThread JobWorker Running max all hosts
HDB_THR_JOBWRUNHThread JobWorker Running per host
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_JOBWTTLThread JobWorker Total max all hosts
HDB_THR_JOBWTTLHThread JobWorker Total per host
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_LOCKEDNumber of threads waiting for locksNumber of threads waiting for various types of locks. If there are long running locks, please find the lock type in the detail table with threads and check the SAP Note 1999998.HANASYS
HDB_THR_MAXRUNMax. duration of HANA threadsMaximum duration of all running HANA threads.HANASYS
HDB_THR_MC_CPUTMemoryCompactor CPU Time (ratio per sec) Max all host

KPI HDB_THR_MC_CPUT is a maximum ratio between the delta CPU time of the thread and the number of seconds between 2 snapshots on each host. It’s a number of parallel threads that are processed by MemoryCompactor (also called incorrectly Garbage Collector).

When “defragmentation” / thread MemoryCompactor is running, ERP is slow and can be extremely slow as defragmentation requires an IPMM lock (it can create locks on NRIV or other critical tables).

HDB_THR_MC_CPUTHMemoryCompactor CPU Time (ratio per sec) per host

HDB_THR_MC_CPUTH is a ratio between the delta CPU time of the thread and the number of seconds between 2 snapshots on each host. It’s a number of parallel threads that are processed by MemoryCompactor (also called incorrectly Garbage Collector).

When “defragmentation” / thread MemoryCompactor is running, ERP is slow and can be extremely slow as defragmentation requires an IPMM lock (it can create locks on NRIV or other critical tables).

HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_MERGEDOGMax. duration of MergeDog threadsA system process called “MergeDog” periodically checks the merges to the storage server and for which auto-merge is enabled. It then determines for each individual table (or single partition of split storage) if a merge should be executed based on configurable criteria. This KPI shows the maximal duration of MergeDog threads.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_REPLICAMaximum runtime of replicationsThis is the time taken for replicating the data from the primary site to the secondary. Long time of replication is always after the backup. So, it can be co-related with the KPI Max duration of the backup thread.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_SQLEC1Thread SqlExecutor Count Running > 1minute
HDB_THR_SQLERUNThread SqlExecutor Running max all hosts
HDB_THR_SQLERUNHThread SqlExecutor Running per host
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_SQLETTLThread SqlExecutor Total max all hosts
HDB_THR_SQLETTLHThread SqlExecutor Total per host
HANASERonly database serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_SQLRUNMax. duration of SqlExecutor threadsThese thread types handle incoming client requests and execute simple statements. For each statement execution, a SqlExecutor thread from a thread pool processes the statement. For simple (OLTP-like) statements against the column store as well as for most statements against the row store, this will be the only type of thread involved. This KPI shows the maximal duration of SqlExecutor threads.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_THR_TIME_CAPTime to capture threadsRuntime to read all thread data from HANA monitoring viewHANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_THREADHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_TRAN_BLOCK_CNumber of blocked transactionsBlocked transactions are transactions that are unable to be processed further because they need to acquire transactional locks (record or table locks) that are currently held by another transaction. Transactions can also be blocked waiting for other resources such as network or disk (database or metadata locks).
You can lock and unlock transaction codes in SM01. This KPI shows a number of blocked transactions. 
HDB_TRAN_BLOCK_TDuration of longest transaction lock waitSome transactions are waiting too long for a DB lock, most probably some long-running program didn't release a lock using DB commit and blocks other transactions.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TRANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_TRAN_REDOMaximum redo size of the current transactionTo enable point-in-time recovery for the database system, the DB writer REDO logs after every COMMIT. These logs are used to reply to changes recorded since the last full backup. Check if you can reduce the amount of performed change operations.HANASYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HDB_CL_COL_TRANHDB_5MIN5 MI
HDB_TRAN_UNDOMaximum undo size of the current transaction
HEAP_DIADialog heap memory (server)This KPI represents the amount of heap memory (Private Memory) that an SAP dialog work process can allocate on the application server. Official parameter for this KPI is abap/heap_area_dia.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_NONDIANon-dialog heap memory (server)This KPI represents the amount of heap memory (Private Memory) that an SAP non-dialog work process can allocate on the application server. This value refers to spool, update, and background processes. Official parameter of this KPI is abap/heap_area_nondia.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_TOTALHeap memory available (server)This KPI represents the total size of heap memory assigned for the application server. This value contains dialog and non-dialog heap memory sizes combined. Official parameter of this KPI is abap/heap_area_totalSAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_DIADialog heap memory used (server)KPI value represents how much dialog heap memory is used at a specific time for the application server. Only dialog work processes can use this private memory.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_DIA_PPercentage of used dialog heap memory (server)KPI value represents the percentage of how much dialog heap memory is used at a specific time for the application server. Only dialog work processes can use this private memory.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_DIA_P_SYS_MAXMaximum of used dialog heap memory (all servers)KPI value represents the percentage of used dialog heap memory across all application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_NONDIANon-dialog heap memory used (server)KPI value represents how much non-dialog heap memory is used at a specific time for the application server. Only non-dialog work processes can use this private memory.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_NONDIA_PPercentage of used non-dialog heap memory (server)KPI value represents the percentage of how much non-dialog heap memory is used at a specific time for the application server. Only non-dialog work processes can use this private memory.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_NONDIA_P_SYS_MAXMaximum of used non-dialog heap memory (all servers)KPI value represents the percentage of used non-dialog heap memory across all application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_TOTALHeap memory used (server)This KPI represents the total size of allocated heap memory in time for the application server. KPI defines how much of the total heap is used with dialog and non-dialog work processes combined.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_TOTAL_PPercentage of used heap memory (server)This KPI represents the percentage of total size for allocated heap memory in time for the application server. KPI defines how much of the total heap is used with dialog and non-dialog work processes combined.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HEAP_USED_TOTAL_P_SYS_MAXMaximum of used heap memory (all servers)KPI value represents the percentage of used total heap memory (dialog + non-dialog) across all application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral System/DVD/MON_CL_COL_HEAPDEF_5MIN5 MI
HMBS_A_HKHeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPIExecution of Housekeeping analysis on satellite systemHMCCAESYSany serverRemote system/DVD/HMCC_CL_COL_RL_ANLHMBS_A_HK
HMBS_A_TTB (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMBS_E_HKHeatMap: ETL Profile - Dummy KPIHousekeeping analysis extraction of analyzed data from the satellite systemHMCCAESYSany serverCentral system/DVD/HMCC_CL_COL_RL_ETLHMBS_E_HK
HMBS_E_RALHeatMap: ETL Profile - Dummy KPI
HMBS_E_SSHeatMap: ETL Profile - Dummy KPISystem size KPIHMCCAESYSany serverCentral system/DVD/HMCC_CL_COL_RL_ETLHMBS_E_SS
HMBS_S_STDHeatMap: ETL Profile - Dummy KPI
HMBW_DTP_QR_RECORDHeatmap data for DTP and Query collected recordsCollection of DTP and query usage analysis on the central systemHMBWSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_HM_CL_COL_DTP_QRHMBW_1DAY
HMBW_DTP_QR_RECORD_RHeatmap data for DTP and Query collected records - remoteExtraction of data for DTP and query usage analysis on the central systemHMBWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HM_CL_COL_DTP_QRHMBW_1DAY
HMBW_DU_RECORDHMBW Data Usage collected recordsCollection and aggregation of Data distribution analysis data on the central system  HMBWSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_HM_CL_COL_DUHMBW_1DAY
HMBW_DU_RECORD_RHMBW Data Usage collected - remoteExecution and collection of Data distribution analysis data on satellite system HMBWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HM_CL_COL_DUHMBW_1DAY
HMBW_QU_RECORDHMBW QueryUsage collected recordsCollection and aggregation of query usage analysis data on the central systemHMBWSYSany serverCentral system/DVD/MON_HM_CL_COL_QUHMBW_1DAY1 DA
HMBW_QU_RECORD_RHMBW Query Usage collected - remoteExecution and collection of query usage analysis data on the satellite systemHMBWSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_HM_CL_COL_QUHMBW_1DAY1 DA
HMCC_AHeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMCCAESYSany serverRemote system/DVD/HMCC_CL_COL_RL_ANL

