(Glue-2002) Extractor Request Monitor

Extractor Request Monitor serves as a tool for monitoring ongoing or past extraction processes. 

You can access it via GLUE cockpit, transaction /DVD/GLUE → Tools → Request monitor.

After accessing Request monitor, a filter for requests comes up where you can specify your selection based on the following fields: 

  • Glue request - number of GLREQUEST
  • Status - status of a request (success, error, warning)
  • Extractor name - name of an extractor
  • Extractor type - type of an extractor e.g. SAP Table to Storage (for more info click here)
  • Ext. variant name - name of a variant
  • Username - name of the user which executed the extraction
  • From date - date data is displayed from
  • From time - time data is displayed from
  • To date - date data is displayed to
  • To time - time data is displayed to
  • Maximum n.o. hits - maximum number of records displayed

After clicking the execute button, the request monitor displays records according to the selection.

Records are sorted by date and time of an extraction (newest first).

Similar logic is applied also in Extractor Request Browser, please refer to this documentation for more information.

On the monitor screen you can:

  • refresh the results for real-time monitoring
  • see logs for each request, using a button in the Logs column