HMCC_EHeatMap: ETL Profile - Dummy KPI
HMCCAESYSany serverCentral system/DVD/HMCC_CL_COL_RL_ETL

HMER_A_ACH (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_ACO (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_AEC (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_AFI (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_ALE (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_AMM (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_ASD (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_A_UEG (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Analysis Profile - Dummy KPI
HMER_C_CCL (OBSOLETE)HeatMap: Central Collector - Dummy KPI
ICM_CURR_CONNCurrent connections count (server)KPI value represents a total number of currently used connections to the application server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_CURR_QUENumber of current entries in queue (server)KPI value represents how many entries are currently in the request queue.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_CURR_THRNumber of all threads (server)KPI represents the number of all available threads on the application server. This contains threads either in running/idle/completed state.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_IDLE_THRNumber of idle threads (server)KPI value represents the number of running threads that are in an idle state on the application server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_MAX_CONNMaximum limit for allowed connections (server)KPI value represents how many connections can be maintained by the application server at the same time.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_MAX_QUEMaximum limit for allowed entries in request queue (server)KPI value represents the maximum limit of how many entries can be in the request queue at one moment.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_MAX_THRMaximum limit for allowed threads (server)Maximum allowed threads on the application server at one time. Application server may sometimes override the limit if it needs to.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_PEAK_CONNAll-time peak connections (server)KPI value represents the maximum connections set on the application server at a specific time.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_PEAK_QUEAll-time peak entries in request queue (server)KPI value represents all-time maximum entries in the queue for one given moment.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_PEAK_THRAll-time peak threads (server)All-time peak thread count. Specifies the all-time maximum number of threads that were active at the same time.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_RUNN_THRNumber of running threads (server)KPI value represents the number of threads, that is in the "Running" state on the application server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_RUN_THR_PPercentage of used running threads (server)KPI value represents the percentage of threads used (RUNNING state) at a given point of time (running threads/all threads). If this value is f.e. 20% - that means rest (80%) are threads in IDLE state or occasionally in UNKNOWN if SAP can't determine its state.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_UNK_THRNumber of threads in an unknown state (server)KPI value represents the number of threads that are currently in the "Unknown" state on the application server (in case of some error or unknown cause).OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_USED_CONN_PPercentage of used connections (server)KPI value represents the percentage of connections used (current connections/max allowed connections). Application servers may have a large number of connections allowed and only a few of them used - values below 1% of the usage are reported as 0%.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_USED_QUE_PPercentage of used request queues (server)KPI value represents the percentage of used queues (current entries/max allowed entries).OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
ICM_USED_THR_PPercentage of used available threads (server)KPI value represents the percentage of how many threads are available at one time compared to the maximum allowed threads on the application server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_ICMDEF_5MIN5 MI
IDOC_I_PROC_AVGAverage time of successful inbound IDoc processing (50-53)
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
IDOC_IN_ERRORSNumber of Errors in Inbound iDocs ProcessingList of iDoc Inbound statuses which indicates an error and are counted to KPI:
51 Posting error
52 Posting error
54 Error during formal application check
56 IDOC with error added
60 Syntax error
61 Processing despite syntax error
63 Error passing IDOC to application
65 ALE error
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
IDOC_INBOUND_CTotal count of inbound IDocs for the last snapshot
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
IDOC_O_PROC_AVGAverage time of successful outbound IDoc processing (01-30)
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
IDOC_O_TRANS_AVGAverage time of successful transmission (03->12)
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
IDOC_OUT_ERRORSNumber of Errors in Outbound iDocs processingList of Outbound iDoc statuses that indicate an error and are counted to KPI:
02 Error passing data to port
04 Control information of EDI subsystem
05 Translation
07 Syntax check
09 Interchange handling
11 Dispatch
15 Interchange acknowledgment negative
17 Functional acknowledgment negative
20 Triggering EDI subsystem
23 Retransmission
25 Processing despite syntax error
27 ALE error
34 Error in control record of IDOC
36 Timeout error; electronic signature not performed
37 IDOC added incorrectly
40 Application document not created in the target system
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
IDOC_OUTBOUND_CTotal count of outbound IDocs for the last snapshot
IDOCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDCIDOC_1HOUR1 HO
LAN_ERROR_INNetwork errors InThis KPI counts the number of network errors In.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
LAN_ERROR_OUTNetwork errors OutThis KPI counts the number of network errors Out.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
LAN_PACKETS_INNetwork packets InThis KPI counts the number of network packets In.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
LAN_PACKETS_OUTNetwork packets OutThis KPI counts the number of network packets Out.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
MEM_FREEMemory free (server)This KPI is free memory on the server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
MEM_FREE_SUMTotal free memory in the system (all servers)This KPI is total free memory in the system on all servers.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
MEM_PHYSPhysical memory available (server)This KPI is available in physical memory on the server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1DAY1 DA
MEM_USED_PMemory used (server)This KPI is used memory on the server.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
NR_MAX_DIFFMaximum from incremental diffrence of all number rangesMaximum difference found in single monitored number range.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_NUM_RANGEDEF_1DAY1 DA
NR_MAX_SPEEDMaximum from incremental speed of number rangesMaximum speed found in single monitored number range.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_NUM_RANGEDEF_1DAY1 DA
NR_OVER_THRNumber of number ranges which are over thresholdCount of all number ranges that are over threshold. Does not matter if it is speed, difference or percentage threshold.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_NUM_RANGEDEF_1DAY1 DA
NR_TOTAL_DIFFSum of all incremental differences of number rangesDifferences of all monitored number ranges summed into one value.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_NUM_RANGEDEF_1DAY1 DA
NR_MAX_SPEEDSum of all speeds of monitored number rangesTotal speed of all monitored number ranges. This value represents how fast are numbers assigned from number ranges by day.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_NUM_RANGEDEF_1DAY1 DA
PAGE_INKb paged in/sPage IN from memory per hour.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
PAGE_IN_PPage IN from memory per hourThe memory utilization statistics are important to ensure that system performance is running smoothly. This KPI displays the number of pages per hour.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
PAGE_OUTKb paged out/sWhen not null, it indicates that the system is swapping. CCMS calculates page out in kb by sec. The value is converted per hour (multiplied by 3600) then divided by the total physical memory available on the hardware to calculate the value in percentage. Values are captured for the database and for all application servers. However, the chart will display only the worst value. You can see page out in kb per sec in SAP with OS07.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
PAGE_OUT_PPage OUT from memory per hourThe memory utilization statistics are important to ensure that system performance is running smoothly.
This KPI displays the number of pages out per hour.
OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
PARAM_CHANGEDNumber of changed system profile parameters
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_PARAMDEF_1DAY1 DA
RFC_CIF_IN_15tRFCqIN number of entries Queue CIF older than 15 minutesDuring the transfer of data between two SAP systems, errors can occur that lead to faulty queue entries. Faulty queue entries need to be rectified as soon as possible before they lead to serialization effects. To do this, you have to be able to display the contents of the queues in such a way the object that caused the error can be determined as quickly as possible and any necessary changes can be made.  CIF queue display enables you to do this. tRFCqIN is a standard SAP Table that is used to store tRFC Queue Description (Inbound Queue) information. The relevant SAP transaction for viewing this information is SE11 or SE80. The viewing data contained in this database table via these transactions or alternatively use transaction SE16. This KPI shows tRFCqIN number of entries Queue CIF older than 15 minutes. SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_RFCQDEF_1HOUR1 HO
RFC_CIF_OUT_15tRFCqOUT number of entries Queue CIF older than 15 minutesDuring the transfer of data between two SAP systems, errors can occur that lead to faulty queue entries. Faulty queue entries need to be rectified as soon as possible before they lead to serialization effects. To do this, you have to be able to display the contents of the queues in such a way the object that caused the error can be determined as quickly as possible and any necessary changes can be made. CIF queue display enables you to do this. tRFCqOUT is a standard SAP Table that is used to store tRFC Queue Description (Outbound Queue) information. The relevant SAP transaction for viewing this information is SE11 or SE80. The viewing data contained in this database table via these transactions or alternatively use transaction SE16. This KPI shows tRFCqOUT number of entries Queue CIF older than 15 minutes. SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_RFCQDEF_1HOUR1 HO
RFC_IN_AUTHERRNumber of failed RFC tests - RFC check with 
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_RFC
1 HO
RFC_IN_CON_ERRNumber of failed RFC tests - RFC check without 
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_RFC
1 HO
RFC_IN_PINGERRNumber of failed RFC tests - ping server IP
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_RFC
1 HO
ROLL_USED_PRoll area usedIn the Roll area is stored the user context data, such as user authorizations, Set/Get parameters, pointers to active programs, and defaults. The remaining portion of the roll area is used when the system can no longer allocate Extended Memory, either because Extended Memory is full or because the user quota has been reached. This KPI is the amount of Roll area used.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_BUFFDEF_5MIN5 MI
SERVER_IS_DOWNServer is down (true = 1 / false = 0 )

Checks the accessibility of the SAP instance running on the server.
Value 1 means that the SAP instance was checked through RFC and is not accessible on the server.
Value 0 means that the SAP instance is accessible and running on the server.
This KPI isn't assigned to a collector, as it is hardcoded in Datavard Insights.

OSSERany serverCentral system
SERVER_RFC_FAILServer unreachable via RFC (true = 1 / false = 0)

This KPI is similar to the SERVER_IS_DOWN KPI, but it checks the server accessibility from the OS level perspective.
It tries to ping a server directly and checks if it is reachable.
Value 1 means that server cannot be reached.
Value 0 means that server is reachable.
This KPI isn't assigned a collector, as it is hardcoded in Datavard Insights.

SAPSYSSERany serverCentral system
SLG_DEBUGNumber of changes in debug mode
SLG_KERNELNumber of activated C-calls 
SSL_CERT_EXPNumber of expiring certificatesTotal number of currently expiring/expired SSL certificates across STRUST identities. Certificate is marked as expiring if it has less than 10% of lifetime left and at the same time expiring in less days than defined by parameter (default 30 days).SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_SSL_CERTDEF_1DAY1 DA
STAT_DIALOG_AVGAverage System Response Time for UsersAverage time between the time at which a dialog process sends a request to a dispatcher work process and the time at which the dialog is complete and the data is transferred to the presentation layer. The response time does not include the time for transferring the data from the SAP front end to the application server. Networks with bad performance can therefore have larger subjective response times. The transfer time is included in the GUI time and the front end network time. Average system response time is usually a time around 1 second(dialog) < 1 second (update). This KPI shows this time, which is adequate for users. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
STAT_DIALOG_TOTTotal System Response Time for UsersThe response time of a transaction step is the difference between the time when the request arrives
in the R/3 system and the time when processing in the R/3 system is complete. Total system response
time for users is measured by this KPI. 
STAT_M_RESP_BC[BC] Response time from Basis ComponentsThe SAP BC (Basis Components) is the root of the SAP Applications ERP software. It provides the runtime environment for the rest of the R/3 Applications. It ensures that applications are optimally integrated into the system environment. The SAP Basis Components contains powerful tools such as CCMS (Computing Center Management System) for easy system administration. Response time from Basis Components is measured by this KPI. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_1HOUR1 HO
STAT_M_RESP_BW[BW] Response time from SAP Business Inf. WarehouseAs a core component of SAP NetWeaver, the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) provides data warehousing functionality, a business intelligence platform, and a suite of business intelligence tools that enable businesses to attain these goals. Relevant business information from productive SAP applications and all external data sources can be integrated, transformed, and consolidated in SAP BW with the toolset provided. SAP BW provides flexible reporting and analysis tools to support you in evaluating and interpreting data, as well as facilitating its distribution. Businesses are able to make well-founded decisions and determine target-orientated activities on the basis of this analysis. This KPI shows response time from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_1HOUR1 HO
STAT_M_RESP_XXXXTotal response time from undefined componentsThe response time of a transaction step is the difference between the time when the request arrives
in the R/3 system and the time when processing in the R/3 system is complete. This KPI shows total
response time from components, which are undefined. 
STAT_M_TCNT_BC[BC] Number of trans. from Basis ComponentsThe SAP BC (Basis Components) is the root of the SAP Applications ERP software. It provides the runtime environment for the rest of the R/3 Applications. It ensures that applications are optimally integrated in the system environment. The SAP Basis Components contains powerful tools such as CCMS (Computing Center Management System) for easy system administration. Number of trans. from Basis Components is processed by this KPI. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_1HOUR1 HO
STAT_M_TCNT_BW[BW] Number of trans. from SAP Business Inf. WarehouseAs a core component of SAP NetWeaver, the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) provides the data warehousing functionality, a business intelligence platform, and a suite of business intelligence tools that enable businesses to attain these goals. Relevant business information from productive SAP applications and all external data sources can be integrated, transformed, and consolidated in SAP BW with the toolset provided. SAP BW provides flexible reporting and analysis tools to support you in evaluating and interpreting data, as well as facilitating its distribution. Businesses are able to make well-founded decisions and determine target-orientated activities on the basis of this analysis. Number of trans. from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse is processed by this KPI.STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_1HOUR1 HO
STAT_M_TCNT_XXXXNumber of transactions from undefined componentsNumber of transactions from undefined components is displayed by this KPI. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_1HOUR1 HO
STAT_RSA1_AVGAverage runtime of RSA1RSA1 - Modeling - DW Workbench. Average runtime of RSA1 is displayed by this KPI. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
STAT_SE16_AVGAverage Response Time of Transaction SE16SE16 - Data Browser. Average response time of the transaction is processed by KPI with the name STAT_SE16_AVG.STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
STAT_SE16_CNTNumber of SE16 Transaction startsSE16 - Data Browser. Number of SE16 Transactions starts is displayed by this KPI. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
STAT_SE16_TTLResponse Time of Transaction SE16SE16 - Data Browser. This KPI shows the response time of transaction SE16.STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
STAT_SE38_RESPResponse Time of Transaction SE38SE38 - ABAP Editor. This KPI shows the response time of transaction SE38.STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
STAT_SE38_RUNAverage Runtime of reports running via SE38SE38 - ABAP Editor.  Average Runtime of reports running via transaction SE38. STATSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULESSTAT_5MIN5 MI
SWAP_CONFSwap configuredThis KPI is the amount of configured swap space.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1DAY1 DA
SWAP_DELTADelta between previous and current used swapThis is the difference between the two snapshots of Free Swap in the percentage of total swap. This is more accurate than "Page Out %" which is a snapshot when FM runs. It’s possible that the system was paging 1 minute before the FM runs and the page out returns 0. But it takes some time to recover from paging and delta swap will show a value. 0.5% of delta swap is already too much.OSSERonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
SWAP_DELTA_PDelta between previous and current used swapThis is the difference between 2 snapshots of used swap in the percentage of total swap. This is more accurate than "Page Out %" which is a snapshot when the collector runs. It’s possible that the system was paging 1 minute before the collector runs and page out returns 0. It takes some time then to recover from paging and delta swap will show a value. OSSERonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
SWAP_DELTA_PMAXDelta between swap (max all servers)Swap used is calculated by CCMS, see transaction ST06N. This KPI is the delta of the swap used between the last 2 snapshots, calculated in percentage of a swap area.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_1MIN1 MI
SWAP_FREEFree swap spaceFree Swap in the percentage of total swap. When it reaches zero, the instance is dead. When going down, it means the system is swapping. But swaps are more accurate in the indicator "Page Out %", as a free swap is a HWM. Values are captured for all servers (AS and BD), the minimum value is displayed in the chart. You can see this with OS07.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
SWAP_USEDUsed swap spaceThis KPI is the amount of used swap space - in kB.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
SWAP_USED_PUsed swap spaceKPI calculates percentages of used swap space by substituting actual value SWAP_FREE from SWAP_CONF.OSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
SWAP_USED_PMAXUsed swap (max all servers)Swap used is calculated by CCMS, see transaction ST06N. This KPI is the max swap used in the percentage of swap area for all servers monitored for this SID.OSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_MEM_CPU_LANDEF_5MIN5 MI
SYSTEM_IS_DOWNSystem is not responding (true = 1 / false = 0 )Special KPI hardcoded in CanaryCode is without collector, value 1 if SID is not responding (RFC call not possible to satellite system). Can be used for alerting.SAPSYSSYSany serverCentral system
UPD_REQ_CANCELUpdate requests canceledAn update request, or update record, describes data changes determined in SAP LUW. These changes should be made completely, or not all (this means, in a database LUW). This refers only to V1 updates. V2 updates are triggered once the V1 update is complete and are processed in a separate database LUW. An update request is identified by its update key. An update request consists of an update header, V1 modules (or components), a V2 module, and a collective run module. When the update requests are canceled, this situation is displayed by this KPI. SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_UPD_REQDEF_1HOUR1 HO
UPD_REQ_TOBEUPDUpdate requests to be updatedAn update request, or update record, describes data changes determined in SAP LUW. These changes should be made completely, or not all (this means, in a database LUW). This refers only to V1 updates. V2 updates are triggered once the V1 update is complete and are processed in a separate database LUW. An update request is identified by its update key. An update request consists of an update header, V1 modules(or components), V2 module, and collective run module. This KPI shows the situation when update requests to be updated. SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_UPD_REQDEF_1HOUR1 HO
USER_CNTNumber of active usersThis KPI is the number of active users.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFODEF_5MIN5 MI
USER_CNT_SERNumber of active users (server)
SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFODEF_5MIN5 MI
USER_EXT_MODNumber of external modesThis KPI is the number of external modes.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFODEF_5MIN5 MI
USER_EXT_MOD_SERNumber of external modes(server)

USER_GUI_CNTNumber of interactive usersThis KPI is the number of interactive users.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFODEF_5MIN5 MI
USER_GUI_CNT_SERNumber of interactive users(server)


USER_INT_MODNumber of internal modesThis KPI is the number of active users.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFODEF_5MIN5 MI
USER_INT_MOD_SERNumber of internal modes(server)


USER_RFC_CNTNumber of RFC-usersThis KPI is the number of RFC users.SAPSYSSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFODEF_5MIN5 MI
USER_RFC_CNT_SERNumber of RFC-users (server)
SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote syste/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USER_INFO

WDISP_CONN_USED_CURRNumber of currently used connectionNumber of currently used connections in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_CONN_USED_MAXMaximum number of used connectionMaximum number of used connections in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_IS_RUNNINGIs Admin Web Interface running?This KPI represents whether the Administration Interface for Web Dispatcher is running or not ("1-running", "0-not running).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_QUEUE_USED_CURRNumber of currently used Queue entriesNumber of currently used Queue entries in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_QUEUE_USED_MAXMaximum number for used Queue entriesMaximum number of used Queue entries in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_STATUSWeb Admin Interface Status (1-running, 2-maintenance)This KPI represents the status in which is the Administration Interface for Web Dispatcher ("1-running", "2-maintenance"). If the Administration Interface for Web Dispatcher is not running, this KPI value is not collected.WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_THRD_CREATED_CURRNumber of currently created threadsNumber of currently created threads in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_THRD_CREATED_MAXMaximum number for created threadsMaximum number for created threads in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_THRD_IDLENumber of threads in Idle stateNumber of threads with status 'idle' in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WDISP_THRD_RUNNINGNumber of currently running threadsNumber of threads with status 'running' in SAP Web Dispatcher Monitor (Web Dispatcher Administration Interface).WDISPSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_WDISP_CL_COLLECTORWDISP_5MIN5 MI
WP_BTC_CONFNumber of BTC configured (server)Number of free BTC WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of BTC WP. When it reaches zero, batch jobs are queuing. You can see total / free BTC WP in SAP with transaction SM66. Some charts display Used BTC % = 100 % - Free BTC %.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1HOUR1 HO
WP_BTC_CONF_SUMNumber of BTC configured (all servers)Number of free BTC WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of BTC WP. When it reaches zero, batch jobs are queuing. You can see total / free BTC WP in SAP with transaction SM66. SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1HOUR1 HO
WP_BTC_USEDNumber of used BTC (server)This KPI counts the number of used BTC work processes on the server.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_BTC_USED_MAXUsage of BTC (max all servers)KPI value determines the number of BTC work processes (WP) of the server with the highest amount of BTC WP - returns a value of the busiest server.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_BTC_USED_PUsage of BTC (server)Number of used BTC WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of BTC WP. When it reaches 100%, batch jobs are queuing. You can see total / free BTC WP in SAP with transaction SM66. SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_BTC_USED_S_PNumber of used BTC (all servers)For the WP info, we calculate the number of batch work processes (BTC WP) currently used for the system (SID), in the percentage of a total number of BTC WP configured for this system. It’s not looking at a specific application server but calculated for the sum of all application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_BTC_USED_SUMUsage of BTC (all servers)Count the number of used DIA work processes captured in SM66 (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance), for all application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_COMMITNumber of WP in COMMIT stateThis KPI counts the number of WP in the COMMIT state captured in SM66 (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance).SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_CONFNumber of DIA configured (server)This KPI is the number of DIA work processes configured on the server.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1HOUR1 HO
WP_DIA_CONF_SUMNumber of DIA configured (all servers)This KPI is the number of DIA work processes configured on all servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1HOUR1 HO
WP_DIA_LONGRLongest running DIA WP (server)This KPI is longest running DIA work process - in seconds.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_DIA_LONGR_MAXLongest running DIA WP (max all servers)Max value of runtime of DIA WP captured in SM66  (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance).SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_DIA_NBR_ATNumber of long running DIA WP (server)Adjusted value of "Average response DIA (sec)" excluding DIA WP from users RFC-* and DIA WP with a duration greater than timeout, so the indicator adjusted will display only when several users have a response time of several minutes.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_DIA_NBR_ATDUNumber of long running DIA WP for Dialog User (server)This KPI is dependent on parameters configured in the configure file, specifically the parameter DIA_THRESHOLD_DIALOG_USER. It returns a number of dialog WP which duration is longer than the predetermined value by parameter. The default value is 120 seconds. This value can be changed in the collector parameters setup.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_DIA_NBR_ATDUSNumber of long running DIA WP for Dialog User (all servers)This KPI is dependent on parameters configured in the configure file, specifically the parameter DIA_THRESHOLD_DIALOG_USER. It counts the number of all dialog WP from all servers which duration is
longer than the predetermined value by parameter. The default value is 120 seconds. This value can be changed in the collector parameters setup.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_DIA_NBR_ATSUMNumber of long running DIA WP (all servers)A snapshot of SM66 is taken every 5 minutes (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance).
This KPI is the number of DIA WP running for more than 120 sec that is in the captured SM66.
The threshold (120 sec) can be changed in the parameters of the collector /DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WP.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_DIA_RT_AVGAvg. runtime of DIA processes (server)Average response time of dialog WP captured in SM66. The exact value is meaningless, but the trend is important and when increasing, it can show a lock-wait situation or a few WP that are not killed after the timeout. 
Values are captured for all application servers. The chart displays the average for the instance.
SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_RT_AVG_AAvg. runtime of DIA processes (all servers)Average response time of dialog WP captured in SM66. The exact value is meaningless, but the trend is important and when increasing, it can show a lock-wait situation or a few WP that are not killed after the timeout.
Values are captured for all application servers. 
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_USEDNumber of used DIA (server)This KPI counts the number of used dialog WP on the server. SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_USED_MAXNumber of used DIA (max all servers)Maximum value of a number of DIA WP used per server in the percentage of a total number of DIA WP in the same server. When all DIA is used on an application server, users connected to this server could have a connection issue, even if some DIA WP is available on other application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_USED_PUsage of DIA (server)Number of free DIA WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of DIA WP. You can see total/free DIA WP in SAP with transaction SM66. When it reaches zero, the server looks frozen for many users.
The trend shows if more or less PW is running. To be compared to CPU load: If CPU load increases dramatically and the number of WP is stable, it shows bad behavior, unless CPU load goes above 80%. Some charts display Used DIA% = 100% - Free DIA %.
SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_USED_S_PNumber of used DIA (all servers)Number of free DIA WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of DIA WP. Work process Info (i.e., SM66) is captured every 5 minutes. For the WP info, we calculate the number of dialog work processes (DIA WP) currently used for the system (SID), in the percentage of a total number of DIA WP configured in this system.
I.e., it's not looking at a specific application server but calculated for the sum of all application servers.
When it reaches zero, the server looks frozen for many users. The trend shows if more or less PW is running. To be compared to CPU load: If CPU load increases dramatically and the number of WP is stable, it shows bad behavior, unless CPU load goes above 80%. Some charts display Used DIA % = 100 % - Free DIA %.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_DIA_USED_SUMUsage of DIA (all servers)Count the number of used DIA work processes captured in SM66 (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance), for all application servers.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_MAX_REPORTNumber of WP on the same report (all servers)Count the number of work processes (DIA or BTC) on the same report captured in SM66
(saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance), for all users.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_MAX_TABLENumber of WP on the same table (all servers)Count the number of work processes (DIA or BTC) on the same table name, captured in SM66
 (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance), for all users.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_MAX_USERNumber of WP with the same user (all servers)Count the number of work processes (DIA or BTC) with the same user captured in SM66
(saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance), for user type ‘A’:Dialog user.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_NRIVNumber of WP accessing number rangesCount the number of WP captured in SM66 (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance)
showing table = NRIV.
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1MIN1 MI
WP_SAPLSENANumber of WP calling ENQUEUEThis KPI counts the number of WP running report SAPLSENA in captured SM66 (saved in /DVD/MON_WPINFO on the central instance). Those are processing enqueues. If too many ENQ are raised at the same time, or if the processing of ENQ is slow, we have seen hundreds of WP hanging in SAPLSENA. Eventually, all WP can be used and the complete system will be hanging. When there are many ENQ, the DIA will take longer, see the chart below showing the correlation between the No. of DIA WP running for more than 120 sec and the number of WP in SAPLSENA.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_UP2_CONFNumber of UP2 configured (server)This KPI is a number of configured work processes for task processing on the server - these tasks are in the update process with the priority V2.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1DAY1 DA
WP_UP2_CONF_SUMNumber of UP2 configured (all servers)This KPI is a number of configured work processes for task processing on all servers - these tasks are in the update process with the priority V2.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1DAY1 DA
WP_UP2_USEDNumber of used UP2 (server)UP2 is used for 'statistical' updates (and some RFC signaling). Number of used UP2 WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of UP2 WP. When it reaches 100%, all transactions are stopped.
You can see total / free UP2 WP in SAP with transaction SM66.
SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_UP2_USED_SUMNumber of used UP2 (all servers)UP2 is used for 'statistical' updates (and some RFC signaling). Number of used UP2 WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of UP2 WP. When it reaches 100%, all transactions are stopped. You can see total / free UP2 WP in SAP with transaction SM66.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_UPD_CONFNumber of UPD configured (server)This KPI is a number of configured work processes for task processing on the server - these tasks are in the update process with the highest priority (V1).SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1DAY1 DA
WP_UPD_CONF_SUMNumber of UPD configured (all servers)This KPI is a number of configured work processes for task processing on all servers - these tasks are in the update process with the highest priority (V1).SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_1DAY1 DA
WP_UPD_USEDNumber of used UPD (server)Number of used UPD WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of UPD WP. When it reaches 100%, all transactions are stopped. You can see total / free UPD WP in SAP with transaction SM66.SAPSYSSERonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
WP_UPD_USED_SUMNumber of used UPD (all servers)Number of used UPD WP (for the instance) divided by a total number of UPD WP. When it reaches 100%, all transactions are stopped. You can see total / free UPD WP in SAP with transaction SM66.SAPSYSSYSonly application serverCentral system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WPDEF_5MIN5 MI
SDTR_ERROR_CNTNumber of all transmission in error
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_SEND_TRANSMITDEF_1HOUR1 HO
SDTR_TRANSMT_CNTNumber of successfully transmitted mail requests
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_SEND_TRANSMITDEF_1HOUR1 HO
SDTR_WAITING_CNTNumber of waiting transmissions
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_SEND_TRANSMITDEF_1HOUR1 HO
USR_STAT_INACT6MNumber of inactive users not logged in in the last 6 months
SAPSYSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_USR_STATDEF_1DAY1 DA
GRC_REF_USR_CNTNumber of used reference users
GRCSYSany serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_REF_USERS
1 MI
GRC_SEC_NOTE_CNTNumber of not implemented security notes

GRC_AUTH_ALLNumber of users with full authorization (SAP_ALL,SAP_NEW)
GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_USR_AUTHGRC_1DAY1 DA
GRC_AUTH_ALL_O_NNumber of NEW users with full authorization(SAP_ALL,SAP_NEW)
GRCSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_GRC_CL_COL_USR_AUTH

ORA_LOG_00060ORA-00060 - Deadlock detected while waiting for resource
ORA_LOG_01578ORA-01578 - Data block corrupted
ORA_LOG_01653ORA-01653 - Unable to extend table *.* by * in tablespace *
ORA_LOG_27072ORA-27072 - File I/O error
ORA_PGA_USEDOracle: Total PGA memory used
ORACLESERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_ORA_CL_COL_MEM
5 MI
ORA_SESS_ALLNumber of Oracle sessions
5 MI
ORA_SESS_INSTOracle sessions per instance
ORACLESERonly external serverRemote system/DVD/MON_ORA_CL_COL_SESSION
5 MI
ORA_TS_SIZEPDB used size (table spaces)
5 MI 
ORA_LOG_30036ORA-30036 - Unable to extend segm. by * in undo tab.sp. '*'
OS_RUN_PS_COUNTGet number of running processes on OSGet count of running processes on OS. Example of KPI for collector /DVD/MON_CL_COL_SYS_CMD, that can run any OS command.OSSYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_CL_COL_SYS_CMD

VFORGE_SP_USystemProfiler: Number of Undefined findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_BITCVF
VFORGE_SP_X_3SystemProfiler: Number of low impact errors
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_BITCVF
VFORGE_SP_X_5SystemProfiler: Number of medium impact errors
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_BITCVF
VFORGE_SP_X_7SystemProfiler: Number of high impact errors
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_BITCVF
VFORGE_SP_X_9SystemProfiler: Number of very high impact errors
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_BITCVF
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VFORGE_CP_DB_MODDirect Database Modification
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VFORGE_CP_INJECTABAP Command injection
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VFORGE_CP_OS_INJOS Command Injection
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VF_TD_COMPCodeProfiler: Compliance findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VF_TD_DLPCodeProfiler: Data-Loss Prevention findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VF_TD_MNTCodeProfiler: Maintainability findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VF_TD_PERFCodeProfiler: Performance findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VF_TD_ROBCodeProfiler: Robustness findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF
VF_TD_SECURCodeProfiler: Security findings
VFORGESYSonly application serverRemote system/DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CPVF

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